

单词 relevant
relevant adj.


relevant ♦︎ applicable ♦︎ pertinent ♦︎ to the point ♦︎ materialThese words all describe sth that relates directly to what you are discussing or thinking about, or sth that is directly appropriate to people's lives and work. 这些词均表示紧密相关的、切题的、适宜的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配relevant / applicable / pertinent / material to sb / sthrelevant / applicable / pertinent / material for sb / sthrelevant / pertinent to do stha relevant / pertinent / material point / fact / factorparticularly / directly relevant / applicable / pertinentvery relevant / pertinent / materialhighly / extremely relevant / pertinent relevant / /ˈreləvənt/ / closely connected to the subject or situation that you are discussing or thinking about; having ideas that are useful or valuable to people in their lives and work 紧密相关的;切题的;有意义的I don't think that question is really very relevant.我不认为那个问题真的很重要。They are looking for someone with relevant experience in childcare.他们在寻找有相关育儿经验的人。These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。Her novel is still relevant today.她的小说到今天仍有现实意义。OPP irrelevant irrelevant relevance


[uncountable] I don't see the relevance of your question.我不懂你这个问题有什么意义。It's a classic play of contemporary relevance.这是一部在当代仍有价值的古典戏剧。


She has experience in teaching and, more relevantly, in industry.她有教学经验,更重要的是,还有行业经验。
applicable /əˈplɪkəbl, ˈæplɪkəbl/ [not usually before noun] (rather formal) directly connected with sb/sth; likely to be true of sb/sth 适用;合适Many of the questions on the form were not applicable (= did not apply) to me.表格中很多问题对我不适用。Give details of children where applicable (= if you have any).如有子女请提供详情。His rules are not universally applicable (= they do not apply to everyone or everything).他的规则并非普遍适用。OPP inapplicable irrelevant pertinent /ˈpɜːtɪnənt; NAmE ˈpɜːrtnənt/ (formal) relevant to a particular situation 有关的;恰当的;相宜的I reminded him of a few pertinent facts.我提醒他几个相关事实。Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.请勿发表与讨论主题无关的言论。 to the ˈpoint


(approving) relevant and expressed in a clear, simple way 简明恰当;简洁中肯Her speech was brief and to the point.她的发言简明扼要。That remark was not really to the point.那条评论并没有真的说到点子上。 OPP beside the point irrelevant see also point point noun , concise short 3
material (formal or law 法律) important to a particular situation and needing to be considered 重要的;必要的She omitted information that was material to the case.她遗漏了此案的重要资料。OPP immaterial irrelevant materially


Their comments have not materially affected our plans (= in a noticeable or important way).他们的评价并未对我们的计划产生多重要的影响。




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