

单词 pirate
pirate adj.
pirate noun


 See also the entry for wrong 4 另见wrong条第4义illegal ♦︎ criminal ♦︎ unlawful ♦︎ unconstitutional ♦︎ illicit ♦︎ punishable ♦︎ illegitimate ♦︎ delinquent ♦︎ pirateThese words all describe people, things or activities that are not allowed, especially by law. 这些词均表示不合法的、违法的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an illegal / a criminal / an unlawful / an unconstitutional / an illicit / a delinquent actillegal / criminal / unlawful / illicit / delinquent activity / conductillegal / criminal / unlawful / illicit possession of drugs / weaponsan illegal / illicit substance / druga criminal / a punishable offencecriminal / unlawful violence illegal not allowed by the law 不合法的;非法的;违法的Most of these jobs are done by illegal immigrants.这些工作大多由非法移民来做。It's illegal to drive through a red light.开车闯红灯是违法行为。Illegal can be used either before a noun or after a linking verb. Common collocates are dumping, gambling, possession, practices, trade, transactions, exports and payments. It is most common for illegal to be used to describe an activity, but it can also be used to describe a thing or person, especially in the phrases illegal drugs/substances/organizations/immigrants. * illegal既可用在名词前,也可用在连系动词后。常见搭配词有dumping、gambling、possession、practice、trade、transaction、export和payment。illegal最常用于描述活动,但也可描述事物或人,尤用于短语illegal drugs/substances/organizations/immigrants(违禁药物/物品;非法组织/移民)。 OPP legal legal illegally


an illegally parked car违章停放的汽车He entered the country illegally.他通过非法途径进入了这个国家。
criminal [usually before noun] (rather formal or law 法律) connected with or involving crime 犯罪的;犯法的;涉及犯罪的It should be a criminal offence to inflict cruelty on any wild animal.虐待任何野生动物都应属犯罪。He had three criminal convictions and a history of violence.他有三项犯罪记录,还有过暴力行为。Criminal is used in legal contexts, mainly to talk about acts. Common collocates of criminal are activity, acts, assault, behaviour, charges, conviction, damage, gang, negligence, offence, sexual conduct, violence and wrongdoing. * criminal用于法律语境,主要描述行为。常见搭配词有 activity、acts、assault、behaviour、charges、conviction、damage、gang、negligence、offence、sexual conduct、violence和wrongdoing。 see also crime crime 1 criminally


The owners were very negligent but they were not criminally negligent (= their negligence was not a crime).这些业主严重疏忽大意,但尚未构成过失罪。
unlawful (formal or law 法律) not allowed by the law 不合法的;非法的;违法的The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.陪审团作出了非法杀人的有罪判决。Unlawful is used in legal contexts, especially to talk about acts that would be allowed by law in a different situation. Common collocates are acts, conduct, killing, means, possession, sex, violence and wounding. * unlawful用于法律语境,尤用来描述换一种情况则可能合法的行为。常见搭配词有acts、conduct、killing、means、possession、sex、violence和wounding。 OPP lawful legal unconstitutional / /ˌʌnˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənl; NAmE ˌʌnˌkɑːnstəˈtuːʃənl/ not allowed by the constitution of a country or organization 违背宪法的;违反宪章(或章程)的The judges declared the decision unconstitutional.法官宣布该决议违宪。A constitution is the system or laws and basic principles that a country or organization is governed by. * constitution指国家宪法或组织章程。 OPP constitutional legal illicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ / not allowed by the law 不合法的;非法的;违法的They do not support any behaviour that involves illicit drugs.他们不支持任何涉及违禁药物的行为。Illicit is usually used to talk about drugs, and activities connected with them. You can also talk about illicit sex, but while illegal sex is not allowed by law, illict sex is legal, but not approved of by the normal rules of society. * illicit通常用于描述药物和与药物相关的非法活动。还可以说illicit sex,指不犯法但违背社会常规的不正当性行为;illegal sex则指不合法的性行为。 punishable (of a crime) that can be punished, especially by law (罪行)可以惩罚的;(尤指)应法办的This is a crime punishable by / with imprisonment.这是可判监禁的罪行。Giving false information to the police is a punishable offence.向警方谎报情况是应受惩处的罪行。 illegitimate / /ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət/ / (formal) not allowed by a particular set of rules or by law 不符合规定的;非法的He has been accused of illegitimate use of company property.他被控违规使用公司财产。 OPP legitimate legal delinquent / /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/ / (rather formal) (especially of young people or their behaviour) showing a tendency to commit crimes (尤指青年人或其行为)有违法倾向的She spent a year in an institution for delinquent teenagers.她在青少年管教所待过一年。 see also delinquency crime 1 pirate / /ˈpaɪrət/ / [only before noun](of copies of books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) made and sold illegally; (of a radio station) broadcasting illegally (书、光盘等)盗版的;(电台)非法播音的a pirate CD / video / DVD / cassette / edition / copy / recording盗版激光唱片/录像带/数字影碟/卡式磁带/版本/复制品/录音制品a pirate radio station非法电台


thief ♦︎ burglar ♦︎ robber ♦︎ pirate ♦︎ raider ♦︎ bandit ♦︎ poacher ♦︎ looter ♦︎ pickpocket ♦︎ highwayman ♦︎ shoplifterThese are all words for a person who steals things from another person or a place. 这些词均表示小偷、窃贼。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a professional thief / burglar / robber / poacher / pickpocketa suspected thief / burglar / robber / poacher / looter / shopliftera would-be thief / burglar / robber / poacher / looter / pickpocket / shoplifterarmed robbers / raiders / banditsto catch a thief / burglar / robber / poacher / looter / pickpocket / shopliftera thief / burglar / robber / pirate / raider / looter / pickpocket / highwayman / shoplifter takes / steals stha thief / burglar / robber / looter escapes / gets away / makes off with stha thief / burglar / robber strikes somewherethieves / burglars / robbers / pirates / looters raid somewherepirates / raiders / bandits attack sba gang of thieves / robbers / raiders / looters / pickpockets / shoplifters thief [countable] a person who steals sth from another person or place 贼;小偷;窃贼A car thief made off with a top director's BMW last night.一个盗车贼昨夜开着一个顶级导演的宝马车逃走了。Thief is a general word that can be used to describe any of the people in this group. * thief一词含义很广,可指本组词所表示的任何窃贼。 see also theft theft burglar / /ˈbɜːglə(r); NAmE ˈbɜːrglər/ [countable] a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal 破门窃贼;入室窃贼Burglars broke into the gallery and stole dozens of priceless paintings.窃贼破门进入美术馆,偷走了很多幅极珍贵的画作。 see also burglary theft robber [countable] a person who steals from a person or place, especially using violence or threats (尤指用暴力或威胁手段的)盗贼;强盗;抢劫犯The prison sentence ended his career as a bank robber.被判入狱终结了他银行抢劫犯的职业生涯。an armed robber持械抢劫犯 see also rob rob , robbery theft NOTE 辨析 Burglar or robber?A burglar breaks into a building secretly in order to steal things; a robber usually enters a building such as a shop or bank, and uses violence or threats against the people there in order to steal sth. * burglar是为了偷东西而秘密闯入楼房的窃贼;robber常指进入商店或银行等地方,以暴力或胁迫方式要求别人交出钱财或物品的强盗。 pirate /ˈpaɪrət/ / [countable](in the past) a sailor who attacked and robbed other ships at sea (旧时的)海盗There were reports that a pirate ship had come looking for treasure in the cove.有报道称一艘海盗船曾来这个海湾寻宝。 raider [countable] a person who makes a criminal raid (= attack) on a place 袭击者;抢劫者A gang of armed raiders held up a bank in the city today.一帮武装分子今天持枪抢劫了那座城市的一家银行。 see also raid theft noun , raid rob verb bandit [countable] a member of an armed group of thieves who attack travellers 土匪;拦路抢劫者Buses driving through the mountains have been attacked by bandits.驶经山区的公共汽车遭到匪徒袭击。Bandits usually carry out their attacks in areas that are a long way away from towns or cities, especially in poorer countries. * bandit一般在远离城镇或城市的地区发起攻击,特别是在贫穷国家。 poacher [countable] a person who illegally hunts birds, animals or fish on sb else's property 偷猎者;非法捕猎的人The measures are designed to protect the fish from poachers.这些措施旨在保护鱼免遭偷捕。 looter / /ˈluːtə(r)/ / [countable] a person who steals things from shops or buildings after a fire, a riot, etc. (趁火或趁乱等的)抢劫者,打劫者Looters carried clothes and electrical equipment out of shop windows.趁乱抢劫者把衣服和电器从商店橱窗带出。 see also loot rob verb pickpocket / /ˈpɪkpɒkɪt; NAmE ˈpɪkpɑːkɪt/ [countable] a person who steals money, etc. from other people's pockets, especially in crowded places 扒手;小偷Watch out for pickpockets, especially at the train station.小心扒手,尤其是在火车站。 highwayman /ˈhaɪweɪmən/ / [countable](in the past) a man, usually on a horse and carrying a gun, who robbed travellers on public roads (旧时常骑马持枪的)拦路强盗Lady Sybil's coach was held up by highwaymen on the Plymouth road.西比尔夫人的马车在普利茅斯的路上被拦路强盗抢劫了。 shoplifter /ˈʃɒplɪftə(r); NAmE ˈʃɑːplɪftər/ [countable] a person who steals goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying for them 冒充顾客在商店行窃的人;商店扒手Shoplifters will be prosecuted.在本店行窃者将被起诉。 see also shoplift steal , shoplifting theft




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