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emerge verb ⇨ emerge (emerging markets) ⇨ appear (emerge from the darkness) ⇨ turn out (new evidence emerges) emerge verb ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ happen 另见happen条emerge ♦︎ come up ♦︎ surface ♦︎ present itselfThese words all mean to begin to exist or suddenly appear. 这些词均表示显露、显现或突然出现。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to emerge / surface as / from sth◆a problem emerges / comes up / surfaces / presents itself◆a / an situation / opportunity emerges / comes up / presents itself◆a chance comes up / presents itself■ emerge /iˈmɜːdʒ; NAmE iˈmɜːrdʒ/ [intransitive] to begin to exist; to appear or become known 显露;显现;为人所知◆After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.经过选举,反对派开始露头。◆He rapidly emerged as a key figure in the campaign.他初露头角就迅速成为这次运动的一个主要人物。◆the emerging markets of South Asia正在兴起的南亚市场ⓘ In this meaning emerge is used especially to talk about changes in politics, economics, technology and society, with new situations and events, and people and groups playing new roles. 表达此义时,emerge尤指在政治、经济、技术和社会变革中新情况、新事物不断出现,以及各类人和团体发挥新的作用等。▸ emergence noun [uncountable] ◆the emergence of new technologies新技术的出现■ ˌcome ˈup phrasal verb (came, come)(of a subject) to be mentioned or discussed; (of an opportunity) to become available (话题)被提及,被讨论;(机会)出现◆The subject came up in conversation.谈话中提到了这个话题。◆The question is bound to come up at the meeting.会上肯定会提出这个问题。◆When the chance came up to go to Paris, she jumped at it.去巴黎的机会一出现,她就毫不犹豫地把握住了。■ surface [intransitive] to suddenly appear or become obvious after having been hidden for a while (隐藏或被掩盖一段时间后)突然冒出,显露,浮现◆Doubts began to surface.质疑声开始出现。◆No further information has surfaced yet.至今还没有进一步的消息。◆She surfaced again years later in London.多年之后她又在伦敦出现了。ⓘ In this meaning surface can be used to talk about feelings, facts or people. 表达此义时,surface可指感受、事实或人出现。■ present itself phrase (of a problem, solution or opportunity) to suddenly happen or become available (问题、答案或机会)突然出现,显露,产生◆Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.谢天谢地,他出乎意料地很快就得到了答案。◆As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.一有机会她就会另谋新职。 appear verb appear ♦︎ emerge ♦︎ show ♦︎ loom ♦︎ pop ♦︎ manifest itself ♦︎ form ♦︎ come outThese words all mean to start to be seen in a place. 这些词均表示出现、呈现或显现。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to appear / emerge from sth◆to loom / pop into view / up◆to appear / emerge / loom / pop out of sth◆to suddenly appear / emerge / show / loom / pop / come out◆to gradually appear / emerge / manifest itself / form◆to eventually appear / emerge / show◆to finally appear / emerge / loom■ appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to start to be seen 出现;呈现;显现◆She suddenly appeared in the doorway.她突然在门口出现。◆If a rash appears, call a doctor immediately.如果出现皮疹,立即打电话叫医生。◆Posters for the gig appeared all over town.演唱会海报在城里随处可见。◆New shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant.植物根部刚刚长出新芽。◆Her dead mother appeared to her in a dream.她过世的母亲在她梦中出现。OPP disappear ⇨ disappear ■ emerge / /iˈmɜːdʒ; NAmE iˈmɜːrdʒ/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to leave a dark, confined or hidden place and be seen (从暗处、封闭处或隐蔽处)出现,浮现,露出◆The swimmer emerged from the lake.那个游泳者从湖水中浮出来。◆They suddenly emerged into brilliant sunshine.他们突然走到明媚的阳光下。◆The crabs emerge at low tide to look for food.蟹在潮退时出来觅食。■ show (showed, shown) [intransitive, transitive] to be visible; to allow sth to be seen 露出;显出;呈现◆The cloth was folded so that the stain didn't show.布料折叠起来,这样污渍就看不见了。◆His hands were clenched, the whites of the knuckles showing.他双拳紧握,指关节都发白了。◆She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.她戴了一顶保暖的毛线帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。◆A white carpet will show every mark.白色地毯有一点脏都看得见。◆Come out and show yourselves (= let us see you)!出来让我们看看你们吧!■ loom /luːm/ / [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (written) to start to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening or threatening way (尤指令人惊恐地)隐现;赫然耸现◆Something huge and black loomed out of the mist.一个巨大的黑糊糊的东西从薄雾中隐隐出现。◆The city walls loomed up ahead of them.城墙隐约出现在他们前面。■ pop (-pp-) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to suddenly appear, especially when not expected 突然出现;冷不防冒出◆The window opened and a head popped out.窗户打开,一个脑袋冷不防探了出来。◆When you send a fax, a dialog box pops up on the screen.发传真时,屏幕上会弹出一个对话框。◆An idea suddenly popped into his head.他突然有了主意。■ manifest itself / /ˈmænɪfest/ / [transitive] (formal) to become visible or noticeable 显现;使人注意到◆Heatstroke sometimes manifests itself as red spots on the skin.有时中暑显现出的症状是皮肤上长红斑。◆A new trend seems to have manifested itself.一个新趋势似乎已经显现出来。■ form [intransitive] (rather formal) (especially of natural things) to begin to exist and gradually develop into a particular shape (尤指自然事物)出现,逐渐成形◆Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.花开了,却没能结出果实。◆Storm clouds are forming on the horizon.天边出现了雷雨云。■ ˌcome ˈout phrasal verb (came, come)(of the sun, moon or stars) to become visible (太阳、月亮或星星)出现,露出◆The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停了,太阳出来了。 turn out phrasal verb turn out ♦︎ emerge ♦︎ come out ♦︎ come to light ♦︎ get out ♦︎ transpire ♦︎ leak outThese words are all used to talk about unknown information that becomes known. 这些词均表示未知信息为人所知、披露、公开。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆news / the truth emerges / comes out / gets out / leaks out◆It turns out / emerges / transpires that...◆it now turns out / emerges / transpires...◆to turn out / emerge / come out / come to light / transpire later◆to turn out / emerge / transpire / leak out subsequently◆to turn out / emerge / come out / come to light finally■ ˌturn ˈout phrasal verb to be finally discovered to be sth, especially when this is unexpected 原来是,结果是(尤指结果出人意料)◆The job turned out to be harder than we thought.结果这工作比我们想象的要难。◆It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.她原来是我姐姐的朋友。■ emerge / /iˈmɜːdʒ; NAmE iˈmɜːrdʒ/ [intransitive] (rather formal) (of facts, ideas or evidence) to become known (事实、意见或证据)显露,为人所知◆No new evidence emerged during the investigation.调查过程中未发现新证据。◆It emerged that the company was going to be sold.这家公司准备出售一事已浮出水面。◆One thing emerges very clearly from this study.通过这项研究,弄清楚了一件事。■ ˌcome ˈout phrasal verb (came, come)(of news, an account of sth or the truth) to become known to people (消息、说法或真相)显露,为人所知◆The full story came out at the trial.案情始末在审判时真相大白。◆It came out that he'd been telling lies.后来才知道他一直在说谎。■ come to ˈlight idiom (came, come)(of evidence or knowledge) to become known (证据或知识)为人所知,披露◆New evidence has recently come to light.新的证据最近已经披露。■ ˌget ˈout phrasal verb (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather informal) (of secret information) to become known (秘密信息)泄露,为人所知◆If this gets out there'll be trouble.这事要是被人知道就麻烦了。■ transpire /trænˈspaɪə(r)/ / verb [intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (formal) (of secret or unknown information) to become known (秘密或未知信息)公开,透露,为人所知◆It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.据报这伙歹徒在银行里有内应。◆This story, it later transpired, was untrue.后来得知,此事纯属编造。■ ˌleak ˈout phrasal verb (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather informal) (of secret information) to become known to the public (秘密信息)泄露,走漏,被公开◆Details of the plan soon leaked out.计划的细节很快就泄露出去了。 see also leak ⇨ reveal NOTE 辨析 Get out or leak out? Leak out is used especially to talk about information that is only known by people inside a particular organization, for example a government. Information may get out either by accident or deliberately. If information leaks out, it is usually done deliberately, for example in order to influence or damage the organization. * leak out尤指仅被政府等特定组织内部人员知晓的信息泄露出来。get out指信息因意外或故意泄露出来。leak out通常指信息被人故意泄露,如为了影响或损害此组织。 |