

单词 take stock
take stock phrase


examine ♦︎ analyse ♦︎ review ♦︎ study ♦︎ discuss ♦︎ go into sth ♦︎ take stock ♦︎ surveyThese words all mean to think about, study or describe sb/sth carefully, especially in order to understand them, form an opinion of them or make a decision about them. 这些词均表示思量、调查、研究。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to examine / analyse / review / study / discuss / go into / take stock of / survey what / how / whether...to examine / analyse / review / study / discuss / take stock of / survey the situationto examine / analyse / review / study / discuss the possibility of sthto examine / analyse / review / study / discuss a / an proposal / ideato examine / analyse / review / study / discuss / survey the evidence / sb's workto examine / analyse / review / study / discuss / go into sth in depth / in detailto examine / analyse / review / study / discuss sth in the light of sthto examine / analyse / review / study / discuss / survey sth carefully / critically / systematically / briefly examine [transitive] to think about, study or describe an idea, subject or piece of work very carefully 思量;调查;研究These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10.这些观点将在第10章作更详尽的探讨。It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out.有必要研究一下怎样才能实施这些方案。 see also examination research noun analyse (BrE) (NAmE analyze) [transitive] to examine the nature or structure of sth, especially by separating it into its parts, in order to understand or explain it 分析The job involves gathering and analysing data.这份工作需要搜集和分析资料。He tried to analyse his feelings.他试图分析自己的感情。We need to analyse what went wrong.我们需要分析是什么地方出了差错。 see also analysis research noun review [transitive] to examine sth again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes 复查;重新考虑Staff performance is reviewed annually.员工的业务表现每年考核一次。The decision may need to be reviewed in the light of new evidence.这个决定可能需要根据新获得的证据重新研究。Safety procedures are being urgently reviewed after a chemical leak at the factory.化学品泄漏事件发生之后,工厂正进行安全程序的紧急审查。 review


[uncountable, countable] The case is subject to judicial review.这个案子必须接受司法审查。The terms of the contract are under review.合同条款正在审议。a pay / salary review工资评审 see also review report noun 1
study [transitive] to examine sb/sth in order to understand them 研究;调查We will study the report carefully before making a decision.我们将认真研究这份报告,然后再作决定。The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs.这一小组将考察这个地区在减少了几千个工作岗位的情况下是如何应对的。 see also study research noun , study report noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Examine or study?You examine sth in order to understand it or to help other people understand it, for example by describing it in a book; you study sth in order to understand it yourself. * examine以理解或帮助他人理解为目的,如在书中探讨等;study则以自己理解为目的。 discuss [transitive] to write or talk about sth in detail, showing the different ideas and opinions about it 详述;论述This topic will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter.这个题目将在下一章里详细论述。 see also discussion research go ˈinto sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (rather informal, especially spoken) to examine a subject or question carefully, especially for practical reasons 详细调查,认真研究(尤出于实际需要)We need to go into the question of costs.我们需要研究一下费用问题。
take ˈstock


(took, taken)to think carefully about the way in which a particular situation is developing in order to decide what to do next 进行反思;作出评估It was time to stand back and take stock of his career.是时候该置身事外,反思一下他的职业生涯了。
survey /səˈveɪ; NAmE sərˈveɪ/ [transitive] to examine and give a general description of sth 总体研究;概述This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简要概述。 see also survey report noun 1




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