

单词 pop in/round/over
pop in/round/over phrasal verb


visit ♦︎ go to sth ♦︎ see ♦︎ attend ♦︎ call ♦︎ drop in/round/by ♦︎ pop in/round/over ♦︎ stop by sth ♦︎ look in on sb ♦︎ look sb upThese words all mean to go to see a person or place for a period of time. 这些词均表示拜访、看望某人,或参观、访问某地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to call / drop in / pop in / look in on sbto visit / see a / the doctor / dentistto go to the doctor's / dentist'sto come / go to visit / see sbto come / go and visit / see sbto call / drop in / pop in / stop by to see sbto often visit / go to sth / see / drop in / pop in / stop by / look into regularly visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / pop into occasionally visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / drop in / look in visit [transitive] (rather formal) to travel to a place to see it or to spend some time with a person 参观;访问;拜访;看望The President will be visiting six European capitals.总统将出访欧洲六国首都。I visited her in hospital.我到医院去看望她。 ˈgo to sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) [no passive] to visit or spend time in a place for a particular purpose (为某目的)去(某处)I have to go to the doctor's for a check-up.我得去找医生做身体检查。Do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)?你平常上教堂吗?I'm not prepared to go to prison for a crime I didn't commit.我可不愿意为自己没有犯的罪进监狱。They sometimes go to the pub after work.他们有时下班后去酒吧。
see (saw, seen) [transitive] to visit sb 拜访;看望;探视When was the last time you saw a dentist?你上次去看牙医是什么时候?Come and see us again soon!早点再来看我们!He said he'd been to see his sister.他说自己去看望姐姐了。In this meaning see is used especially in the expressions come/go and see sb and come/go to see sb. 表达此义时see尤用于短语come/go and see sb和come/go to see sb。 attend [transitive] (formal) to go regularly to a place such as a church, school or hospital 经常去,定期去(教堂、学校、医院等)The children attended the local school.孩子们在当地学校读书。The patients all attend the clinic monthly.病人都是每月去门诊一次。 call [intransitive] (especially BrE, rather formal) to visit sb at home for a short time 短暂拜访We called but they were out.我们去拜访时他们不在家。I called round at the house to check how things were.我去家访了,想看看情况如何。 ˌdrop ˈin ˌdrop ˈby ˌdrop ˈround

phrasal verb

(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected 顺便访问;顺便进入Don't forget to drop in on Harry.别忘了顺便去看看哈里。They dropped round for a drink.他们顺便去喝了杯酒。I'll drop by some time next week.下周有空时我会过来坐坐。I sometimes drop into the National Gallery for an hour or so.有时候我顺便到国家美术馆待上约一个钟头。 ˈdrop-in


a drop-in advice centre开放式咨询中心
ˌpopˈ in ˌpop ˈover ˌpop ˈround

phrasal verb

(-pp-) (BrE, informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected 顺便访问;顺便进入I was just passing and thought I'd pop in.我正好路过,于是想顺便进去看看。
ˌstop ˈby ˌstop ˈby sth

phrasal verb

(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a place for a short time 顺路造访;过去坐坐He used to stop by every day.过去他每天都顺路过来坐坐。She stopped by the store at about five o'clock.大约5点钟的时候,她顺路进了那家商店。 see also stop stay 1 , stop over stay 2
ˌlook ˈin on sb

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to make a short visit to sb, especially sb who is old or ill 短暂探访(尤指探访老人或病人)Could you look in on Dad some time?你什么时候能顺便去看望一下爸爸吗?
ˌlook sb ˈup

phrasal verb

[no passive] (informal) to visit or make contact with sb, especially when you normally live far away or have not seen them for a long time (尤指在久别之后)拜访,看望,接触I promised to look her up next time I was in England.我答应下次到英国一定去看望她。




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