

单词 possible
possible adj.
possible1 (It is possible to get there by bus.) possible2 (several possible explanations) likely (a possible future president)


It is possible to get there by bus. 可以乘公共汽车去那里。several possible explanations 几种合理的解释possible ♦︎ viable ♦︎ practical ♦︎ realistic ♦︎ feasible ♦︎ workable ♦︎ achievableThese words all describe things that can be done or achieved, or are worth trying because they are likely to be successful. 这些词均表示能做到的、切实可行的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be possible / realistic / feasible to do stha viable / practical / realistic / feasible / workable solution / policy / plana viable / practical / realistic / feasible meansa viable / practical / realistic / workable alternativea realistic / an achievable goal / objective / targetperfectly possible / viable / practical / feasiblequite possible / practical / realistic / feasiblevery practical / realistic / feasible / achievablereasonably practical / realistic / achievable possible [not usually before noun] that can be done or achieved 可能;能做到;能取得It is possible to get there by bus.可以乘公共汽车去那里。This would not have been possible without you.如果没有你,这事恐怕就办不成了。Try to avoid losing your temper if (at all) possible (= if you can).尽可能别发脾气。Travel by bus whenever possible (= when you can).只要可能,尽量坐公交车。Do everything possible to get it finished on time.要想方设法按时完成。New technology has made it possible to communicate more easily.新技术使沟通更便捷了。OPP impossible impossible see also possibility opportunity , possibility option , possibilities potential viable / /ˈvaɪəbl/ / (rather formal, especially business 尤用于商业) that can be done; that is likely to be successful and is therefore worth considering or supporting 可实施的;切实可行的There is no viable alternative.没有其他可行的方案。If there was any delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable.如有拖延,援救计划便无法实施。A company, plan or project that is commercially/economically/financially viable is capable of producing a profit. * commercially/economically/financially viable指公司、计划或项目能够赢利。 practical sensible and appropriate; likely to be successful 切实可行的;行得通的It wouldn't be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend.我们跑这么老远只为度个周末实在不切实际。It was difficult to find a practical solution to the problem.很难找到切实可行的解决这一问题的方案。In this meaning practical is used to describe ideas, courses of action and ways of doing things. 表达此义时,practical用于描述观点、行动方式和做事方法a practical alternative / approach / measure / method / option / possibility / proposition可行的方案/方法/措施/方式/选择/手段/建议 OPP impractical unrealistic realistic sensible and appropriate; that can be achieved 切实可行的;能够实现的We must set realistic goals.我们必须订立切实的目标。If you want to retain good employees, you have to pay a realistic salary.要留住好员工,必须支付合理的薪水。 Realistic is often used to talk about what you can hope to achieve in business or at work. * realistic常用来谈论在业务或工作中有望实现的目标a realistic alternative / demand / estimate / goal / hope / option / plan / solution / target切实可行的方案/要求/估计/目标/希望/选择/计划/解决方法/目标 OPP unrealistic unrealistic realistically


Realistically, there is little prospect of a ceasefire.现实地看,停火的希望很渺茫。How many can you realistically hope to sell?实事求是地说,你有望卖出多少?
feasible / /ˈfiːzəbl/ / that can probably be achieved and is therefore worth trying 可行的;行得通的It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.兼职管理企业根本行不通。 workable that can be used successfully and effectively 可行的;行得通的Gradually, through discussion, a workable plan emerged.通过讨论,一个切实可行的计划慢慢形成了。I'm sure we can come to some workable arrangement.我肯定我们能做一个切实可行的安排。 Workable is often used in business-related contexts to describe things such as a system or idea. * workable常用于公务相关的语境,如描述某一体系或观点a workable arrangement / framework / plan / programme / proposal / solution / system可行的安排/机制/计划/项目/建议/解决方法/体系 OPP unworkable unrealistic achievable (rather formal) that can be achieved 可达到的Profits of $20m look achievable.2 000万元的利润看来是可以完成的。Setting achievable goals will help to build confidence in your staff.制订可实现的目标有助于建立员工的自信心。Achievable most often collocates with goal, objective, target and standard. * achievable最常与goal、objective、target和standard搭配。


It is possible to get there by bus. 可以乘公共汽车去那里。several possible explanations 几种合理的解释possible ♦︎ plausible ♦︎ credible ♦︎ conceivable ♦︎ imaginable ♦︎ believableThese words all describe sth that seems reasonable or is likely to be true. 这些词均表示有道理的、可信的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配possible / plausible / credible / conceivable / imaginable / believable that...a possible / plausible / credible / believable explanation / excusea possible / plausible / credible solution / answera plausible / credible / believable story / accountto sound possible / plausible / credible / believableentirely / perfectly / quite possible / plausible / credible / conceivablebarely / hardly / scarcely possible / credible / conceivable / imaginable / believableevery possible / conceivable / imaginable... possible reasonable or acceptable in a particular situation 合理的;可接受的There are several possible explanations.有几个合理的解释。It's scarcely possible that he knew nothing about it.他不大可能对此一无所知。OPP impossible impossible plausible / /ˈplɔːzəbl/ / (rather formal) (of an excuse or explanation) reasonable and likely to be true (借口或解释)有道理的,可信的Her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的说辞听起来言之有理。The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.唯一合理的解释就是他忘了。OPP implausible unlikely 2 see also reasonable reasonable plausibly


He argued, very plausibly, that the claims were untrue.他振振有词地辩解说那些说法不属实。
credible / /ˈkredəbl/ / that can be believed or trusted 可信的;可靠的It's just not credible that she would cheat.她竟然行骗,这简直令人难以置信。There's only one credible witness in the case.此案只有一个可信的证人。OPP incredible incredible credibility


[uncountable] The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.原告极力削弱证人的可信度。
conceivable / /kənˈsiːvəbl/ / possible to imagine or believe 可想象的;可信的It's not conceivable that she didn't know what was going on.很难想象她对正在发生的事毫不知晓。We've examined the problem from every conceivable angle.我们已经从所有可能的角度分析了这个问题。OPP inconceivable impossible conceivably


He might conceivably go on to win the finals.他有望继而赢得决赛。
imaginable / /ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl/ / possible to imagine 可想象的What those prisoners went through is hardly imaginable.很难想象那些囚犯都经历了些什么。 Imaginable is often used with superlatives and with all and every to emphasize that sth is the best, worst etc. that you could imagine or that it includes every possible example. * imaginable常与最高级和all、every连用,强调是所有能想象的事物中最好的或最差的,或者无所不包The house has the most spectacular views imaginable.从这所房子可以看到所能想象的最壮丽的景色。They stock every imaginable type of music.他们备有各种能想到的音乐。 OPP unimaginable Something that is unimaginable is impossible to think of or to believe exists. * unimaginable意为不可想象或难以置信unimaginable wealth / possibilities难以想象的财富/机会This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.取得这样的成功,仅仅在一年前都是不敢想象的。 believable that can be believed 可相信的;可信任的The characters in the play are simply not believable (= you cannot believe they represent real people).剧中人物一点也不真实。OPP unbelievable incredible


 See also the entry for prone to sth 另见prone to sth条likely ♦︎ possible ♦︎ potential ♦︎ prospective ♦︎ probableThese words all describe things that are expected to exist, happen or be true. 这些词均表示事情是可能的、预期会发生的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达可能性的大小
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be likely / possible / probable that...a likely / possible / potential / prospective / probable sitea likely / possible / potential / probable cause / effect / consequence / outcomea likely / possible / probable explanationthe likely / possible / potential / probable costa likely / possible / potential / prospective candidatea potential / prospective husband / wife / parentquite likely / possible / probablehardly likely / possiblevery / extremely / highly likely / probable likely expected to exist, happen or be true 可能存在(或发生)的;可能是真实的What is the most likely cause of the infection?这种传染病最有可能的病因是什么?Tickets are likely to be expensive.入场券往往很贵。It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth.盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。They might refuse to let us do it, but it's hardly likely.他们也许会不让我们这么干,但这种可能性很小。 OPP unlikely unlikely 1 see also likelihood possibility , most likely probably possible that might exist, happen or be true, but is not certain to 可能存在(或发生)的;可能是真实的They spoke of her as a possible future president.他们说她将来可能会当选总统。With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly.可能除了披头士乐队外,还没有哪个乐队能如此迅速走红。It's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions.我很可能给他们指错了方向。'You might be wrong, of course!' 'It's possible, but I doubt it.'“当然,也许是你弄错了!”“有可能吧,但我觉得不一定。” OPP impossible impossible see also possibility possibility potential / /pəˈtenʃl/ / [only before noun] expected to develop into sth or to be developed in the future 潜在的;可能的First we need to identify actual and potential problems.首先,我们需要弄清实际问题和潜在问题。What are the potential benefits of these proposals?这些提案有什么潜在的益处? Potential is used in several main ways: to talk about people who might buy a product or use a service * potential的几种主要用法如下:修饰人,表示有可能购买商品或需要服务a potential audience / buyer / client / consumer / customer潜在的听众/买主/客户/消费者/顾客to talk about things that might go wrong 修饰事物,表示有可能出差错a potential complication / danger / disaster / drawback / embarrassment / hazard / pitfall / risk / threat潜在的并发症/危险/灾难/弊端/窘况/危害/隐患/风险/威胁and to talk about things that people might gain from. 修饰物,表示有可能从中获益a potential advantage / benefit / improvement / saving潜在的优势/利益/改善/节约 OPP actual real see also potential potential noun potentially


a potentially dangerous situation有潜在危险的局势
prospective / /prəˈspektɪv/ / [only before noun] (rather formal) expected to do or become sth 有望的;可能的;预期的I had a phone call from a prospective client today.我今天接到一个有望成为我们客户的人打来的电话。 Prospective is mainly used to talk about people. * prospective主要用于修饰人a prospective buyer / client / customer / applicant / candidate / employee / employer / husband / wife / parent可能的买主/客户/顾客/申请人/候选人/雇员/雇主;准丈夫;准妻子;准父母 see also prospect possibility , prospects potential NOTE 辨析 Potential or prospective?Both these words can be used to talk about people who are expected to become buyers, employees, etc. However, prospective is used more to talk about a person who has already shown some interest in a product or service; potential is used more to talk about people in general who could be targeted by a company's advertising, for example. 这两个词都可修饰人,表示有可能成为买主、雇员等。但是,prospective更多指这些人已经对产品或服务表现出兴趣;potential修饰消费者等时更多泛指可以被某公司设定为宣传对象等的人。 probable (rather formal, especially written) likely 可能存在(或发生)的;可能是真实的The probable cause of the fire was an electrical fault.这次火灾的原因可能是电路故障。It is quite probable that they will call an election next spring.他们很可能明年春天组织一次选举。OPP improbable unlikely 1 see also probability possibility , probably probably NOTE 辨析 Likely or probable? Likely can be used in a wider range of structures and registers than probable. * likely比probable可用于更广泛的结构和语域It is likely / probable that...有可能/很可能⋯sb / sth is likely to do sth某人/某事有可能做某事sb/sth is probable to do sth Probable is ten times more frequent in written English than in spoken English; likely is very frequent in both written and spoken English. * probable在书面语中的使用率比在口语中多十倍,likely在书面语和口语中都很常见。




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