

单词 pretty
pretty adj.
beautiful1 (a pretty girl) beautiful2 (a pretty flower)
pretty adv.
quite1 (pretty good) pretty much/well almost


a beautiful woman 漂亮的女人a beautiful place 美丽的地方beautiful ♦︎ pretty ♦︎ handsome ♦︎ attractive ♦︎ lovely ♦︎ cute ♦︎ good-looking ♦︎ gorgeous ♦︎ stunning ♦︎ strikingThese words all describe people who are pleasant to look at. 这些词均形容人相貌好看。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达好看的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a beautiful / a pretty / a handsome / an attractive / a lovely / a cute / a good-looking / a gorgeous / a stunning / a striking girl / womana beautiful / a pretty / a handsome / an attractive / a lovely / a cute / a good-looking / a gorgeous boya beautiful / a handsome / an attractive / a cute / a good-looking / a gorgeous mana beautiful / a pretty / a handsome / an attractive / a lovely / a cute / a good-looking childa beautiful / a pretty / a handsome / an attractive / a lovely / a cute / a good-looking / a striking facea beautiful / a handsome / an attractive / a lovely / a cute / a gorgeous bodyreally / quite beautiful / pretty / handsome / attractive / lovely / cute / good-looking / gorgeous / stunning / strikingvery / rather beautiful / pretty / handsome / attractive / lovely / cute / good-looking / gorgeous / strikingstrikingly beautiful / pretty / handsome / attractive / lovely / good-lookingalmost beautiful / pretty / handsome / attractive / good-looking beautiful (especially of a woman or girl) very pleasant to look at (尤指成年女子或女孩)漂亮的,美丽的What a beautiful baby!多么漂亮的婴儿!She looked stunningly beautiful that night.她那天晚上明艳照人。She had a classically beautiful face.她的脸有种古典美。 OPP ugly ugly beauty


[uncountable] She was a woman of great beauty.她是个大美人。
pretty (especially of a girl or woman) pleasant to look at (尤指女孩或成年女子)漂亮的,俊俏的She's got a very pretty face.她的脸非常俏丽。A pretty little girl was standing in the doorway.一个俊俏的小姑娘站在门口。You look so pretty in that dress!你穿那件连衣裙真漂亮!Pretty is used most often to talk about girls. When it is used to talk about a woman, it usually suggests that she is like a girl, with small, delicate features. * pretty多用以形容女孩。如果用以形容成年女子,通常表示长得像女孩,五官小巧而精致。 OPP plain ugly handsome / /ˈhænsəm/ / (of a man) pleasant to look at; (of a woman) pleasant to look at, with large strong features rather than small delicate ones (男子)英俊的,漂亮的;(女子)健美的He was aptly described as 'tall, dark, and handsome'.他被恰如其分地描述为“高大黝黑、相貌堂堂”。She was a tall, handsome woman.她是高个头的健美女子。The bride and groom made a handsome couple.这对新人男俊女靓。 attractive pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way 妩媚的;俊朗的;性感的She's a very attractive woman.她是个非常迷人的女子。I like John as a person, but I don't find him attractive physically.我喜欢约翰这个人,但不觉得他很帅。 OPP unattractive ugly lovely (especially BrE) beautiful; very attractive 美丽的;迷人的You've got lovely eyes.你的眼睛很美。She looked particularly lovely that night.她那天晚上特别妩媚动人。When you describe sb as lovely, you are usually showing that you also have a strong feeling of affection for them. 用lovely形容人时,通常表示说话者非常喜欢这个人。 cute (especially NAmE, informal) sexually attractive 有性吸引力的;性感的Check out those cute guys over there!瞧那边那几个帅哥! ˌgood-ˈlooking pleasant to look at, often in a sexual way 好看的;漂亮的;性感的She arrived with a very good-looking man.她和一个非常英俊的男人一起到来。 see also looks appearance NOTE 辨析 Attractive or good-looking?If you describe sb as attractive you often also mean that they have a pleasant personality as well as being pleasant to look at; good-looking just describes sb's physical appearance. 用attractive形容人时,常常还表示这人不仅长得漂亮,性格也很可爱,而good-looking仅指长相好看。 gorgeous /ˈgɔːdʒəs; NAmE ˈgɔːrdʒəs/ (informal) extremely attractive, especially in a sexual way 非常漂亮的;美丽动人的;性感的He's got gorgeous eyes.他的眼睛非常迷人。You look gorgeous!你美极了! stunning (informal) extremely beautiful or attractive 极美的;极有魅力的You look absolutely stunning!你看上去漂亮极了! striking attractive, often in an unusual way 妩媚动人的;标致的;俊秀的He was a young man with dark hair and striking good looks.他是个黑色头发、面容英俊的小伙子。 see also striking marked


a beautiful woman 漂亮的女人a beautiful place 美丽的地方 See also the entry for magnificent 另见magnificent条beautiful ♦︎ lovely ♦︎ attractive ♦︎ pretty ♦︎ charming ♦︎ scenic ♦︎ exquisite ♦︎ picturesqueThese words all describe things and places that are pleasant to look at. 这些词均形容事物和地方美丽、迷人。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达美丽的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a beautiful / a lovely / an attractive / a pretty / a charming / a picturesque place / town / villagea beautiful / a lovely / an attractive / a charming / a scenic / an exquisite / a picturesque setting / viewa beautiful / lovely / pretty / scenic / picturesque spotbeautiful / lovely / attractive / picturesque countryside / scenery / surroundingsa beautiful / a lovely / an attractive / a pretty / an exquisite designa beautiful / a lovely / an attractive / a pretty / a charming / an exquisite voicea beautiful / a lovely / an attractive / a charming smilevery beautiful / lovely / attractive / pretty / charming / scenic / picturesquequite beautiful / lovely / attractive / pretty / charming / exquisiterather beautiful / lovely / attractive / pretty / charmingabsolutely beautiful / lovely / charming / exquisite beautiful pleasing to the eyes, to the other senses or to the mind 美丽的;美好的'They're just beautiful,' breathed Jo, when she saw the earrings.“它们实在是太美了。”乔看到耳环时轻声说道。We sat and listened to the beautiful music.我们坐下来聆听美妙的音乐。What a beautiful thing to say!说得真好!OPP ugly ugly beautifully


She sings beautifully.她唱歌很动听。a beautifully decorated house装饰得美轮美奂的房子


[uncountable] The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。
lovely (especially BrE) beautiful; pleasant to look at, listen to or experience 美丽的;好看的;动听的;令人愉快的We travelled through some lovely countryside.我们穿过美丽的乡间。It was a lovely evening-calm and still.那是一个美好的夜晚-安宁而静谧。He has a lovely voice.他有一副动听的嗓子。NOTE 辨析 Beautiful or lovely? Lovely is slightly more informal than beautiful, used more in spoken English than in written English. Something that is lovely always has a warm quality that appeals not only to the eyes but also to the heart: lovely does not just describe physical appearance. Beautiful things often have this quality too, but they can appeal to the eyes and mind rather than the heart. * lovely不如beautiful那样正式,较多用于口语而非书面语中。用lovely形容的事物总带有温馨的特质,不仅悦目,而且能打动人心,故lovely并非仅指外表。用beautiful形容的事物也常具有这种赏心悦目的特质,但这种特质不一定能打动人The designs were pure, austere and coldly beautiful.这些设计纯粹、简约、冷艳。The designs were pure, austere and coldly lovely. attractive pleasant to look at 吸引人的;令人愉快的This is a big house with an attractive garden.这是栋大房子,有一个美丽的花园。Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting.使用古董家具是为了同现代环境形成鲜明的对比。Attractive is often used when the speaker or writer does not want to give the impression of being influenced by strong personal feelings or emotion. 用attractive常常是说话者避免流露自己受强烈的个人情感影响,以示客观。 OPP unattractive ugly attractively


The room is arranged very attractively.房间布置得十分宜人。
pretty attractive and pleasant to look at or to listen to without being large, beautiful or impressive 赏心悦目的;动听的;小巧精致的That's a pretty flower-what's it called?那花很漂亮,叫什么名字?Lydia-what a pretty name!莉迪娅-多美的名字! Pretty is often used to describe things that women and girls might be likely to find attractive. It is also used in a humorous way in some negative expressions. * pretty常用来形容成年女子和女孩可能会喜欢的东西,也以幽默的方式用在一些否定式短语中You should have seen him in his swimming trunks-not a pretty sight!你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子,真是一景呢! charming (especially written) very pleasant or attractive, especially in a way that is slightly old-fashioned 令人着迷的,迷人的(尤指略带古风的)The cottage is tiny, but charming.这间村舍虽小,却十分迷人。What a charming name.多迷人的名字。Charming is often used to describe places, but not countryside. * charming常用于描述地方,但乡村除外。 see also charm interest noun 1 scenic / /ˈsiːnɪk/ / [usually before noun] having beautiful natural scenery 风景优美的Loch Lomond is an area of scenic beauty.洛蒙德湖一带风景秀丽。We took the scenic route (= using country roads, not the motorway) back to the hotel.我们选了一条景色优美的路线回旅馆。 exquisite / /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt, ˈekskwɪzɪt/ (rather formal) extremely beautiful or carefully made 精美的;精致的Look at the exquisite craftsmanship in this vase.看看这只花瓶精美的工艺。Exquisite describes things that are beautiful in a fine, delicate way, rather than a grand, impressive way. * exquisite形容事物纤巧精致,而非宏大壮观。 picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ / (of a place) pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned (地方)秀美的,古色古香的This picturesque setting is perfect for a relaxing holiday.这里风景如画,是轻松度假的理想之所。


quite difficult 相当难quite sure 有十足把握 See also the entry for partly 另见partly条quite ♦︎ rather ♦︎ pretty ♦︎ fairly ♦︎ reasonablyThese words all mean to some degree. 这些词均表示颇、相当、某种程度上。NOTE 辨析 Which word?Compare these words with the words in the entry for partly. These words are generally more positive and emphasize the degree to which sth is good, successful, difficult, etc., even if it is not completely so. The words in the partly entry are slightly less positive in tone. 把这些词同partly条中的词作比较。这些词总体来说更具肯定意义,强调某事物是好的、成功的或困难的,即便只是在一定程度上如此。partly条中的词在语气上的肯定意味略轻。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达程度的高低
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配quite / rather a / an...quite / rather / pretty / fairly / reasonably good / successful / high / large / quiet / common / easy / pleased / confidentquite / rather / pretty / fairly / reasonably well / soon / quickly / easilyquite / rather / pretty / fairly bad / big / heavy / new / tired / dull / difficult / rare / expensive / dangerousquite / rather / pretty / fairly recently / frequentlyquite / rather / pretty annoyed / exciting / nice / illrather / pretty / fairly / reasonably harmlessrather / pretty / fairly narrow / obviouspretty / fairly / reasonably certain / accurate / happy / safe / sureI quite / rather like sth quite (especially BrE) (not used in negative sentences 不用于否定句) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上I went to bed quite late last night.我昨天晚上很晚才睡觉。I see him quite often.我经常看到他。I think it's quite likely we'll win.我认为我们很可能会赢。He plays quite well.他表现得相当好。He's quite a good player.他是很不错的选手。Her children are still quite young.她的孩子都还很小。Even quite young children can manage it.连小孩子都能应付得了。I quite like opera.我很喜欢歌剧。When quite is used with an adjective before a noun, it comes before a or an. * quite同形容词连用修饰名词时,置于a或an之前It's quite a small room.这是个很小的房间。The room is quite small.这房间很小。It's a quite small room. see also quite very adv. rather (especially BrE) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上The rules are rather complicated.这些规则相当复杂。I didn't fail the exam; in fact I did rather well!我没有考不及格。事实上,我考得很不错!He looks rather like his father.他长得挺像他的父亲。I'm sorry, I've got rather a lot on my mind.对不起,我的烦心事已经够多了。It's rather a difficult question.这真是个难题。Rather is often used to express slight criticism, disappointment or surprise. * rather常用以表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶。 pretty (NAmE or informal, BrE) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上I was pretty sure I'd seen the coin before.我很肯定以前看到过这枚硬币。I'm afraid we're going to have to go pretty soon.恐怕我们很快就得走了。 fairly to some degree but not very 一定地;相当地The software is fairly easy to use.这款软件用起来相当容易。That's a fairly typical reaction.那是相当典型的反应。 reasonably to some degree but not very 一定地;相当地I was reasonably happy with the situation.我对这种局面还是挺欣慰的。The hostages had been reasonably well cared for.人质还算是受到了善待。 see also reasonable adequate NOTE 辨析 Fairly or reasonably?Both these words are less strong than quite, rather and pretty; fairly is more positive than reasonably, which often suggests that sth is of an acceptable standard, but not the best. 这两个词表示的程度都不如quite、rather和pretty强。fairly比reasonably更正面,reasonably常意味着某事物还算过得去,但并非最好。


almost ♦︎ nearly ♦︎ virtually ♦︎ more or less ♦︎ not quite ♦︎ practically ♦︎ about ♦︎ pretty much/wellThese words are all used to mean to a great degree but not completely. 这些词均表示几乎、差不多。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配almost / nearly / virtually / more or less / not quite / practically / pretty much all / everyalmost / virtually / more or less / practically / pretty much any / anythingalmost / nearly / virtually / more or less / practically alwaysalmost / nearly / virtually / more or less / not quite / practically emptyalmost / virtually / more or less / practically impossiblealmost / nearly / virtually / more or less / not quite / practically finished almost to a great degree but not completely 几乎;差不多I like almost all of them.我差不多所有的都喜欢。It's a mistake they almost always make.这是他们几乎总要犯的错误。The story is almost certainly false.这个故事几乎肯定是假的。Dinner's almost ready.晚饭差不多好了。Their house is almost opposite ours.他们的房子几乎正对着我们的房子。He slipped and almost fell.他滑了一下,险些跌倒。 nearly almost 几乎;差不多I've worked here for nearly two years.我已经在这里工作近两年。The bottle's nearly empty.瓶子差不多空了。It's nearly time to leave.差不多该走了。He's nearly as tall as you are.他几乎跟你一样高。 (especially BrE) She very nearly died.她差点儿死了。NOTE 辨析 Almost or nearly?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用I've got almost / nearly every CD they've made.他们制作的所有CD我几乎都有。She almost / nearly missed her train.她差点儿误了火车。You can also use them in negative sentences, but it is much more common to make a positive sentence with only just. 两词也可用于否定句,但肯定句中更常用only justWe only just got there in time. (or: We almost / nearly didn't get there in time.)我们刚好及时赶到了。 Nearly is more common with numbers. * nearly多与数字连用There were nearly 200 people at the meeting.差不多200人出席了会议。 Almost, but not nearly can be used before words like any, anybody and anything. * any、anybody和anything等词前只用almost,不用nearlyThey'll eat almost anything.他们几乎什么都吃。They'll eat nearly anything. You can also use almost before no, nobody and never, but it is much more common to use hardly or scarcely with any, anybody or ever. * almost还可用在no、nobody和never前,但是更常用hardly或scarcely与any、anybody或ever搭配She's hardly ever in. (or: She's almost never in.)她几乎总不在家。 Almost can be used when you are saying that one thing looks like another. * almost可指两件物品相像The boat looked almost like a toy.这条船看起来像个玩具。In British English you can use very and so before nearly. 在英式英语中,nearly前可用very或so修饰 (BrE) He was very nearly caught.他差点就被抓到。 virtually very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important 几乎,差不多,实际上(因而细微的差异并不重要)He virtually admitted he was guilty.他实际上承认了自己有罪。This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.今年的结果几乎和去年一样。The red squirrel has become virtually extinct in most of the country.这种红松鼠在该国大部分地区几乎已经灭绝。 ˌmore or ˈless


almost, especially when any difference is not very important (尤指差异不重要时)几乎,差不多The story is more or less true.这个传闻差不多是真实的。His estimate has turned out to be more or less correct.结果他的估计几乎是准确的。The two houses were more or less identical.两所房子几乎一模一样。I've more or less finished the book.我差不多看完那本书了。More or less is not as nearly as virtually, but is used in cases where it is not so important that sth should be completely correct, the same, finished, etc. * more or less表示接近的程度不如virtually,但可用于没有必要达到完全准确、完全一致或全部完成等的情况。
not quite not completely, but almost 不完全;差不多The theatre was not quite full.剧场并未完全满座。That's not quite the same thing, is it?那并不完全是一回事,对吗?The room was full of old furniture that didn't quite match.房间里摆满了不太协调的老式家具。He didn't feel quite ready for marriage.他觉得自己还没完全做好结婚的准备。Not quite is a less positive expression than the other words and phrases in this group: it often emphasizes the small degree to which sth is not complete or satisfactory, rather than the large degree to which it is. 在这组词语中,not quite的词义不如其他词语所表达的意义正面,常常强调在很小的程度上不完全或不太令人满意,而不是大体上如是或令人满意。 practically (especially spoken) virtually 几乎,差不多,实际上(因而细微的差异并不重要)She practically accused me of starting the fire!她等于说是指责我纵火!With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing.有了那道裂纹,这只花瓶可说是一文不值。There's practically no difference between the two options.两种选择实际上没什么分别。NOTE 辨析 Virtually or practically?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用This drug was virtually / practically unknown in Britain.这种药在英国几乎没有人知道。You can also use both these words in negative sentences, although you can also use hardly or scarcely with any, anything, ever, etc. 两词也可用于否定句,当然也可用hardly或scarcely与any、anything、ever等词搭配,表达相同的意思There's virtually / practically no money left.几乎没剩下什么钱。There's hardly any money left.几乎没剩下什么钱。 Practically is slightly more informal than virtually and is used especially in spoken English. * practically比virtually略微非正式,尤用于口语。 about (especially spoken) nearly; very close to 几乎;将近I'm just about ready.我这就准备好了。This is about the best we can hope for.这差不多是我们希求的最好结果。 pretty ˈmuch pretty ˈwell


(spoken) almost; almost completely 几乎;差不多One sheep looks pretty much like another to me.在我看来,羊长得都差不多。He goes out pretty well every night.他几乎每晚都外出。The first stage is pretty much finished.第一阶段差不多结束了。




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