

单词 principal
principal noun
principal adj.


 See also the entries for lecturer and teacher 另见lecturer条和teacher条professor ♦︎ principal ♦︎ head ♦︎ head teacher ♦︎ headmaster ♦︎ dean ♦︎ chancellor ♦︎ headmistressThese are all words for sb who has a senior position in a university, college or school. 这些词均表示大学教授、学校校长。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a school principal / head / head teacher / headmaster / headmistressa college professor / principal / deana university professor / principal / chancellora deputy principal / head / head teacher / headmaster / headmistressan associate / assistant professor / deanan acting principal / head professor [countable] a university or college teacher of the highest rank 教授He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.他是伊利诺伊州立大学的著名法学教授。She is a former history professor.她以前是历史教授。Professor Smith史密斯教授In Britain, most university teachers are known as lecturers and the title professor is only given to the most senior teachers. In the US, there are several levels of college teachers who have the position of professor. These include assistant professors and associate professors who are equivalent to senior lecturers in Britain. An American college teacher with the highest rank is a full professor. This describes their position, but is not used as a title. 在英国,大部分大学教师称作lecturer,只有级别最高的教师才称作professor。在美国,称作professor的大学教师有不同级别,包括assistant professor(助理教授)和associate professor(副教授),后者相当于英国的senior lecturer(高级讲师)。美国大学中的full professor级别最高,但不用作称谓,只描述他们的级别。 see also professor lecturer principal [countable] the person who is in charge of a college, university or school 学院院长;大学校长;校长The college principal says he's pleased with this year's results.学院院长说他对今年的成绩很满意。The regulations have been opposed by local high school principals.这些规定受到地方高中校长们的反对。In Britain, principal is usually only used to refer to the person in charge of a college or university, but not a school. In the US, a principal is the person in charge of a school, but not a college, and can be used as a title. 在英国,principal通常仅指大学校长或学院院长,不指中学校长。在美国,principal是中学校长,而不是大学校长,可用作称谓Principal Ray Smith雷•史密斯校长 head ( Head) [countable] (BrE, rather informal) the person in charge of a school or college 校长;院长I've been called to see the Head.我接到通知去见校长。She is deputy head of Greenlands Comprehensive, a struggling inner city school.她是格林兰斯综合学校的副校长,那是内城区一所苦苦支撑的中学。 see also headship management ˌhead ˈteacher [countable] (BrE) a teacher who is in charge of a school 校长We interviewed the head teacher of the local school.我们采访了当地学校的校长。 headmaster / /ˌhedˈmɑːstə(r); NAmE ˌhedˈmæstər/ [countable] (BrE, becoming old-fashioned) a male teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school (尤指私立学校的)男校长He is a retired headmaster, living in Edinburgh.他退休前是位校长,现住在爱丁堡。 dean [countable] a person who is in charge of a university or college department; (especially at Oxford and Cambridge Universities) a person who is responsible for the discipline of students (大学的)学院院长,系主任;(尤指牛津和剑桥大学的)学监He was appointed dean of the faculty of theology at London University.他被任命为伦敦大学神学院的院长。 chancellor ( Chancellor) /ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r); NAmE ˈtʃænsələr/ [countable] the official head of a university in Britain; the head of some American universities (英国大学的)名誉校长;(某些美国大学的)校长The prime minister was shown around by the chancellor of the university.首相由大学校长带领参观。In Britain, chancellor is an honorary position (= given as an honour, without any real duties) and the person who is in charge of running a university is the vice chancellor. 在英国,chancellor是名誉职位,vice chancellor负责学校的管理。 headmistress /ˌhedˈmɪstrəs/ / [countable] (BrE, old-fashioned) a female teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school (尤指私立学校的)女校长She wrote to her old headmistress at Kingswood School.她给母校金斯伍德中学的老校长写了信。NOTE 辨析 Head, headmaster, head teacher or headmistress?Different schools in Britain choose different titles for the teacher in charge of the school. In general, headmaster, and especially headmistress, are becoming less frequent and rather old-fashioned. Most schools instead have a head teacher; in more informal contexts and journalism, this person is often called the head. These words are used to describe the position, but not as titles. 在英国,不同学校选用不同的名称描述校长一职。一般来说,headmaster越来越少人用且变得相当过时,headmistress更是如此。大多数学校用head teacher;在较非正式的场合及新闻报道中常用head。这些词指的都是职位,不用作称谓。


 See also the entry for top 另见top条main ♦︎ major ♦︎ key ♦︎ central ♦︎ principal ♦︎ chief ♦︎ prime ♦︎ primary ♦︎ number one ♦︎ predominantThese words all describe sb/sth that is the largest or most important of its kind. 这些词均表示主要的、最重要的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be key / central to stha / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary / number one / predominant concerna / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary / predominant purpose / source / factora / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary aim / focus / function / objective / task / reason / considerationa / the main / major / principal / chief / prime / primary objecta / the main / major / key / principal / chief / prime / primary / number one causea / the main / major / principal / chief / primary / predominant effecta / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime attractiona / the main / major / key / central / principal / predominant themea / the main / major / key / central / principal / prime / primary / predominant rolea / the main / major / principal / prime / number one contenderthe main / chief / prime / number one suspecta / the main / major / principal road / town / citythe main / key thing is to...to be of major / key / central / prime / primary importance main [only before noun] largest or most important 主要的;最重要的Be careful crossing the main road.过大马路时小心点儿。We have our main meal at lunchtime.我们的正餐是午饭。The main course was roast lamb.主菜是烤羊羔肉。Reception is in the main building.接待处在主楼。Please use the main entrance.请走正门。Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.住房差和失业是主要问题。 (spoken) The main thing is to remain calm.最重要的是要保持冷静。 mainly


They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们的食物以水果和坚果为主。The population almost doubles in August, mainly because of the film festival.主要是电影节的缘故,8月这里的人几乎比平时多一倍。
major / /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ / [usually before noun] very large or important 主要的;重要的;大的A major road runs right through the centre of the town.一条大马路恰好从城中心穿过。He played a major role in setting up the system.他对该项制度的建立起了重要作用。We have encountered major problems.我们遇到了大问题。 Major is most often used after a with a singular noun or no article with a plural noun. When it is used with the or my/your/his/her/our/their it means 'the largest or most important'. * major最常用于不定冠词a之后,与单数名词连用;或不用冠词,与复数名词连用。major与the或my/your/his/her/our/their连用时意为“最主要的、最重要的”Our major concern here is combatting poverty.在这里我们最关心的是解决贫穷问题。In this meaning it is only used to talk about ideas or worries that people have, not physical things, and it is also more formal than main. 表达此义时,major只用以修饰人的想法或忧虑,而非物质的东西,且较main正式Be careful crossing the major road. The major thing is to remain calm. OPP minor minor key [usually before noun] most important; essential 最重要的;主要的;关键的The key issue here is taxation.这里的关键问题是税收。'Caution' is the key word in this situation.在此情形之下,caution为关键词。Attitude is a key concept in social psychology.态度是社会心理学中非常重要的概念。 Key is used most frequently in business and political contexts. It can be used to talk about ideas, or the part that sb plays in a situation, but not physical things. It is slightly more informal than major, especially when used after a noun and linking verb. * key最常用于商务和政治语境,修饰想法或某人在某情形下所起的作用,而非物质的东西。key较major略非正式,用在名词加连系动词后尤其如此 (rather informal) Speed is key at this point.在这个时候速度是关键。 central (rather formal) most important; having power or control over other parts 最重要的;首要的;起支配作用的;主导性的The central issue is that of widespread racism.最重要的问题是种族主义泛滥。She has been a central figure in the campaign.她一直是这场运动的首要人物。Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy.降低通胀是政府经济政策的重点。the central committee (= of a political party) 党中央委员会The organization has a central office in New York.该组织在纽约设有总部。Central is used in a similar way to key, but is more formal. It is most frequently used in the phrase sth is central to sth else and has a slightly smaller range of noun collocates than key. These mostly relate to the part sb/sth plays in sth ( character, component, feature, figure, motif, part, role, theme, topic), what sb is trying to achieve ( aim, focus, issue, preoccupation, problem, recommendation) or ideas that sb has about sth ( belief, concept, doctrine, truth). * central与key用法相似,但更正式,最常用于短语be central to中。与key相比,central可搭配的名词范围略小。这些搭配词大多与某人或某事物所起的作用(character、component、feature、figure、motif、part、role、theme、topic)、某人努力想完成之事(aim、focus、issue、preoccupation、problem、recommendation)或某人对某事物的看法(belief、concept、doctrine、truth)相关。 principal / /ˈprɪnsəpl/ / [only before noun] (rather formal) most important 最重要的;主要的New roads will link the principal cities.新建道路将连通各主要城市。Tourist revenue is now our principal source of wealth.旅游业的收入现在成了我们主要的财富来源。My principal concern is to get the job done fast.我最关心的是把工作快点做完。 Principal is mostly used for statements of fact about which there can be no argument. To state an opinion, or to try to persuade sb of the facts as you see them, it is more usual to use key or central. * principal主要用于陈述无可争辩的事实。表明意见或说服别人相信你所认定的事实,较常用key或centralThe key / central issue here is ...这里的关键问题是⋯ principally


The tax was very unpopular, principally because it hit the poor hardest.这项税收很不得人心,主要是因为它对穷人的打击最沉重。The farms are principally arable.这些农场主要是可耕地。
chief [only before noun] (especially written) most important 最重要的;主要的Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty.失业是贫穷的主要原因。Her chief rival for the gold medal is Jones of the USA.她争夺金牌的主要对手是美国的琼斯。 Chief also means 'highest in rank' when talking about the jobs that people have. In the meaning of 'most important' it is also often used to talk about people in various different roles. * chief修饰职位时意为“最高级别的、首席的”。chief表达“最重要的”之意时亦常修饰担任各种不同角色的人sb's chief enemy / rival / opponent某人主要的敌人/竞争对手/对手the chief architect / exponent of sth某事主要的缔造者/倡导者 chiefly


Defence spending was cut, chiefly by reducing national service by six months.主要通过减少六个月兵役来削减国防开支。The scientists cannot be held solely or even chiefly to blame.责任不能完全甚至主要由科学家来承担。
prime [only before noun] (rather formal) most important; to be considered first 最重要的;主要的;首要的My prime concern is to protect my property.我最关心的是保护自己的财产。The care of the environment is of prime importance.保护环境最为重要。He's the police's prime suspect in this case.他是该案中警方的首要怀疑对象。 primary [usually before noun] (rather formal) prime 最重要的;主要的;首要的The primary aim of this class is to improve your spoken English.这门课的主要目的是提高英语会话能力。Our primary concern must be the children.我们首要关心的必须是儿童。 primarily


In the 1790s Britain was still primarily an agricultural country.18世纪90年代,英国基本上还是个农业国。History is after all primarily about people.历史毕竟主要还是人的历史。
NOTE 辨析 Prime or primary?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用your prime / primary concern / purpose / aim / object / objective / task你最关心的事;你的首要目的/目标/宗旨/目标/任务to be of prime / primary importance最重要However, prime is used in some fixed collocations where primary cannot be used. 不过,在某些固定搭配中只能用prime,不能用primarythe prime attraction / contender / suspect主要的景点/竞争者/怀疑对象the primary attraction/contender/suspect Primary also has the related meaning of 'earliest' or 'first'. * primary还有一个相关义项,即“最初的、最早的”。 see also primary first
number one [only before noun] (informal) most important or best 头号的;最重要的;最好的Our number one priority is to find larger office space.我们的头等大事是找到大一些的办公场所。I just love your work! I'm your number one fan.我真是太爱你的作品了!我是你的头号仰慕者。 predominant /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt; NAmE prɪˈdɑːmɪnənt/ (rather formal) most obvious or noticeable 显著的;明显的;盛行的A predominant feature of his work is the use of natural materials.他的作品的一个显著特征是使用天然材料。Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.黄色是今春时装界的主流行色。 predominantly


The firm has a predominantly female workforce.该公司的员工以女性居多。Ours is a predominantly Buddhist country.我国国民大多信奉佛教。




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