

单词 resent
resent verb


resent ♦︎ begrudge ♦︎ take exception to sthThese words all mean to feel angry or unhappy about sth because you feel it is unfair. 这些词均表示感到气愤、愤愤不平。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to resent / begrudge (sb) doing sthto resent / begrudge / take exception to the fact that... resent / /rɪˈzent/ / [transitive] to feel bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair 愤恨;感到气愤;(尤指)愤愤不平He bitterly resented being treated like a child.他十分厌恶被别人当孩子对待。She deeply resented the fact that her husband had been so successful.她丈夫已取得那么大的成功,对此她深感气愤。She resented him making all the decisions.她讨厌什么事都要听他的。 see also resentful bitter 2 begrudge / /bɪˈgrʌdʒ/ / [transitive] (often used in negative statements 常用于否定陈述) to feel unhappy that sb has sth because you do not think that they deserve it; to feel unhappy about having to do, pay or give sth 嫉妒;对(某人所享有的)感到不满;对(要做某事、付钱或提供某物)不乐意You surely don't begrudge him his happiness.你肯定不是嫉妒他的幸福吧。I don't begrudge her being so successful.我并没有因她如此成功而怏怏不乐。I begrudge every second I spent trying to help him.我为了帮助他而花掉的每一秒钟都令我不痛快。Many people begrudge paying so much money for a second-rate service.付出这么多钱,得到的却是二流服务,很多人都不乐意。 see also grudging reluctant take exˈception to sth


(took, taken) (rather formal) to feel angry about sth and strongly object to it, especially sth that sb has said or done (尤指针对他人的言行)强烈反对;生⋯的气I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.你还没告诉我就先对我妻子讲了,为此我非常生气。No one could possibly take exception to his comments.任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。




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