

单词 textile
textile noun


fabric ♦︎ cloth ♦︎ material ♦︎ textileThese are all words for woven or knitted cotton, silk, wool, etc., used for making things such as clothes and curtains, and for covering furniture. 这些词均表示织物、布料。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配fine / quality fabric / cloth / material / textilesbeautiful / rich / coarse / soft / thick / thin fabric / cloth / materialwoven / cotton / woollen fabric / cloth / material / textilessynthetic fabric / material / textilesprinted fabric / cloth / textilesfurnishing / curtain / dress fabric / materialto make / produce / weave / dye fabric / cloth / textilesa length / piece / strip / roll / scrap of fabric / cloth / material fabric [uncountable, countable] woven or knitted cotton, silk, wool, etc., used for making things such as clothes and curtains, and for covering furniture (制作衣服、窗帘、家具套等的)织物,布料They sell a wide variety of printed cotton fabric.他们出售多种印花棉布料。We manufacture quality furnishing fabrics.我们生产优质室内装饰织品。Fabric is often fairly strong material, and is often used when talking about covering furniture or making curtains. * fabric常指相当结实的织物,常用来铺盖在家具上或制作窗帘。 cloth [uncountable] fabric made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc. 织物;布料They used to export cotton cloth.他们以前是做棉布出口的。His bandages had been made from strips of cloth.他的绷带是用布条做的。 Cloth is often fairly light material, especially in a form that has not been printed, treated, or prepared for use in any way. * cloth常指相当轻薄的布料,尤其是未经印染或加工处理过的布料 dress/curtain/furnishing cloth Cloth is frequently used in talking about buying and selling woven material. 表示买卖织物时常用cloth。 material [uncountable, countable] fabric used for making clothes, curtains, etc. (制作衣服、窗帘等的)织物,布料You'll need a piece of material about 20 cm square.你将需要一块20厘米见方的布料。'What material is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.'“这件连衣裙是用什么料子做的?”“棉布。” Material is a more general word than fabric or cloth as it has the related meaning of 'a substance that things can be made from'. It is not used when it might not be clear which type of material is meant. * material另有与此义相关的“材料、原料”之义,因而较fabric和cloth含义更广。不清楚是哪种材料时不用materialfurnishing material the material industry/trade a material merchant/mill/manufacturer textile [countable, usually plural] any type of fabric made by weaving or knitting 纺织品He owns a factory producing a range of textiles.他拥有一家工厂,生产一系列纺织品。They're advertising for a textile designer.他们正公开招聘一名纺织品设计师。 Textile is used mostly when talking about the business of making woven materials. The industry of making textiles is called textiles. * textile最常用来指生产纺织品的行业。纺织业称作textilesHe got a job in textiles.他在纺织行业找了个工作。




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