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side noun ⇨ aspect (see the funny side) ⇨ attitude (both sides of the argument) ⇨ edge (the side of the bed) ⇨ page (Write no more than three sides.) ⇨ team 2 (lead your side to victory) aspect noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ element 1 另见element条第1义aspect ♦︎ side ♦︎ respect ♦︎ dimension ♦︎ strand ♦︎ endThese are all words for a particular part or feature of a situation, idea or sb's character, or a way of looking or thinking about sth. 这些词均表示方面、层面或看问题的角度。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an aspect / a side / a dimension / a strand to sth◆an important aspect / respect / dimension / strand◆a crucial aspect / respect / dimension◆a / an political / economic / social / cultural / historical / religious / spiritual / moral / human aspect / side / dimension◆to consider an aspect / a side / a dimension of sth◆to deal with / look at an aspect / a side of sth■ aspect [countable] a particular part or feature of a situation, idea, problem or person's character; a way of looking or thinking about sth 方面;层面;(看待事物的)角度◆The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。◆This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.这是他过去没有了解到的她性格的一个方面。◆She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.她觉得已经从各个角度考虑了这个问题。■ side [countable] a particular aspect of sth, especially a situation or a person's character (尤指情况或性格的)方面◆Her novels deal with the darker side of human nature.她的小说讨论人性的阴暗面。◆It's good you can see the funny side of the situation.你能看到情况可笑的一面,这很好。◆I'll take care of that side of things.那方面的事情由我来处理。ⓘ In this meaning, side is often, though not always, rather informal, used especially in spoken English in the phrases see the funny side and that/the business/the political, etc. side of things. 表达此义时,side常常很不正式,尤其用于口语短语see the funny side或that/the business/the political, etc. side of things中。■ respect [countable] a particular aspect or detail of sth (事物的)方面,细节◆In this respect we are very fortunate.在这方面,我们是很幸运的。◆He takes after his father in some respects, but he's very different in other ways.他某些方面很像他父亲,但其他方面却非常不同。◆There was one respect, however, in which they differed.然而,他们在一点上有分歧。ⓘ Respect is used especially to draw attention to one particular aspect of sth, in order to contrast it with other aspects. It is used very often in the phrases in some/many/all respects and in one/every respect but it is not followed by of sth and you should use one before it instead of a. * respect尤用来强调事物的某个方面,以区别于其他方面。常用于短语in some/many/all respects和in one/every respect中,但是后面不接of sth,而且前面应该用one而不用a◆an important aspect of the problem问题的一个重要方面◆an important respect of the problem. ◆They differed in one respect.他们在某一点上有分歧。◆They differed in a respect. ■ dimension /daɪˈmenʃn, dɪˈmenʃn/ [countable] a feature of sth; a way of looking at or thinking about sth 方面;侧面;(看待事物的)角度◆Her job added a new dimension to her life.她的工作为她的生活增添了新的内容。◆We should also consider the social dimension of unemployment.我们还应该考虑失业的社会层面。ⓘ Dimension is used especially to talk about issues in society and history; common collocates include social, economic, political, ideological, cultural, linguistic, historical, geographical, environmental, regional, national, international, human, personal, moral, ethical, religious and spiritual. * dimension尤指社会和历史问题的某个方面,常见搭配词有social、economic、political、ideological、cultural、linguistic、historical、geographical、environmental、regional、national、international、human、personal、moral、ethical、religious和spiritual。■ strand [countable] one of the different parts of sth, especially an idea, plan or story (尤指观点、计划或故事的)部分,方面◆There are three main strands to the policy.该政策主要涉及三个方面。◆The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter.作者在最后一章把不同的情节线索归拢到了一起。■ end [countable, usually singular] a part of an activity with which sb is concerned, especially in business (尤指经营活动的)部分,方面◆We need someone to handle the marketing end of the business.我们需要有人来处理市场推广这一块业务。◆Are there any problems at your end?你那边有什么问题吗?◆I have kept my end of the bargain.我已履行了我方的协议条件。 attitude noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ view 1 另见view条第1义attitude ♦︎ view ♦︎ perspective ♦︎ point of view ♦︎ stance ♦︎ position ♦︎ outlook ♦︎ level ♦︎ line ♦︎ angle ♦︎ side ♦︎ standThese are all words for the particular way you think or feel about sb/sth. 这些词均表示态度、看法。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sb's view / a perspective / a stance / a position / an outlook / a line / an angle / a stand on sth◆a stance / stand against sb / sth◆from the perspective / point of view / position / angle of sb / sth◆different / various attitudes / views / perspectives / points of view / stances / positions / outlooks / levels / angles / sides◆an alternative view / perspective / point of view / position / angle◆a personal attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stance / position / level / angle / stand◆the general attitude / view / perspective / point of view / position / outlook◆a popular attitude / view / perspective◆a positive / negative attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stance / outlook / angle◆a sympathetic attitude / view / point of view / angle◆a critical attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stance◆a practical attitude / view / perspective / point of view / outlook◆to take an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / a stance / a position / a line / a side / a stand◆to adopt an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / a stance / a position / an outlook / a line◆to have an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / an outlook / a line / an angle◆to change an attitude / your view / your perspective / your point of view / your stance / your position / your outlook / sides◆to challenge an attitude / a view / a perspective■ attitude [countable] the way that you think and feel about sb/sth; the way that you behave towards sb/sth that shows how you think and feel 态度;看法;作风◆Her attitude to her parents has always been somewhat negative.她对父母总是多少持有负面的态度。◆What is your attitude towards the job as a whole?总的来说,你对这个工作的看法怎样?◆I tend to take the attitude that it's best to leave well alone.我常有一种看法,那就是最好别掺和别人的事。◆If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude.你若想通过考试就最好改变你的态度。■ view [countable, usually singular] a way of understanding or thinking about sth (理解或思维的)方式,方法◆He has a pretty optimistic view of life.他对人生的看法很乐观。◆The traditional view was that marriage was for life.传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。■ perspective / /pəˈspektɪv; NAmE pərˈspektɪv/ [countable, usually singular] a particular attitude towards an issue or problem; a particular way of thinking about sth 态度;观点;思考方法◆Try to approach the problem from a different perspective.试着从另一个角度处理这个问题。◆We need to take a global perspective on the environment.我们要从全球角度看待环境问题。■ ˌpoint of ˈview [countable] a particular way of considering or judging a situation 思考角度;判断方法◆These statistics are important from an economic point of view.从经济学角度看,这些统计数字很重要。◆The book is written from a child's point of view.这本书是以孩子的视角写的。■ stance /stæns, BrE also stɑːns/ [countable] the opinion that sb has on a particular issue that they express publicly (公开表明的)观点,态度,立场◆What's the newspaper's stance on the war?那家报纸对这场战争持什么立场?◆He's known for his anti-immigration stance.他以反移民立场著称。■ position [countable] an attitude that sb has towards a particular subject that influences how they act (影响行为的)态度,立场◆Our party's position on education is very clear.我们党对教育的态度很明确。◆The official position was that of refusing to talk to terrorists.官方立场是拒绝和恐怖分子谈判。NOTE 辨析 Stance or position?A stance can be more temporary and/or more personal than a position, in reaction to a new issue in current affairs, when it is considered necessary for public figures and newspapers to make their opinions known. A position is often more long-term and/or official and is concerned with how people or organizations act on a particular issue, rather than what they say. * stance指公众人物或报纸须对时下新问题发表看法时所持的立场。与position相比,stance多指短期的、个人的立场。position多指长期的、官方的立场,强调人或组织对特定问题的应对,而不强调其言论。■ outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ / [countable] the attitude to life and the world of a particular person or group 观点;人生观;世界观◆He has a very practical outlook on life.他的人生观很实际。◆Most western societies are liberal in outlook.西方社会大多思想观念开放。■ level [countable] a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding sth 看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式◆On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me.从较为个人的角度,我要感谢琼给予我的所有帮助。◆Fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可以从不同的角度去理解。■ line [countable, usually singular] an attitude or belief, especially one that is officially supported by a government, political party or politician (尤指政府、政党或政治人物公开支持的)态度,理念◆The government took a hard line on the strike.政府对这次罢工持强硬态度。◆The MP supported the official line on education.那名议员支持官方的教育理念。◆He was expelled from the party for refusing to toe the party line (= follow the party's official opinions and policies).他因拒绝遵循党的路线而被开除出党。■ angle [countable] a particular way of thinking about or presenting a situation, problem or subject (看待问题或呈现主题的)角度,观点,立场◆We're looking for a new angle for our next advertising campaign.我们正在为下一次广告活动寻找新视角。◆The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story.这篇文章集中讨论了故事中人物的情感问题。■ side [countable] one of the opinions, attitudes or positions taken by sb in an argument or agreement (争论或协议中)一方的观点(或态度、立场)◆You need to listen to both sides of the argument.你要听争论双方的观点。◆The other side maintains that the project will not be affordable.另一方坚持说负担不起该项目。◆Will you keep your side of the bargain?你方能不能遵守协议?■ stand [countable, usually singular] an attitude that you take publicly, usually against sth that you disapprove of (对不赞同之事公开的)态度,立场◆We need to take a tough stand on tax avoidance.我们需要在避税问题上采取强硬立场。 edge noun edge ♦︎ end ♦︎ side ♦︎ perimeter ♦︎ limit ♦︎ fringe ♦︎ periphery ♦︎ marginThese are all words for the part of sth that is furthest away from the centre. 这些词均表示边缘、外围。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆at the edge / end / side / perimeter / limits / fringe / periphery / margins◆on the edge / end / side / perimeter / fringe / periphery / margins◆beyond the edge / end / perimeter / limits / fringe / margins◆along / around the edge / sides / perimeter / fringe / periphery / margins◆the outer edge / end / perimeter / limit / fringe / periphery / margins of sth◆the inner edge / end / perimeter of sth◆the northern / eastern / southern / western edge / end / side / limit / fringe / periphery / margins of sth◆the very edge / end / limit / fringe of sth◆to reach the edge / end / perimeter / limit / fringe / periphery◆to remain on / stand on the edge / end / fringe■ edge [countable] the outside limit of an object, area or surface; the part furthest from the centre 边;边缘;边线◆He stood on the edge of the cliff.他站在悬崖边上。◆They live right on the edge of town.他们就住在城市的边缘。◆I sat down at the water's edge.我在水边坐了下来。◆Stand the coin on its edge and spin it.把硬币竖起来旋转。◆She tore the page out roughly, leaving a ragged edge in the book.她粗暴地撕下那一页,在书中留下了参差不齐的撕痕。OPP the middle ⇨ middle ■ end [countable] the part of an object or place that is the furthest from its centre, front or from where you are 末端;尽头;末梢◆Turn right at the end of the road.在路的尽头向右拐。◆That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table.坐在桌子远端的那位就是他的妻子。◆Go to the end of the line!站到队尾去!◆You've got something on the end of your nose.你的鼻尖上沾了些东西。◆Tie the ends of the string together.把绳子的两端系在一起。◆These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.这两款产品一款是价格最高的,一款是价格最低的。◆We walked along the whole promenade from end to end.我们沿着海滨大道从这头一直走到另一头。◆They arranged the tables end to end.他们把桌子连成一排。◆Stand the box on end.把盒子竖起来。◆They live in the end house.他们住在最末端的房子里。OPP the middle ⇨ middle ■ side [countable] a part of an object or place near the edge and away from the middle 边缘;边◆She sat on the side of the bed.她坐在床边。◆A van was parked at the side of the road.路边停着一辆面包车。◆the south side of the lake湖的南侧 OPP the middle ⇨ middle NOTE 辨析 Edge, end or side?The edge of an object or area goes all the way around it; the two ends of an object or area are points on the edge that are opposite each other with the longest distance between them; the sides of an object or area are the parts of the edge that are opposite each other but do not have the longest distance between them. * edge指环绕某物或区域的边缘;end指某物或区域内相隔距离最远的两端;side指某物或区域内相对的两侧,之间的距离不一定最远。■ perimeter / /pəˈrɪmɪtə(r)/ / [countable] (rather formal) the furthest edge of an enclosed area of land (围起来的土地的)外缘,边缘◆Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.保安人员在庄园四周巡逻。◆There is a 15-foot perimeter fence.四周围着15英尺的栅栏。■ limit [countable] the furthest edge of an area or place (地区或地方的)境界,界限,范围◆We were reaching the limits of civilization.我们快到蛮荒地界了。◆The houses lie outside the city limits (= the official boundary of the city).这些房子位处城市地界以外。■ fringe [countable] a narrow strip of trees or buildings along the edge of sth (沿⋯边缘的)一排(树木或房屋)◆West of the river there was a fringe of woodland along its bank.河的西岸是一片树林。◆Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.沿海一片带状工业区已经发展起来。ⓘ In British English a fringe can also be the furthest edge of an area or group. 在英式英语中fringe还可以指地区或群体的边缘◆The factories are located on the northern fringes of the city.这些工厂坐落在城市的北部边缘。 ■ periphery / /pəˈrɪfəri/ / [countable, usually singular] (formal) the furthest edge of an area; the less important part of an activity or political or social group (地区的)边缘,外围;(活动、政治或社会团体的)次要部分◆There is a lot of industrial development on the periphery of the town.城镇的周边地区发展了很多工业。◆It is a minor party on the periphery of American politics.这是处于美国政治边缘的一个小党派。 see also peripheral ⇨ minor ■ margin /ˈmɑːdʒɪn; NAmE ˈmɑːrdʒən/ [countable] (formal) the furthest edge of an area, especially an area of water; the less important part of an activity or political or social group (尤指水域的)边缘;(活动、政治或社会团体的)次要部分◆The island is on the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean.该岛位于印度洋东缘。◆These are desperate people, often homeless, living on the margins of society.这些人绝望无助,大多无家可归,生活在社会的边缘。 page noun page ♦︎ sheet ♦︎ slip ♦︎ sideThese are all words for a single piece of paper. 这些词均表示一页或一张纸。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a sheet / slip of paper◆on a / the page / sheet / slip / side◆in the middle / at the top / at the bottom of the page / sheet◆a / an blank / loose / printed / separate / A4 / A5 page / sheet■ page (abbreviation p ) [countable] one side or both sides of a piece of paper, especially when there are several pieces of paper together, for example in a book, magazine or letter (书刊或信件等的)页,面,张,版◆Turn to page 64.请翻到64页。◆Someone has torn a page out of this book.有人从这本书里撕掉了一页。◆The text refers to the photograph on the opposite / facing page.这段文字是对页照片的说明。◆The article continues over the page.本文在下一页继续。◆I never read the sports pages or the financial pages of the newspaper.我从来不看报纸的体育版和财经版。■ sheet [countable] a piece of paper for writing or printing on, usually in a standard size, but not one which is part of a book 一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸,但不指书页)◆Take a clean sheet of paper (= with no writing on it).拿一张白纸。◆Start each answer on a fresh sheet.每题答案都分别写在一张白纸上。◆Pick up one of our free information sheets at reception.请在接待处拿一张我们的免费传单。■ slip [countable] a small piece of paper, especially one for writing on or with sth printed on it 纸条;便条◆I wrote it down on a slip of paper.我把它记在一张纸条上了。◆Please fill in the tear-off slip and return it to the office.请撕下纸条填写,然后交回办公室。■ side [countable] the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper 一面纸的文字量◆He told us to write no more than three sides.他叫我们写字不要超过三面纸。ⓘ Side is used instead of page to avoid confusion, as a page may be one or both sides of a piece of paper. 用side代替page可避免意思含混,因为page可以指一面,也可以指正反两面。 team2 noun work together as a team 以团队合作的方式工作a football team 足球队team ♦︎ club ♦︎ side ♦︎ squad ♦︎ line-upThese are all words for a group of people who play a sport together against other groups. 这些词均表示运动队。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a successful / local / top team / club / side◆the junior / senior / youth / under-19 / national team / side / squad◆a / an Irish / French, etc. team / club / side / squad◆the England / Ireland, etc. team / side / squad / line-up◆a football / rugby / cricket team / club / side / squad◆to join a team / club / squad / line-up◆to play for / sign for a team / club / side◆to name a team / side / squad / line-up◆to field a team / side / line-up◆a team / club / side plays / wins / loses (a game / match)◆a member of a team / club / side / squad / line-up■ team [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who play a particular game or sport against another group of people (比赛或运动的)队◆ (BrE) Whose team are you in?你是哪个队的?◆ (NAmE) After two years out with injury, he's back on the team.因伤离队两年后,他归队了。◆You didn't make the team (= weren't chosen to play) I'm afraid.很遗憾,你没有获选入队。◆What team do you support?你支持哪一队?◆We want to encourage team sports in schools.我们想在学校中鼓励学生参与团体运动。■ club [countable + singular or plural verb] (BrE) a professional sports organization that includes players, managers, owners and members 职业运动俱乐部◆He is expected to sign for a Premier League club next season.下一个赛季预计他会签约超级联赛俱乐部。◆Athletico Madrid Football Club马德里竞技足球俱乐部 see also club ⇨ union ■ side [countable + singular or plural verb] (BrE) a sports team 运动队◆As captain, Pryce is confident of leading his side to victory.作为队长,普赖斯自信能率领队伍取胜。◆The French have a very strong side.法国队非常强大。NOTE 辨析 Team, club or side? Club refers to the organization that includes the players, managers and owners, throughout the club's history: players, managers and owners may change, but it remains the same club. Team and side usually refer more just to the players, and often (especially side) to the players at a particular point in the club's history, or in a particular game. * club指俱乐部的内在组织,包括自成立以来的球员、经理和老板。球员、经理和老板可能会改变,但仍然是同一个俱乐部。team和side通常指球员,并常指(尤其是side)在俱乐部历程中某个时候或参加某场比赛的球员◆This team is arguably even better than the Welsh side of the seventies.这支球队可以说比20世纪70年代的威尔士队更好。 ■ squad /skwɒd; NAmE skwɑːd/ [countable + singular or plural verb] the group of players or competitors from which a team is chosen for a particular game 运动(代表)队(从中选出参加某场比赛的队员)◆He has named a squad of 16 from which to pick the side for the two one-day games.他组建了一支16人的代表队,将从中挑选队员组队参加两场各为期一天的比赛。■ ˈline-up [usually singular] the players who are going to take part in a particular game or stage of a competition 阵容;阵式◆The team returns this season with a new car and a new line-up of drivers.代表队以新的赛车和车手阵容重返本赛季。◆He was named in the starting line-up for the game against Chelsea.他被选入对切尔西队比赛的首发队员阵容。 |