

单词 site
site verb
site noun


base ♦︎ locate ♦︎ be situated ♦︎ siteThese words all mean to build or put sth in a particular place. 这些词均表示设立于或坐落于某处。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be based / located / situated / sited in / at / close to sthto be based / located / situated / sited between A and Bconveniently based / located / situated / sitedstrategically located / situated / sitedcentrally located / situated base be based [transitive, often passive] to use a particular city, country or region as the main place for sth such as a business; to stay in a particular place in order to be able to do sth in the local area, such as working or taking a holiday 把(总部等)设在;以⋯为据点She works for a company based in Chicago.她为一家总部设在芝加哥的公司工作。a Chicago-based company一家总部设在芝加哥的公司We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there.我们将以东京为大本营到各地旅行。 base


[countable] The town is an ideal base for touring the area.这个镇是到该地区旅游观光的理想据点。
locate be located [transitive, often passive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather formal, especially written) to put or build sth in a particular place; to exist or have been built in a particular place 把⋯安置在(或建造于);位于;坐落在They located their headquarters in Paris.他们把总部设在巴黎。The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station.办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅几分钟的路程。Especially in American English, locate [intransitive] also means to start a business in a particular place. 尤其在美式英语中,locate作不及物动词也表示在特定的地方创办企业There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.到农村地区创办企业享有税收减免。 see also location place noun 1 , relocate leave verb 2 be situated [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (formal) to exist or have been built in a particular place or position 位于;坐落在My bedroom was situated on the top floor of the house.我的卧室在房子的顶层。 site be sited [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to build sth in a particular place or position 使坐落在;为⋯选址There was a meeting to discuss the siting of the new school.开过一次会,讨论新学校选址的问题。The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.城堡巍然高踞崖顶。 see also site place noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Located, situated or sited? Located and situated can both be used to talk about where sth is, including sth such as a natural feature that has always been there or has not been placed there by people. Sited is normally only used to describe sth that people have built or placed in a particular position, especially a particular type of building such as a factory, school or hospital. * located和situated均可表示所处的位置,包括自然景观一直所处而非人为设置的位置。sited一般只用来表示人工建筑或人为设置的位置,尤其是工厂、学校、医院等特定种类建筑的位置Goose Island is located / situated in the Chicago River.古斯岛位于芝加哥河上。Goose Island is sited in the Chicago River.


a good place for a picnic/I hate this place! 野餐的好地方;我不喜欢这个地方!Come and sit here-I've saved you a place. 到这儿来坐吧-我给你留了个座位。place ♦︎ site ♦︎ area ♦︎ position ♦︎ point ♦︎ location ♦︎ scene ♦︎ spot ♦︎ venue ♦︎ whereaboutsThese are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where sth is situated or happens. 这些词均表示场所、地方。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a (good, etc.) place / site / position / location / spot / venue for sthat a place / site / position / point / location / scene / spot / venuein a place / an area / a position / a location / a venuethe place / site / point / location / spot / venue where...a / an good / ideal / suitable place / site / position / location / spot / venuea / an interesting / beautiful / convenient / remote place / site / position / location / spotthe right place / site / position / location / spot / venuea central site / position / location / venuea prime site / position / locationthe / sb / sth's exact / precise place / site / position / point / location / spot / whereaboutsthe / sb / sth's current / present site / position / location / whereabouts place [countable] a particular point, area, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens 位置;地点;场所;地方Is this the place where it happened?这就是事发现场吗?This would be a good place for a picnic.这可是个野餐的好地方。I can't be in two places at once.我不可能同时身处两地。The police searched the place.警察搜查了那个地方。These streets are no place for a child to be out alone at night.晚上小孩子可不能一个人到这几条街上来。We're looking for a place to eat.我们想找个地方吃饭。There was no hiding place.没有藏身之地。Please write your full name, date and place of birth.请写下你的全名、出生日期和出生地。 site [countable] the place where sth, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where sth happened or that is used for a particular purpose (建筑物的)位置;建筑工地;(事件发生的)现场;场所We visited the site of a 16th century abbey.我们参观了一座16世纪大教堂的旧址。All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately.所有材料都已运抵工地,可以立即开工。 (BrE) a building site建筑工地 (NAmE, BrE) a construction site建筑工地This was the site of a great battle.这里曾打过一场大战。They say it's an ancient burial site.他们说那里古时候是个坟场。a camp / camping / caravan site营地;野营地;旅行拖车停车点The kids used to play on an old bomb site (= a place that had been bombed in the past).孩子们过去经常在轰炸后的废墟上玩耍。 see also site base verb area [countable] a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose; a particular place on an object (房间、建筑物、处所等中作特别用途的)场地,区;(物体上的)处,部位the hotel reception area酒店接待处a play / parking / dining area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处Move the cursor to a blank area on the screen.把光标移至电脑屏幕的空白区。The tumour had not spread to other areas of the body.肿瘤没有扩散到身体其他部位。 see also area area 1 position [countable, uncountable] the place where a person or thing is situated; the place where sb/sth is meant to be 位置;地方;正确位置From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbour.他在山顶那位置,可以看到海港。Radars determine the aircraft's position.雷达确定飞机位置。Is everybody in position?大家都就位了吗?The dancers all got into position.舞者都到位了。She took up her position by the door.她到门边就位。The position of sb/sth is often temporary: the place where sb/sth is at a particular time. * position常常是暂时性的,即某人或某物在某段时间所在的位置。 see also position position noun , position put verb 1 point [countable] a particular place within an area, where sth happens or is supposed to happen (事情发生或应该发生的)地方,地点I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在抵港大厅的集合点等你。the point at which the river divides河流分叉点No parking beyond this point.请勿越此界停车。 location / /ləʊˈkeɪʃn; NAmE loʊˈkeɪʃn/ [countable] a place where sth happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or is not known (尤指未提及或未知的)地点,位置,地方Please tell us your exact location.请告知你的确切方位。The company is moving to a new location.公司准备迁移新址。They got married at a secret location in Scotland.他们在苏格兰某个秘密地方成婚了。A location is also a place outside a film studio where scenes of a film are made. * location还指电影的外景拍摄地A mountain in the Rockies became the location for a film about Everest.落基山脉的一座山成了一部有关珠穆朗玛峰的电影的外景拍摄地。The movie was shot entirely on location in Italy.这部影片的外景完全是在意大利拍摄的。 see also locate base , locate find 4 scene [countable, usually singular] a place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不愉快的事情发生的)现场,地点Several onlookers gathered at the scene of the accident.几个旁观者围在事故现场。The scene of the crime is being investigated by the police.警方正在勘察犯罪现场。Firefighters were on the scene immediately.消防员立即赶到现场。 spot [countable] a particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where sth particular happens (尤指具有某种特点或某类事件发生的)地点,场所,处所She stood rooted to the spot (= unable to move) with fear.她吓得呆若木鸡地站在那儿。The lake is one of the local beauty spots.该湖是当地的风景名胜之一。He has reported from several of the world's major trouble spots (= places where trouble often happens, especially violence and war).他去过世界几大动荡地区做过报道。 venue /ˈvenjuː/ / [countable] the place where people meet for an organized event such as a performance or sports event 聚集地点(如演出或体育比赛场馆)The band will be playing at several different venues in the UK.这个乐队将在英国几个不同地方演出。Please note the change of venue for this event.请注意,这次比赛改了地点。 whereabouts /ˈweərəbaʊts; NAmE ˈwerəbaʊts/ [uncountable + singular or plural verb] the place where sb/sth is (人或物)所在的地方;下落;行踪Her whereabouts is / are still unknown.她仍下落不明。They were forced to reveal the whereabouts of the ship.他们被迫说出了船的下落。Whereabouts is often used to talk or ask about sb/sth when you do not know where that person or thing is. * whereabouts常用于表示人或物的行踪不明。




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