

单词 size up
size up phrasal verb


judge by appearances 凭外表来判断judge a competition/judge sb guilty 担任比赛的裁判;判某人有罪estimatejudge distances/speedsjudge ♦︎ assess ♦︎ evaluate ♦︎ rate ♦︎ gauge ♦︎ size sb/sth upThese words all mean to form an opinion about sb/sth based on the information you have. 这些词均表示对某人或某事作出判断。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to judge / assess / evaluate / rate sb / sth as sthto judge / assess / evaluate / rate sb / sth on / according to sthto judge / assess / evaluate / gauge sb / sth by sthto judge / assess / gauge sb / sth from sthto judge / assess / evaluate / rate / gauge how...to judge / assess / evaluate / gauge what / whether...to judge / assess / evaluate / gauge the extent / significance / success / effectiveness / effect / impact of sthto judge / assess / evaluate / gauge sth's progress / performance / quality / merits / potentialto judge / assess / evaluate / size up the situationto judge / assess / gauge the mood / reactionto judge / assess / evaluate / gauge sb / sth accurately / correctlyto judge / assess / evaluate / rate sb / sth fairly / accordinglyto judge / assess / evaluate sb / sth properly / objectively judge [intransitive, transitive] to form an opinion about sb/sth, based on the information you have 判断;断定;认为As far as I can judge, they are all to blame.依我看,他们都有责任。Judging from what he said, he was very disappointed.从他的话判断,他非常失望。I don't really think that you're in a position to judge.我倒觉得轮不到你来评判。You shouldn't judge by appearances (= form an opinion about sb / sth from the way they look).你不应凭外表来判断。You shouldn't judge her too harshly.你对她的评判不应太苛刻。They judged it wise to say nothing.他们认为不说为妙。 see also judgement view 1 , judgemental critical assess / /əˈses/ / [transitive] to make a judgement about the nature, ability or quality of sb/sth, after watching or testing them and using your expert knowledge 评估,评定(性质、能力或质量)The new patient is assessed by the nursing staff.新病号由护理人员作出评估。I'd assess your chances of winning as pretty low.我估计你赢的可能性很小。The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.该委员会负责评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。 see also assess test verb 2 , assessment assessment evaluate / /ɪˈvæljueɪt/ / [transitive] to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth after studying it carefully 评价,评估(数量、价值或质量)Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.我们的研究试图对不同药物的疗效进行评估。We need to evaluate how well the system is working.我们需要对这个系统的效果作出评价。 see also evaluation assessment NOTE 辨析 Assess or evaluate?You usually assess sb/sth in order to make a judgement, often against a particular standard, to see if sb/sth is satisfactory. You usually evaluate sb/sth in order to understand it better so that more informed decisions can be made. Sometimes either word can be used. * assess通常指按照某种标准评价某人或某事是否令人满意。evaluate通常指为更好地理解某人或某事而对其进行评估,以便作出更有依据的决定。有时这两个词可以通用Candidates are assessed / evaluated on their ability to think independently.会对候选人的独立思考能力进行评估。In this example, a judgement is being made, but evaluate is often used in the context of people's performance in their jobs because it sounds more positive. In the context of students' performance in exams or class, however, the usual word is assess. 上面的例句所作的是一种评价。在评估人们工作表现的语境中常用evaluate,因为听起来更正面些。在评估学生考试成绩或课堂表现的语境中通常用assess。 see also assess test verb 2 rate [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to judge that sb/sth has a particular level of quality or value 评估;评价;估价How did you rate her speech?你怎样评价她的演讲?The university is highly rated for its research.这所大学的研究工作受到高度评价。Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.选民继续把教育看作是头等大事之一。 see also rate rank verb , rating class 4 gauge (NAmE also gage) / /geɪdʒ/ / [transitive] to form a judgement about sth, especially about people's feelings or attitudes 判定,判断(尤指人的感情或态度)He tried to gauge her mood.他试图揣摩她的心情。It was difficult to gauge whether she was angry or not.很难判断她是否在生气。 see also gauge criterion noun ˌsize sb/sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to form a judgement or opinion about sb/sth 估量;判断He sized up the situation very quickly.他很快就对形势作出了判断。The children looked at each other warily, as if sizing each other up.孩子们警惕地你看我,我看你,好像在估量对方。




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