

单词 sketch
sketch noun
picture (draw a sketch) play (a comedy sketch) summary (a biographical sketch of the author)
sketch verb
draw (sketch a view) outline (sketch out an idea)


 See also the entry for photograph 另见photograph条picture ♦︎ painting ♦︎ drawing ♦︎ portrait ♦︎ graphics ♦︎ print ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ image ♦︎ artwork ♦︎ cartoonThese are all words for a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper by drawing, painting, etc. 这些词均表示图画、绘画。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to draw a picture / portrait / sketch / cartoonto paint a picture / portraitto make a painting / a drawing / a portrait / a print / a sketch / an imageto do a painting / drawing / portrait / sketchto show / display / exhibit a picture / painting / drawing / portrait / printto frame / hang a picture / painting / portrait / printa picture / painting / drawing / portrait / print / sketch / cartoon shows sb / sth picture [countable] a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper using a pencil, a pen or paint (用铅笔、钢笔或颜料绘成的)图画,绘画The children were drawing pictures of their pets.孩子们在画他们的宠物。She got a famous artist to paint her picture (= a picture of herself).她请了一位名画家为自己画像。He likes books with lots of pictures in them.他喜欢看有大量插图的书。 see also illustration diagram painting [countable] a picture that has been made using paint 绘画;油画a collection of paintings by American artists美国画家绘画作品集cave paintings洞穴里的壁画 see also paint draw verb drawing [countable] a picture that has been made using a pencil or pen, not paint (铅笔或钢笔)画;素描画a pencil / charcoal drawing铅笔画;炭笔画a drawing by Paul Klee保罗•克利的画He did a drawing of a yacht.他画了一条帆船。 see also draw draw verb portrait / /ˈpɔːtreɪt, ˈpɔːtrət; NAmE ˈpɔːrtrət/ [countable] a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders 肖像;半身像;半身照Vermeer's 'Portrait of the artist in his studio'弗美尔的《画室里的艺术家肖像》She had her portrait painted.她让人给她画了一幅画像。a self-portrait (= a painting that you do of yourself) in pen and ink用钢笔和墨水画的自画像a portrait painter肖像画家 see also portrait description graphics /ˈgræfɪks/ / [plural] designs or pictures that are used in the production of books and magazines and on television and computer screens (书、杂志、电视或电脑屏幕上的)图案,绘图,图像computer graphics电脑图像Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.文本和绘图分别制作后再排在一起。 print [countable] a picture that has been copied from a painting using photography (用照相制版法制作的)绘画复制品a Renoir print一幅雷诺阿油画的复制品a framed set of prints一组镶框的复制画 see also print photograph sketch [countable] a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details 素描;速写;草图I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.我通常在开始作画前先打几个很粗略的草图。He drew me a quick sketch.他为我画了张素描。 see also sketch draw verb image [countable] (formal) a copy of sb/sth in the form of a picture or statue 画像;雕像;塑像Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh印度教神灵象头神的木雕像An image can also be a picture of sb/sth seen on a television or computer screen. * image也可以指电视或电脑屏幕上的影像、图像。 see also image image artwork /ˈɑːtwɜːk; NAmE ˈɑːrtwɜːrk/ [uncountable] pictures that are prepared for books, advertisements and magazines (书刊或广告上的)插图,图片Can you let me have the finished artwork by Friday?你能在星期五前做完插图给我吗?NOTE 辨析 Graphics or artwork? Artwork places more emphasis on the process of producing the picture (for example by painting or drawing); graphics places more emphasis on the finished items. Artwork is pictures or photographs; graphics can also be designs, diagrams or tables. * artwork较强调绘图或画图的过程,而graphics较强调成品本身。artwork是图片或照片,graphics也可以是设计图、图表或表格。 cartoon /kɑːˈtuːn; NAmE kɑːrˈtuːn/ [countable] an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially one about politics or events in the news (报刊中尤与政治或时事有关的)漫画,讽刺画a political cartoon政治漫画A cartoon is also a series of drawings that tell a story. * cartoon也指连环画或动画片a strip cartoon连环漫画a full-length Disney cartoon一部迪斯尼动画片的完整版


play ♦︎ drama ♦︎ comedy ♦︎ tragedy ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ farceThese are all words for a piece of writing that is intended to be performed as entertainment. 这些词均表示戏剧、剧本。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farce by sba play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farce about stha Shakespearean play / drama / comedy / tragedya television / radio play / drama / comedya historical play / dramato write a play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farceto perform a play / drama / sketchto do a play / sketchto see a play / drama / comedy / sketch play [countable] a piece of writing that is intended to be performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio 戏剧;剧本Kate's class decided to put on (= organize and perform) a play for the school.凯特的班打算为学校演出排演一个剧目。The theatre was refused permission to stage the play.剧场未获准上演这个剧。 see also playwright writer drama / /ˈdrɑːmə/ / [countable] a play, especially one that has a very exciting or emotional story (尤指剧情令人兴奋或激动的)戏,剧The story easily fits into the standard mould of a courtroom drama.这个故事很符合法庭戏的常规模式。It is a lavish costume drama (= a film, especially on television, about a period in the past) set in the early twentieth century.这是一部耗资巨大的古装戏,背景设定在20世纪初。 see also drama drama , dramatist writer comedy / /ˈkɒmədi; NAmE ˈkɑːmədi/ [countable, uncountable] a play or film that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays and films of this type 喜剧;喜剧片It's a romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.这是由梅格•瑞安和汤姆•汉克斯主演的浪漫喜剧。They spent hours watching comedy on television.他们看了几个小时的电视喜剧片。 tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ / [countable, uncountable] a serious play with a sad ending, especially one in which the main character dies; plays of this type 悲剧;悲剧作品Revenge tragedies were very popular in Elizabethan England.复仇悲剧在伊丽莎白一世时代的英格兰非常受欢迎。In Greek tragedy the main character usually identifies himself upon entering the stage.在希腊悲剧中,主要人物上场后通常要表明身份。 sketch / /sketʃ/ / [countable] a short funny scene that is part of a longer show in a theatre or on television or radio 幽默短剧;小品The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.剧社上演了一出夫妻二人买新车的短剧。 farce /fɑːs; NAmE fɑːrs/ [countable, uncountable] a funny play for the theatre based on ridiculous and unlikely situations and events; this type of writing or performance 滑稽戏;闹剧;滑稽戏剧本Feydeau's classic bedroom farce (= a funny play about sex) is set in turn-of-the-century Paris.费多的经典床上笑剧以世纪之交的巴黎为背景。Farce is often looked down upon by serious theatre goers.以严肃的态度去戏院看戏的人常常看不起滑稽剧。


summary ♦︎ outline ♦︎ overview ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ synopsis ♦︎ abstract ♦︎ rundownThese are all words for a short version of sth longer, especially a piece of writing or a discussion. 这些词均表示总结、概要、摘要。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a summary / an outline / an overview / a sketch / a synopsis / an abstract / a rundown of sthin summary / outlinea brief summary / outline / overview / sketch / synopsisa quick / short / general summary / outline / overviewa full summary / overview / rundownto give sb a summary / an outline / an overview / a sketch / a synopsis / a rundownto provide a summary / an outline / an overview / a sketch / a synopsis / an abstract summary [countable] a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details 总结;概括;摘要The following is a summary of our conclusions.现将我们的几点结论综述如下。a news summary新闻摘要a two-page summary of a government report一份两页的政府报告摘要 outline [countable] a description of the main facts or points involved in sth 概述;梗概This is a brief outline of the events.这就是事件的简要概括。The article describes in outline the main findings of the research.文章扼要叙述了主要的研究结果。 see also outline outline verb , outline shape noun overview / /ˈəʊvəvjuː; NAmE ˈoʊvərvjuː/ [countable] a description or understanding of the main facts or points involved in sth 概述;概论;概况The second chapter will provide an overview of the issues involved.第二章将对相关议题作出概述。My main concern is to get an overview of the main environmental problems facing the area.我所关注的是简要了解该地区的主要环境问题。NOTE 辨析 Summary, outline or overview?A summary is always written or made after the full version of a text, discussion, etc. has been written or recorded; it may be read after, before or instead of reading the full text. An outline can be written or given before the full version is produced or worked out. * summary总是根据某个文本的全文或讨论等的记录写成,可能在全文之前、之后或代替全文朗读。outline可以在全文写作之前就已写成或给出You should draw up an outline for the essay before you start writing.你开始写这篇文章之前应该先写个大纲。The outline agreement about the country's transition to full democracy still has to be discussed at a multi-party forum.有关这个国家向完全民主化转变的协议纲要仍需在一次多党论坛上讨论。An overview is similar to an outline, but the emphasis is more on the fact that sb wants to look for general trends across a wide area, rather than that the details are still to be worked out. A summary or outline is given or provided by sb; an overview can be given, but a person may also get, take or gain an overview for themselves. * overview与outline相似,但更强调想在一个广大范围中寻找大概趋势,而不关注仍待给出的细节。summary或outline可与give或provide连用。overview可以是给出的,但也可以说get /take/gain an overview。 sketch [countable] a short report or story that gives only basic details about sth 简报;速写;概述The first few pages give a biographical sketch of the author.开头几页是作者的生平简介。 see also sketch outline verb synopsis /sɪˈnɒpsɪs; NAmE sɪˈnɑːpsɪs/ (plural synopses /sɪˈnɒpsiːz/ / ) [countable] (rather formal) a summary of a piece of writing, especially a book or play (尤指书或剧本的)大纲,提要,概要,梗概The programme gave a complete synopsis of the play.演出说明书对这个话剧作了完整概述。 abstract / /ˈæbstrækt/ / [countable] (rather formal or technical 术语) a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document, especially an official or academic one (尤指官方文件或学术文献的)摘要,概要Abstracts of about 300 words should be submittted to the conference committee who will decide which papers to accept.需向研讨会组委会提交大约300字的论文摘要,由他们决定哪些可以采用。 rundown / /ˈrʌndaʊn/ / [countable, usually singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) an explanation or description of sth 解释;描述Shall I give you a brief rundown of each of the job applicants?需要我给你简单介绍一下每位求职者的情况吗?


draw ♦︎ paint ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ colourThese words all mean to make a picture of sb/sth. 这些词均表示绘画。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to draw / paint / sketch / colour a pictureto draw / paint / sketch a landscape / portraitto draw / sketch a diagram / graph draw (drew, drawn) [transitive, intransitive] to make a picture or design using a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint) (用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘;描画She drew a house (= a picture of a house).她画了一栋房子。He drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用棍在沙地上画了一个圆。You draw beautifully.你的画画得真好。 drawing


[uncountable] I'm not very good at drawing.我不太擅长绘画。technical drawing工艺制图 see also drawing picture
paint [transitive, intransitive] to make a picture or design using paints 用颜料画A friend painted the children for me (= a picture of the children).一个朋友给我画了孩子们的画像。She paints in oils.她画油画。My mother paints quite well.我母亲很会画画。 see also paint paint verb , painter artist painting


[uncountable] Her hobbies include music and painting.她的爱好包括音乐和绘画。 see also painting picture
sketch [transitive, intransitive] to draw a quick picture of sb/sth using a pen or pencil (用钢笔或铅笔)画素描,画速写He quickly sketched the view from the window.他很快便勾勒出了窗外的风景。He enjoyed sketching, writing poetry and playing music.他喜欢画素描、写诗和演奏音乐。 see also sketch picture noun colour (BrE) (NAmE color) [intransitive, transitive] to put colour on sth using coloured pens, pencils, etc. (用彩色笔等)为⋯着色;涂颜色The children love drawing and colouring.孩子们喜欢画画和涂颜色。I'll draw a tree and you can colour it in (= put colour inside the lines).我来画一棵树,你可以给它涂上颜色。a colouring book (= with pictures that you can colour in) 涂色画册 see also colour paint verb


outline ♦︎ set sth out ♦︎ lay sth out ♦︎ sketchThese words all mean to give a description of the main points or facts of sth in writing or speech. 这些词均表示概述、阐明。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to outline / set out / lay out / sketch sth for sbto outline / set out / lay out / sketch a plan / programmeto outline / set out / lay out / sketch the detailsto outline / set out / lay out sth carefully / clearlyto outline / set out / lay out / sketch sth briefly / simply outline [transitive] to give a description of the main facts or points involved in sth 概述;略述We outlined our proposals to the committee.我们向委员会提纲挈领地讲了我们的提案。Let me briefly outline what we are trying to achieve.让我来简略地讲一下我们想要达到什么目标。 see also outline summary noun ˌset sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(setting, set, set)to present ideas, facts, a plan or an argument in an organized way in speech or writing (有条理地)陈述,阐明He set out his objections to the plan.他陈述了他对这个计划的反对意见。
ˌlay sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(laid, laid) (especially NAmE) to set sth out (有条理地)陈述,阐明All the terms and conditions are laid out in the contract.所有条款在合同中已清楚列明。NOTE 辨析 Set sth out or lay sth out?These words have the same meaning: set sth out is used in both British and American English; lay sth out is used especially in American English and is slightly more informal than set sth out. 这两个短语意思相同:set sth out用于英式和美式英语中均可;lay sth out尤用于美式英语,较set sth out稍非正式。
sketch [transitive] to give a general description of sth, giving only the basic facts 概述;简述She sketched out her plan for tackling the problem.她简要叙述了解决问题的计划。 see also sketch summary noun NOTE 辨析 Outline or sketch?When you outline a plan or details, you give sb the main points involved. When you sketch a plan or details, you give a quick and basic description. * outline指陈述计划或详情的要点,sketch指快速地对计划或详情作出基本描述。




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