

单词 frustration
frustration noun


frustration ♦︎ irritation ♦︎ annoyance ♦︎ exasperation ♦︎ displeasure ♦︎ chagrin ♦︎ piqueThese are all words for the feeling of being slightly angry. 这些词均表示懊恼、烦恼、微怒。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配frustration / irritation / annoyance / exasperation / displeasure at sthirritation / annoyance / exasperation / displeasure with sb / sthto do sth in frustration / irritation / annoyance / exasperationto do sth with irritation / annoyance / exasperation / displeasure / chagrinto my / his / her, etc. irritation / annoyance / chagringreat / considerable frustration / irritation / annoyance / displeasureintense frustration / irritation / annoyancedeep frustration / displeasureto hide your frustration / irritation / annoyance / exasperation / displeasure / chagrinto show your frustration / irritation / annoyance / displeasureto cause frustration / irritation / annoyance / displeasure frustration / /frʌˈstreɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the feeling of being slightly angry and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want; something that causes you to feel this way 挫败感;懊恼;沮丧;令人懊恼的事Dave thumped the table in frustration.戴夫懊恼得直捶桌子。She couldn't stand the frustration of not being able to help.她帮不上忙,懊丧得不行。Every job has its difficulties and frustrations.干什么工作都会有困难和挫折。Inevitably she took out her frustrations on the children.她不可避免地把气撒在孩子身上。 see also frustrate annoy , frustrated unhappy 2 , frustrating annoying irritation [uncountable, countable] the feeling of being slightly angry; something that makes you slightly angry 不快;生气;烦恼;恼人的事He noted, with some irritation, that the letter had not been sent.他注意到那封信还没有发出去,有点生气。He could hear the irritation in her voice.他从她的声音里听出她有些恼火。the minor irritation of having to wait无奈等候时的隐隐不快 see also irritable irritable , irritate annoy , irritated annoyed , irritating annoying annoyance [uncountable, countable] irritation 不快;生气;烦恼;恼人的事He could not conceal his annoyance at being interrupted.他因被打断而难掩怒色。Much to our annoyance, they decided not to come after all.他们终归决定不来,让我们很生气。petty annoyances and irritations各种小烦恼 see also annoy annoy , annoyed annoyed , annoying annoying NOTE 辨析 Irritation or annoyance?There is almost no difference in the way these two words are used. 这两个词的用法几乎没有差别。 exasperation / /ɪgˌzæspəˈreɪʃn; NAmE ɪgˌzɑːspəˈreɪʃn/ [uncountable] extreme annoyance or impatience, especially when you cannot change the situation (尤指因无能为力而产生的)恼怒,烦恼,恼火He shook his head in exasperation.他恼怒地摇了摇头。a groan / look / sigh of exasperation恼怒的哼声/样子/叹息声 see also exasperate annoy , exasperated annoyed displeasure [uncountable] (formal) the feeling of being upset and annoyed 烦恼;生气;不悦She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect.她没有掩饰自己对前景的不悦之情。The incident has heightened public displeasure with the authorities.这一事件加剧了公众对当局的不满。 OPP pleasure fun see also displease annoy chagrin /ˈʃægrɪn; NAmE ʃəˈgrɪn/ [uncountable] (formal) a feeling of being annoyed or disappointed 恼怒;懊恼;失望To her chagrin, neither of her sons became doctors.令她失望的是,她的两个儿子都没有当上医生。 pique /piːk/ / [uncountable] (formal) annoyed or bitter feelings that you have, usually because your pride has been hurt (尤指因尊严受损而产生的)怨恨,愤恨,恼怒When he realized nobody was listening to him, he left in a fit of pique.他发觉无人理睬他的话,就愤然离去。She'd lied about it out of pique.她出于怨愤在那件事上说了谎。




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