

单词 sore
sore noun
sore adj.
tumour (BrE) (NAmE tumor)


tumour ♦︎ ulcer ♦︎ sore ♦︎ swelling ♦︎ inflammation ♦︎ blister ♦︎ lump ♦︎ bump ♦︎ abscess ♦︎ boilThese are all words for places on the skin or inside the body that are unhealthy and bigger than usual as a result of illness or injury. 这些词均表示肿瘤、肿块、溃疡、疮。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a tumour / an ulcer / sores / a swelling / a blister / a lump / an abscess / a boil on a part of the bodya tumour / sores / a swelling / inflammation / a lump / an abscess in a part of the body(a) painful ulcers / sores / swelling / inflammation / blisters / lump / abscess / boilto have a tumour / an ulcer / a sore / a swelling / inflammation / a blister / a lump / a bump / an abscess / a boilto develop a tumour / an ulcer / a blister / an abscessto get an ulcer / sores / a blister / a bump / a boilto treat a tumour / an ulcer / a boila tumour / an ulcer / a blister / an abscess forms / developsan ulcer / a blister / an abscess / a boil bursts tumour (BrE) (NAmE tumor) / /ˈtjuːmə(r); NAmE ˈtuːmər/ [countable] a mass of cells growing in or on a part of the body where they should not, usually causing medical problems 瘤;肿瘤;肿块He has a malignant (= harmful) brain tumour.他患有恶性脑瘤。They were relieved to hear that the tumour was benign (= not dangerous).听说是良性肿瘤,他们松了一口气。 ulcer /ˈʌlsə(r)/ / [countable] a painful area on the outside of the body or on the surface of an organ inside the body, which may bleed or produce a poisonous substance 溃疡a stomach ulcer胃溃疡 (BrE) a mouth ulcer口腔溃疡In American English a mouth ulcer is called a canker sore. 在美式英语中,mouth ulcer称作canker sore。 sore [countable] a painful, often red, place on the body where there is a wound or infection (外伤或感染引起的)疮,溃疡The illness left them with open sores all over their backs.这种病让他们的背上全是开放性溃疡。A cold sore is a painful spot on the lips or inside the mouth that is caused by a virus. A canker sore is the American English word for a mouth ulcer, and is not caused by a virus. * cold sore指病毒引起的唇疱疹。canker sore则是美式英语中口腔溃疡的说法,不是由病毒引起的。 see also sore painful adj. 1 swelling [uncountable, countable] the condition of being swollen (= larger or rounder than normal); a place on your body that has become swollen because of illness or injury (因病或因伤导致的)肿胀;肿胀处;浮肿处Use ice to reduce the swelling.用冰敷消肿。The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye.她摔了一跤,眼睛上方磕了个包,疼得很。 see also swell swell inflammation / /ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, painful and swollen because of infection or injury (感染或受伤引起的)发炎,炎症The doctor's notes recorded inflammation of the ear.病历上写着耳朵发炎。 see also inflamed painful adj. 1 blister [countable] a small, round, raised area of the skin that has become filled with liquid and is caused, for example, by rubbing or burning (皮肤上因摩擦或被烫等造成的)水疱,疱He'd got blisters on his feet from running.他的脚因为跑步起了水疱。 lump [countable] a swelling under the skin, sometimes a sign of serious illness (皮下的)肿块,隆起He was unhurt except for a lump on his head.除了头上起了个包,他没有别的伤。Check your breasts for lumps every month.每月要检查一次乳房是否有肿块。 bump [countable] (rather informal) a swelling on the body, often the head, where you have been hit by sth (常指头部因碰撞所致的)肿块She was covered in bumps and bruises.她全身都是肿块和瘀伤。 abscess / /ˈæbses/ / [countable] a swollen and infected area under the skin or in the body, full of a thick yellowish liquid (= pus) 脓肿He had a painful abscess on his gum.他的牙龈脓肿疼痛。 boil [countable] a swollen and infected area under the skin which is full of a thick yellowish liquid (= pus) 疖;皮下脓肿;黄水疮The boil on his back was painful.他背部的黄水疮让他很痛苦。NOTE 辨析 Abscess or boil?A boil is always just under the skin on the surface of the body, and is usually less serious than an abscess, which can be deeper within the body and will usually need treatment by a doctor. * boil总是就在身体表皮之下,通常不如abscess严重,后者可能是在体内更深处,通常需医生治疗。


a painful knee/injection/death 膝盖疼;令人痛苦的注射;痛苦的死亡painful memories 痛苦的回忆painful ♦︎ sore ♦︎ raw ♦︎ inflamed ♦︎ excruciating ♦︎ burning ♦︎ itchyThese words all describe sth that causes you physical pain. 这些词均表示使人肉体上疼痛的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达令人疼痛的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sore / inflamed / itchy eyesraw / inflamed / itchy skina painful / an excruciating deatha painful / a burning sensationexcruciating / burning pain painful causing you physical pain 令人疼痛的Is your knee still painful?你的膝盖还疼吗?Ulcers can be unbearably painful.溃疡能让人疼得受不了。I had to undergo a series of painful injections.我不得不经历一次又一次痛苦的注射。It was a slow and painful death.死亡来得缓慢而又痛苦。Painful can describe a part of the body, illness, injury, treatment or death. * painful可用于描述身体部位、疾病、受伤、治疗或死亡。 OPP painless Something that is painless causes no pain. * painless指没有痛苦的a painless death没有痛苦的死亡The treatment is painless.这种治疗是无痛的。 painfully


He limped painfully to the door.他一瘸一拐艰难地走向门口。
sore (of a part of the body) painful and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much (身体部位)疼痛红肿的(尤指因感染或肌肉劳损)He had a high temperature and a sore throat.他发烧,嗓子疼。Their feet were sore after hours of walking.他们走了几个小时的路,脚都走疼了。 see also sore tumour noun soreness


[uncountable] an ointment to reduce soreness and swelling止痛消肿的软膏
raw (of a part of the body) red and painful, for example because of an infection or because the skin has been damaged (身体部位)红肿疼痛的(如因感染或皮肤破损)His throat was raw and painful.他的喉咙红肿疼痛。The skin on her feet had been rubbed raw.她双脚磨破了皮。 inflamed / /ɪŋˈfleɪmd/ / (of a part of the body) painful, red and hot because of an infection or injury (身体部位因感染或受伤)发炎的,红肿的Her finger was swollen and inflamed.她的手指发炎肿起来了。The wound had become inflamed.伤口发炎了。 see also inflammation tumour noun excruciating / /ɪkˈskruːʃieɪtɪŋ/ / extremely painful 极痛苦的;疼痛不已的The pain in my back was excruciating.我的背疼痛难忍。The process is painful, but not excruciating.整个过程是痛苦的,但并非难以忍受。She groaned at the memory, suffering all over again the excruciating embarrassment of those moments.她回忆起那个时候叹了口气,又一次饱尝了所经历的极度困窘。 Excruciating can describe feelings, treatments or death but not parts of the body. * excruciating可以描述感觉、治疗或死亡,但不描述身体部位an excruciating throat/back/knee It can describe mental as well as physical pain. 本词既可描述肉体痛苦,亦可描述精神痛苦。 excruciatingly


an excruciatingly painful death极其痛苦的死亡
burning painful and giving a feeling of being very hot; feeling very hot 火烧般疼痛的;火辣辣的She felt a burning sensation in her throat.她觉得嗓子火辣辣地疼。The boy's forehead was burning.那男孩的额头热得烫手。Burning can describe a feeling or a part of the body. * burning可以描述感觉或身体部位。 itchy giving an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; having this feeling 发痒的The skin on my legs broke out in an itchy rash.我的腿上突然长满了皮疹,痒痒的。I feel itchy all over.我浑身发痒。




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