

单词 thrash out
thrash out phrasal verb


'That's true,' she agreed. “是这样的。”她表示同意。agree to a proposal 应允一个提议agree a price 商定一个价格agree ♦︎ negotiate ♦︎ conclude ♦︎ settle ♦︎ hammer sth out ♦︎ thrash sth out ♦︎ broker ♦︎ understandThese words all mean to arrange the final details of a plan or agreement. 这些词均表示商定、确定。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to agree / negotiate / conclude / settle / hammer out / thrash out / broker sth with sbto agree sth / negotiate sth / conclude sth / settle sth / hammer sth out / broker sth / be understood between A and Bto agree / be understood that...to agree / negotiate / conclude / settle / hammer out / broker a dealto negotiate / conclude / hammer out / thrash out / broker an agreementto agree / negotiate / hammer out / thrash out / broker a planto agree / negotiate / hammer out / broker a compromiseto agree / negotiate / settle / hammer out / thrash out the details of sthto agree / negotiate / settle / thrash out termsto agree / negotiate / conclude / broker a settlement / ceasefireto agree / negotiate / conclude a contract / truce / pact agree [transitive, intransitive] to decide with sb else to do sth or have sth 商定;约定Have you agreed on a date?你们确定日期了吗?Can we agree a price?我们可不可以商定一个价格?We agreed to meet on Thursday.我们约定周四见面。We couldn't agree what to do.究竟该怎么做,我们意见不一。They left at ten, as agreed.他们依约在10点钟离去。 negotiate / /nɪˈgəʊʃieɪt; NAmE nɪˈgoʊʃieɪt/ [transitive] to arrange or agree the details of sth by formal discussion (正式)商定;达成(协议)Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.房租由房东和房客单独商定。We successfully negotiated the release of the hostages.我们成功地达成了释放人质的协议。 conclude /kənˈkluːd/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to formally arrange the final details of an agreement with sb 达成,缔结(协定)They concluded a treaty with Turkey.他们与土耳其缔结了一项条约。A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries.两国签署了贸易协定。 settle [transitive] to finally arrange the details of a plan or some business (最终)确定,安排好It's all settled-we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane.一切都定下来了-我们乘9点的航班走。He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home.他得把在巴黎的事情料理好才能回家。 ˌhammer sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to discuss a plan or idea until everyone agrees or a decision is made (充分讨论后)敲定,商定He failed to hammer out a deal with the team boss.他没能和队里的头儿谈出什么结果。
ˌthrash sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to discuss a situation or problem thoroughly until everyone agrees or a solution is found 反复讨论出(一致意见);充分研讨出(解决方法)The details have not been thrashed out yet.反复讨论之后,细节还是没定下来。
broker [transitive] (rather formal) to arrange the details of an agreement, especially between different countries (尤指两国之间)协商(协议细节)A peace plan was brokered by the UN.和平方案由联合国出面协商达成了。 understand [transitive, usually passive] to agree sth with sb without it needing to be said 默认;默许;不言而喻I thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid.我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。




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