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increase verb ⇨ increase (increase prices) ⇨ rise (a rate increases)increase noun ⇨ increase increase verb increase ♦︎ raise ♦︎ boost ♦︎ intensify ♦︎ maximize ♦︎ heighten ♦︎ inflate ♦︎ step sth up ♦︎ turn sth upThese words all mean to make the amount, number or level of sth bigger or greater. 这些词均表示增加、提高、加强。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to increase / raise / boost / inflate / step up sth by 15%, 250, £100, a third, etc.◆to increase / raise / boost / inflate / step up sth from 150, $500, etc.◆to increase / raise / boost / inflate / step up sth to 150, $500, etc.◆to increase / raise / boost / maximize / inflate prices◆to increase / raise / boost / maximize your income◆to increase / raise / boost / heighten awareness / interest◆to increase / raise / boost / maximize support◆to increase / raise / boost confidence◆to increase / raise / intensify / step up the pressure◆to increase / intensify / maximize / heighten / step up security◆to increase / raise / boost / intensify / heighten / inflate sth greatly / further■ increase [transitive] to make sth greater in amount, number, level, degree or value 使增长;增加;提高◆We need to increase productivity.我们需要提高生产力。◆They've increased the price by 50%.他们已经加价五成。◆Last month the reward was increased from £20 000 to £40 000.上个月报酬从2万英镑增加到了4万英镑。 OPP decrease , reduce ⇨ reduce see also increase ⇨ rise verb ▸ increased adjective [only before noun] ◆increased demand / pressure / spending上升的需求/压力/开支■ raise [transitive] to increase the amount or level of sth 增加,提高(数量或水平)◆The government has promised not to raise taxes.政府已承诺不加税。◆They raised their offer to $500.他们将出价抬高到500元。◆How can we raise standards in schools?我们怎样才能提高学校的水准?◆Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure-we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much).没确定之前别告诉她工作的事,我们不想让她期望过高。◆I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry).我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。OPP lower ⇨ reduce NOTE 辨析 Increase or raise?In many cases you can use either word. Increase is slightly more frequent when talking about numbers, prices and figures; raise is more useful for abstract nouns such as feelings and qualities. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。表示数额、价格和数字时用increase略多;raise较常跟表示感情与品质等的抽象名词搭配◆to raise interest / awareness提高兴趣/意识 Raise is also used in idiomatic expressions such as raise sb's hopes and raise your voice. * raise亦用在raise sb's hopes和raise one's voice等惯用语中。 ■ boost / /buːst/ / [transitive] (often approving, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to make sth increase, or become better or more successful 使增长;使兴旺◆The new service helped to boost pre-tax profits by 10%.这项新服务使税前利润增长了10%。◆A last-minute rush by Christmas shoppers boosted sales.圣诞前最后一波购物热潮使商店营业额大增。◆Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego (= make him feel more confident).得到那份工作使他信心倍增。ⓘ Boost is always used to talk about a positive increase. * boost总是表示往好的方面增长◆to boost productivity / sales / spending提高生产力/销售额;增加开支◆to boost sb's morale / career / confidence提高某人的士气;提升某人的事业发展;增强某人的信心◆to boost taxes/pressure/tension ■ intensify / /ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ/ / [transitive, intransitive] to increase an activity or feeling in degree or strength; (of an activity or feeling) to increase in degree or strength 加强,增强(活动或感情);(活动或感情)强化,加剧◆The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government.反对派领袖加强了对政府的攻击。◆The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.这些改革只是让贫困农民的日子更苦了。◆Violence intensified during the night.夜间暴力活动加剧了。■ maximize (BrE also maximise) [transitive] (rather formal, especially business 尤用于商业) to increase sth as much as possible; to make the best use of sth 使最大化;充分利用;最大限度地利用◆They drew up a six-point plan to maximize safety and efficiency in the use of the equipment.为了最大限度地提高设备使用的安全性和效率,他们制订了一个六点计划。◆ (computing 计算机) Maximize the window to full screen.将窗口最大化。◆The purpose of the restructuring is to maximize opportunities in the global market.企业重组的目的是为了充分利用全球市场的机会。 OPP minimize ⇨ reduce ■ heighten / /ˈhaɪtn/ / [transitive, intransitive] to increase an effect or feeling or make it stronger; (of an effect or feeling) to increase or become stronger 加强(效果或情感);(效果或情感)强化◆Fears of further racial conflict were heightened by news of the riots.暴乱的消息使人们更加担心会爆发进一步的种族冲突。◆Tension heightened after the recent bomb attack.最近发生炸弹袭击之后,情势更加紧张了。NOTE 辨析 Intensify or heighten?Although both verbs can be used with or without an object, heighten is more often used with an object. Heighten is used especially to talk about feelings and attitudes; intensify can apply to actions too. 这两个动词带或不带宾语均可,但heighten较常带宾语。heighten尤用以描述情感和态度;intensify还可描述行为◆a heightened sense of loneliness / well-being加剧的孤独感;强烈的安适愉快之感◆to intensify the campaign / battle加强活动;使战斗更加激烈 ■ inflate / /ɪnˈfleɪt/ / [transitive] (often disapproving, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to increase the price of sth 使涨价◆The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices.对新住宅需求的主要影响是促使价格上涨。◆The profit margin had been artificially inflated.利润率被人为提高了。ⓘ Inflate can also be used without an object, but this is less frequent. * inflate也可作不及物动词,不带宾语,但这种用法不太常见 [intransitive] ◆House prices are no longer inflating at the same rate as last year.住宅价格的上涨率已不再像去年那样高了。 ■ ˌstep sth ˈup phrasal verb (-pp-)to increase the level of an activity 提高(活动)的水平◆He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.他为准备那场比赛加强了训练。◆Security has been stepped up in response to the recent terrorist threat.加强了安全措施以应对近来恐怖分子的威胁。■ ˌturn sth ˈup phrasal verb to increase the noise, heat or light produced by a piece of equipment by moving its controls 开大(音量);调高(热度或亮度)◆Could you turn the TV up?你能把电视机的音量开大些吗?◆The music was turned up loud.音乐的音量开大了。 OPP turn sth down ⇨ reduce see also turn sth on ⇨ turn sth on rise verb ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ soar 另见soar条rise ♦︎ grow ♦︎ increase ♦︎ climb ♦︎ go up ♦︎ escalateThese are all words that can be used when the amount, level or number of sth gets bigger or higher. 这些词均表示数量、水平或数值增加、上升。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to rise / grow / increase / go up in price, number, etc.◆to rise / grow / increase / climb / go up by 10%, 2 000, etc.◆to rise / grow / increase / climb / go up / escalate from 2% to 5%◆the price / number rises / increases / climbs / goes up / escalates◆the level / cost rises / increases / goes up / escalates◆the size / amount grows / increases◆to rise / grow / increase / climb / go up / escalate sharply◆to rise / grow / increase / climb / go up slightly / steadily / slowly / rapidly / dramatically◆to rise / grow / increase / escalate suddenly◆to rise / increase / climb / go up steeply■ rise (rose, risen) [intransitive] to become greater in number, level or amount (数值、水平或数量)增加,上升◆rising fuel bills / divorce rates不断上涨的燃料费/离婚率◆The price of gas has risen by 3%.煤气价格已上涨3%。◆Gas rose sharply in price.煤气价格大幅上涨。◆Interest rates are expected to rise from 4.5% to 5% in the next six months.预计利率将在未来半年从4.5%上升至5%。 OPP fall , drop , sink ⇨ fall 1 see also rise ⇨ increase noun ■ grow (grew, grown) [intransitive] to become greater in size, number or strength (大小、数值或强度)扩大,增加,增强◆The company profits are expected to grow by 5% next year.公司利润预计将在明年增长5%。◆She is growing in confidence all the time.她的信心在不断增强。◆Their performance improved as their confidence grew.随着他们信心的加强,他们的表现有所改善。◆There is growing opposition to the latest proposals.越来越多的人反对最近提出的建议。◆The company is growing bigger all the time.这家公司在不断扩大。OPP shrink ⇨ shrink see also growth ⇨ increase noun , expand ⇨ expand 1 ■ increase [intransitive] to become greater in amount, level, number, degree, value, size or strength 增长;增多;增加◆The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.人口已从120万增加到了180万。◆Demand is expected to increase over the next decade.预计需求在未来十年将会上升。◆Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to have a disability).人年纪越大就越容易丧失某种身体机能。OPP decrease , decline ⇨ fall 1 see also increase ⇨ increase noun verb NOTE 辨析 Rise, grow or increase?Although it is the most frequent of these verbs, rise is most often used about the number or level of sth; grow and increase can also be used about size and strength. 尽管rise是这些动词中最常见的,但它最常指数量增加或水平提高;grow和increase还可指大小和强度增加◆Profits / Numbers have risen / grown / increased.利润/数量已增长。◆Her confidence / fear grew / increased.她的信心增强了/恐惧加深了。◆Her confidence/fear rose. Increase is slightly more formal than rise or grow. * increase比rise和grow稍正式一些。 ■ climb [intransitive](of a figure or temperature or a country's money) to become greater in level or value (数字、温度或币值)上升,攀升,上涨◆The dollar / temperature has been climbing all week.整个星期美元一直在升值/温度一直在上升。◆The paper's circulation continues to climb.这份报纸的发行量在继续增长。◆Membership is climbing steadily.会员数目稳步攀升。ⓘ Climb is usually used to talk about a number rather than an amount. * climb常指数值增加而非数量增长◆Unemployment (= the number of unemployed people) is still climbing.失业人数仍在攀升。◆The pollution/mess is climbing. OPP drop ⇨ fall 1 ■ ˌgo ˈup phrasal verb (goes, went, gone) (rather informal, especially spoken) to become greater in level or value (水平或价值)上升,增长◆The price of cigarettes is going up.香烟价格在上涨。◆Do you think interest rates will go up again?你认为利率还会上升吗? OPP come down ⇨ fall 1 ■ escalate / /ˈeskəleɪt/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to become greater, worse or more serious 逐步扩大;不断恶化;加剧◆The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。◆the escalating costs of health care逐渐增加的医疗费用 increase noun increase ♦︎ growth ♦︎ inflation ♦︎ rise ♦︎ gain ♦︎ surge ♦︎ hike ♦︎ spiral ♦︎ raise ♦︎ upturnThese words all refer to a situation when the amount, level or number of sth goes up. 这些词均表示数量的增加、增长或水平的提高。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an increase / growth / inflation / a rise / a gain / a surge / a hike / a spiral / an upturn in sth◆an increase / growth / inflation / a rise / a gain / a surge / a hike of 20%◆(a) significant / sharp increase / growth / inflation / rise / gain / surge / hike / upturn◆(a) large / considerable / huge / massive increase / growth / inflation / rise / gain / surge / hike◆(a) sudden increase / growth / inflation / rise / gain / surge / hike / upturn◆(a) moderate increase / growth / inflation / rise / hike◆(a) slow / gradual / steady increase / growth / inflation / rise / spiral◆(a) tax / price / wage increase / growth / inflation / rise / hike / raise◆to see an increase / growth / inflation / a rise / a gain / a surge / a hike / an upturn◆to lead to / mean / report an increase / growth / inflation / a rise / a gain / a surge / a hike◆to cause / represent an increase / growth / inflation / a rise / a gain / a surge◆to show an increase / growth / a rise / a gain / a surge■ increase [countable, uncountable] a rise in the amount, number or level of sth 增长;增多;增加◆There has been a steady increase in demand for the service.对这种服务的需求稳步增长。◆This year saw an increase of nearly 20% in the number of visitors.今年游客人数增加了近20%。◆The figures show a significant increase on last year's turnover.数据显示营业额比去年有了显著增长。◆Homelessness is on the increase (= increasing).无家可归者越来越多。OPP cut , decrease , reduction ⇨ reduction see also increase in sth ⇨ gain verb 2 , increase ⇨ rise verb ■ growth [uncountable, singular] an increase in the size, amount or degree of sth 增加;增长;增强◆The report links population growth with rural poverty.该报告把人口增长与农村的贫困联系起来。◆The growth in average earnings has remained constant.平均收入保持了连续增长。◆Recent years have seen a huge growth of interest in alternative medicine.近年来人们对替代疗法的兴趣愈加浓厚了。 see also grow ⇨ rise verb ■ inflation / /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ / [uncountable] a rise in the prices of services and goods in a country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens 通货膨胀;通胀率◆The bank is introducing new measures to curb inflation.银行正采取抑制通货膨胀的新措施。◆Wage increases must be in line with inflation.工资的增长必须与通货膨胀一致。◆Inflation is currently running at 3%.当前的通胀率为3%。■ rise [countable] an increase in the number, amount or level of sth 增长;增多;增加◆The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.该行业已感觉到最近价格上涨的影响。◆There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.失业人数急剧增长。OPP fall , decline , drop ⇨ reduction see also rise ⇨ rise verb NOTE 辨析 Increase, growth or rise?In many cases you can use any of these words. 在许多情况下这三个词可以通用◆a rapid increase / growth / rise in the number of private cars私家车数量的迅速增加 Growth is often uncountable and is used especially to talk about size: population growth is much more typical than 'population increase/rise'. It is also more often used to talk about sth positive. * growth常作不可数名词,尤指规模的增长;population growth比population increase/rise更常用。growth更多指好的增长◆the growth in earnings / employment / demand收入/就业/需求的增长 Increase and rise are often used to talk about more negative things. * increase和rise常指较负面的增长◆an alarming increase / rise in violent crime暴力犯罪惊人的增加 Increase is more general than rise, used for things that increase by themselves or that are increased deliberately by sb. Rise is used more for things that happen to rise, rather than for deliberate increases. Price rises are seen from the point of view of the people buying things, not selling them. Businesses announce price increases; customers feel the effects of price increases/rises. 与rise相比,increase的意思更宽泛,指自身或人为的增长。rise较多指偶然发生的而非人为的增长。price rises表示从买者而非卖者的角度看到的价格上涨。商家宣布提价用 announce price increases表示;消费者感觉到提价的影响用feel the effects of price increases/rises表示。 ■ gain [countable, uncountable] an increase in the amount of sth, especially in wealth or weight (尤指财富或重量的)增值,增加◆a £3 000 gain from our investment从我们的投资中获取的3 000英镑的收益◆Regular exercise is the best way of preventing weight gain.经常锻炼是防止体重增加的最佳方法。 OPP loss ⓘ Loss [uncountable, countable] is the state of no longer having sth or as much of sth, or the process that leads to this. * loss指丧失、损失、丢失◆weight loss体重减轻◆loss of blood失血◆The closure of the factory will lead to a number of job losses.工厂倒闭会使许多人失业。 see also loss ⇨ debt , gain ⇨ gain verb 2 ■ surge / /sɜːdʒ; NAmE sɜːrdʒ/ [countable] a sudden increase that happens in the amount or number of sth; a large amount of sth (数量的)急剧上升,激增;大量;一大批◆Economists have reported a surge in consumer spending.经济学家通报了消费开支的激增。◆After an initial surge of interest, there has been little call for our services.开始时的一阵新鲜劲过后,对我们服务的需求变得很小。 see also surge ⇨ soar verb , surge ⇨ wave noun 2 ■ hike [countable] (informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a large or sudden increase that sb makes in prices or taxes (价格或税额的)大幅度提高,猛增◆Higher crude oil prices mean price hikes for consumers too.原油价格的上涨对消费者来说意味着物价也会大幅度提高。◆Borrowers will be hit hard by the latest hike in interest rates.新近利率的大幅上扬将使借款人遭受沉重打击。■ spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/ / [uncountable] a continuous harmful increase in sth, that gradually gets faster and faster 螺旋式上升(指有害的持续加速增长)◆How can we halt the destructive spiral of violence in the inner cities?我们怎样才能遏止内城区日益严重的破坏性暴力行为?◆The country is caught in a vicious spiral of rising wages and prices.该国陷入了工资和物价持续上涨的恶性循环之中。ⓘ Spiral can also be used to talk about a similar harmful decrease in sth. * spiral亦可指类似的有害的下降◆The book gives a harrowing account of a downward spiral of drink, drugs and despair.这本书对从酗酒、吸毒再到绝望的沉沦之路作了令人心痛的描述。 ■ raise [countable] (NAmE) an increase in the money you are paid for the work you do 加薪;工资增长◆If I asked my boss for a raise he'd fire me.我要是要求老板加薪,他会解雇我。ⓘ In British English this is called a rise. 在英式英语中表达此义用rise。■ upturn /ˈʌptɜːn; NAmE >ˈʌptɜːrn/ [countable, usually singular] an increase in the amount of business that is done; a time when the economy becomes stronger (营业额的)增加,提高;(经济的)回升,好转◆The restaurant trade is on the upturn.餐饮业正在复苏。◆an upturn in the economy经济好转 OPP downturn ⇨ reduction |