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indecision noun ⇨ doubt 1doubt1 noun a feeling of doubt 疑惑的感觉raise/express doubts about sth 对某事提出/表示疑问doubt ♦︎ question ♦︎ uncertainty ♦︎ confusion ♦︎ a question mark over sth ♦︎ indecisionThese are all words for a feeling that you are not sure about sb/sth. 这些词均表示困惑或疑惑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆doubt / uncertainty / confusion / a question mark / indecision over sth◆doubt / uncertainty / confusion / indecision about / as to sth◆in doubt / question / uncertainty◆beyond / without doubt / question◆considerable doubt / uncertainty / confusion◆serious doubt / confusion◆slight uncertainty / confusion◆to come into / be open to doubt / question◆to express doubt / uncertainty◆to clear up / dispel doubt / uncertainty / confusion■ doubt [uncountable] the state of not being sure about sth or not believing sth 疑惑;困惑;不确定;不相信◆There is some doubt about the best way to do it.人们对这件事的最佳做法有点疑惑。◆There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.毫无疑问我们做得对。◆New evidence has cast doubt on the guilt of the man jailed for the crime.新的证据使大家对这个犯罪入狱的男人是否有罪产生了疑问。◆The success of the system is not in doubt.这种制度的成功确定无疑。◆If in doubt, wear black.拿不定主意就穿黑色衣服吧。◆He's made some great movies. There's no doubt about it.他拍了一些很优秀的影片,这一点毫无疑问。◆ (law 法律) The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying.控方可以确切无疑地证实这个女人一直在撒谎。 see also doubtful ⇨ unlikely 1 , doubtful ⇨ unsure ■ question [uncountable] a lack of certainty about sth that is shared with other people 怀疑;困惑◆Her honesty is beyond question.她的诚实是毋庸置疑的。◆His suitability for the job is open to question.他是否适合这项工作还需要考虑。◆Her version of events was accepted without question.她对事情的陈述被毫无疑问地接受了。◆The incident brought into question the safety of travellers in the region.这次事件引起了人们对该地区的游客安全问题的怀疑。■ uncertainty [uncountable] (rather formal) the state of not being sure about sth 犹豫;迟疑;无把握◆There is considerable uncertainty about the company's future.这家公司的前景相当渺茫。◆He had an air of uncertainty about him.他显出对他将信将疑的神情。 OPP certainty ⇨ faith see also uncertain ⇨ unsure NOTE 辨析 Doubt or uncertainty? Doubt often refers to an active state of mind that questions sb/sth. * doubt常指对人、事、物有所怀疑的一种积极心态◆Religious doubt is an integral element of faith.怀疑是宗教信仰的一个组成部分。 Uncertainty is less forceful and means a more passive lack of certainty about sth. * uncertainty语义较弱,指一种比较消极的不确定性◆Religious uncertainty is an integral element of faith. ■ confusion [uncountable, countable] a state of uncertainty about what is happening, what you should do or what sth means 不确定;困惑◆There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.对于正确程序应该是什么还是有些不明确。◆There was a confusion as to what to do next.不清楚下一步该怎么办。 see also confused ⇨ confused 1 , confusing ⇨ confusing ■ a ˈquestion mark over sth■ a ˈquestion mark against sth idiom (rather informal) used to say that sth is not certain, especially what will happen to sth in the future 对(前景)的疑问;悬在⋯上的问号◆There's still a big question mark hanging over his future with the team.他在队里的前途如何还是个大问号。■ indecision / /ˌɪndɪˈsɪʒn/ / [uncountable] the state of being unable to decide on sth 无决断力;优柔寡断◆After a moment's indecision, he said yes.犹豫片刻之后,他答应了。◆She went through a period of terrible uncertainty and indecision.她经历过一个极度彷徨和无所适从的阶段。▸ indecisive / /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/ / adjective ◆a weak and indecisive man软弱而且不果断的人 |