

单词 unreasonable
unreasonable adj.
high1 (unreasonable prices) unacceptable (unreasonable behaviour/demands)


a high price/speed/demand 高价;高速;高需求a high mountain 高山a high voice/sound 尖嗓音;响亮的声音tophigh office See also the entries for excessive and expensive 另见excessive条和expensive条high ♦︎ inflated ♦︎ steep ♦︎ prohibitive ♦︎ unreasonable ♦︎ exorbitant ♦︎ astronomical ♦︎ extortionateThese words all describe a level, especially the price or cost of sth, that is more than normal or too much. 这些词均表示高的,尤指价位高。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达高的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配high / inflated / steep / prohibitive / unreasonable / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate priceshigh / steep / prohibitive / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate costshigh / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate rateshigh / exorbitant / extortionate charges / taxes / fees / rentsa high / an unreasonable / an astronomical levela high / an inflated / an astronomical figure high greater than normal in level or degree 高的;超出常规的They charge very high prices for a pretty average service.他们的服务很一般,收费却非常高。a high level of pollution严重的污染a high standard of craftsmanship高水平的手工艺A high degree of accuracy is needed.准确度要很高。Demand is high at this time of the year.每年这个时候需求很大。The cost in terms of human life was high.付出了高昂的生命代价。We had high hopes for the business (= we believed it would be successful).我们对这个企业抱有很大的期望。OPP low poor 2 inflated (of an amount or level) higher than is reasonable or acceptable (数量或水平)过高的,高得不合理的company directors with inflated salaries薪金奇高的公司董事Consumers are paying inflated prices for food.消费者要支付很高的食品费用。 steep (informal) (of a price or demand) too much (价格或需求)过高的,过分的,不合理的£2 for a cup of coffee seems a little steep to me.一杯咖啡要2英镑我觉得有点太贵了。 prohibitive / /prəˈhɪbətɪv, NAmE also proʊˈhɪbətɪv/ (of a price or cost) so high that it prevents people from buying sth or doing sth (价格或费用)高昂得令人难以承受的,贵得买不起的a prohibitive tax on imported cars进口汽车的高昂税费The price of property in the city is prohibitive.这座城市的房地产价格高得令人却步。 prohibitively


Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.汽车保险费有可能高得让年轻的开车人承受不起。
unreasonable (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) (of a price or level) too high in a way that is unfair or not realistic (价格或水平)过高的,不合理的The fees they charge are not unreasonable.他们的收费还算合理。OPP reasonable cheap unreasonably


The bank was found to be charging unreasonably high prices for its services.人们认为这家银行收取过高的服务费。
exorbitant /ɪgˈzɔːbɪtənt; NAmE ɪgˈzɔːrbɪtənt/ (rather formal, disapproving) (of prices) much higher than is reasonable (价格)过高的,高得离谱的The lawyer charged us an exorbitant fee for two days' work.律师向我们收取的两天工作费用高得离谱。 astronomical /ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkl/ / (informal) (of a price or amount) extremely high or large (价格或数量)奇高的,极其巨大的the astronomical costs of land for building建筑用地的巨大成本The figures are astronomical.这些都是天文数字。 astronomically


Interest rates are astronomically high.利率高得吓死人。
extortionate /ɪkˈstɔːʃənət; NAmE ɪkˈstɔːrʃənət/ (rather informal, disapproving) (of prices) much higher than is reasonable (价格)过于昂贵的,过高的They are offering loans at extortionate rates of interest.他们在放高利贷。NOTE 辨析 Exorbitant or extortionate? Exorbitant is more frequent and more formal than extortionate but there is no real difference in meaning. * exorbitant比extortionate更常见、更正式,但两个词在含义上没有实质差别。


unacceptable ♦︎ unreasonable ♦︎ too much ♦︎ intolerable ♦︎ unbearable ♦︎ out of line ♦︎ out of order ♦︎ insufferableThese words all describe sth that is so bad that you cannot accept or bear it. 这些词均表示不能接受的、无法容忍的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unacceptable / intolerable to sbtoo much / intolerable / unbearable for sbunacceptable / unreasonable / intolerable / unbearable that...unacceptable / unreasonable / too much / intolerable / unbearable / out of order to do sthunacceptable / unreasonable / intolerable behaviour / demands / interference / levelsan unacceptable / unreasonable / intolerable burdenan unacceptable / intolerable / unbearable situationquite / completely / totally unacceptable / unreasonable / intolerable / unbearable / out of orderabsolutely / increasingly unacceptable / intolerable / unbearablea bit unreasonable / too much / out of orderalmost / nearly too much / intolerable / unbearable unacceptable (rather formal) that you cannot accept, allow or approve of 不能接受(或允许、同意)的Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。Such a solution would be quite unacceptable to the majority of people.这样的解决办法对大多数人来说都是难以接受的。Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level.工厂的噪声达到了难以容忍的地步。OPP acceptable fine , acceptable right adj. 2 unacceptably


unacceptably high levels of unemployment奇高的失业率
unreasonable not fair; expecting too much 不合理的;不公正的;期望过高的It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice.要求人家随传随到会显得不近人情。The fees they charge are not unreasonable.他们的收费还算合理。He was being totally unreasonable about it.他在这件事上蛮不讲理。OPP reasonable reasonable too much


(rather informal, spoken) needing more skill or strength than you have; more difficult or annoying than you can bear 力所不及;不能忍受What with the exams, and then his illness, things have become too much for him.那些考试,加上后来他又病了,情况已变得让他无法忍受。This is too much! First she complains that I'm never in the office, then she wants to know why I'm not visiting so many clients.这真让人受不了!她先是抱怨我总不在办公室,接着又想知道为什么有那么多客户我没去拜访。
intolerable / /ɪnˈtɒlərəbl; NAmE ɪnˈtɑːlərəbl/ (rather formal) (of a situation, a feeling or sb's behaviour) so difficult, unpleasant or wrong that you cannot bear it or accept it (状况、感觉或某人的行为)无法忍受的,不能容忍的,不可接受的Keeping the secret put an intolerable burden on him.保守这个秘密成了他无法承受的负担。Her behaviour has become intolerable.她的行为已变得让人无法容忍了。It seems to me intolerable that children do not have the same legal protection as adults.儿童没有得到跟成年人一样的法律保护,这在我看来是不可接受的。OPP tolerable The opposite tolerable is usually used as a way of saying that sth is almost intolerable. * intolerable的反义词tolerable通常用以表示某事物几乎(almost)不可忍受At times, the heat was barely tolerable.有时热得几乎令人难以忍受。 intolerably


It became intolerably hot by day.白天热得让人受不了。
unbearable /ʌnˈbeərəbl; NAmE ʌnˈberəbl/ (of a situation, feeling or person) so unpleasant, painful or annoying that you cannot bear it (状况、感觉或人)无法忍受的,无法接受的Some of the victims were suffering unbearable pain.有些受害者疼痛难忍。The heat was becoming unbearable.炎热开始变得难以忍受。He's been unbearable since he won that prize.他得奖以后变得很难相与。 OPP bearable The opposite bearable is usually used as a way of saying that sth is almost unbearable. * unbearable的反义词bearable通常用以表示某事物几乎(almost)无法忍受She was the only thing that made life bearable.只因有了她,生活才不至于不堪忍受。 unbearably


unbearably hot / painful / arrogant酷热难当;疼痛难忍;盛气凌人
NOTE 辨析 Intolerable or unbearable?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用intolerable / unbearable heat / pain / suffering / tension / excitement酷热难当;疼痛难忍;痛苦不堪;难耐的紧张/兴奋However, unbearable is not usually used to talk about things that offend your sense of justice, rather than just your feelings. 不过,unbearable通常不用以描述令人义愤不平的事物,而用以描述只是令人不满的事物It is unbearable that children do not have the same legal protection as adults. It is used more for physical than mental suffering and is generally not used in situations where people have to do sth that is too difficult for them. * unbearable较多描述身体上而非精神上的痛苦,一般不用于描述勉为其难的情形Keeping the secret was an unbearable burden. People themselves can be unbearable but not intolerable. 描述人本身可用unbearable,但不用intolerableHe's been intolerable since he won that prize.
ˌout of ˈline


(especially NAmE, informal, spoken) (of a person) behaving in a way that is not acceptable or right; (of their behaviour) not acceptable or right (人)行为不当,举止令人难以接受;(人的行为)不能接受的,不当的You'd better calm down-you're way out of line.你最好镇静一点-你太离谱了。If you step out of line one more time, you're fired.你要是再违规一次,就会被解雇。
ˌout of ˈorder


(BrE, informal, spoken) out of line (人)行为不当,举止令人难以接受;(人的行为)不能接受的,不当的What he did was right out of order.他的所作所为极为不妥。NOTE 辨析 Out of line or out of order? Out of order is more frequent in British English than out of line, but it is not used in American English. Someone can get/step out of line but not 'get/step out of order'. * out of order较out of line更多用于英式英语,但不用于美式英语。可以说get/step out of line,但不说get/step out of order。
insufferable /ɪnˈsʌfrəbl/ / (rather formal) (especially of a person or their personal qualities) so unpleasant or annoying that you cannot bear them (尤指人或个人品质)难以忍受的,难以容忍的She's totally insufferable!她真让人受不了!He bore a look of insufferable smugness.他露出一副沾沾自喜的表情,真让人受不了。




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