

单词 unseemly
unseemly adj.


improper ♦︎ indecent ♦︎ unseemly ♦︎ undignified ♦︎ indiscreetThese words all describe behaviour that is not appropriate or acceptable in a particular person or situation. 这些词均表示行为不合适的、不得体的、不正当的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unseemly / undignified in sbimproper / indecent / unseemly for sb to do sthimproper / indecent / unseemly / undignified to do sthimproper / unseemly / undignified behaviourimproper / unseemly conductindecent / unseemly hastean unseemly / undignified scramblevery improper / unseemly / undignified / indiscreetrather / somewhat indecent / unseemly / undignified improper (rather formal) dishonest or morally wrong, especially in financial or sexual matters; not appropriate to the situation (尤指在经济活动或性行为方面)不诚实的,不道德的;不合适的;不得体的He had been indulging in improper business practices.他一直参与不正当的商业活动。There was nothing improper about our relationship (= it did not involve sex).我们的关系没有什么不正当的。It would be improper to comment at this stage.在这个阶段发表评论并不恰当。OPP proper right adj. 2 improperly


There was no suggestion that he had behaved improperly.说他行为失当并无任何根据。
impropriety / /ˌɪmprəˈpraɪəti/ /


[uncountable] There was no evidence of impropriety.没有行为不当的证据。
indecent / /ɪnˈdiːsnt/ / (rather formal) not showing enough respect for the dead or for other people's privacy, especially by paying them too little or too much attention (对死者)失敬的;(对他人隐私)不够尊重的;不得体的 (especially BrE) They left the funeral with almost indecent haste (= too quickly).他们仓促离开葬礼,有些失礼。It is considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public.情侣在公开场合亲热被视为有伤风化。In this meaning indecent is nearly always used in the phrases indecent haste and indecent (for sb) to do sth. 表达此义时indecent几乎总是用在短语indecent haste和indecent (for sb) to do sth中。 OPP decent right adj. 2 unseemly (formal) not polite or suitable for a particular situation 不礼貌的;不得体的;不相宜的He had become embroiled in an unseemly dispute with the club president.他与俱乐部主席发生了争执,有失体面。There followed an unseemly rush for the exits.接着大家一窝蜂地冲向出口。Unseemly collocates with words for behaviour, arguments or a sudden movement forward by a lot of people, including behaviour, conduct, dispute, squabble, row, haste, scramble and rush. * unseemly与表示行为、争论或一涌而上的词搭配,包括behaviour、conduct、dispute、squabble、row、haste、scramble和rush。 undignified / /ʌnˈdɪgnɪfaɪd/ / causing you to look silly and to lose the respect of other people 不成体统的;不体面的;不庄重的There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.众多人争抢最好的位子,真是有失体统。Public outrage at the proposals forced the government to beat an undignified retreat.民众对那些提案的公愤迫使政府作出了很失体面的让步。Undignified often describes an attempt by a lot of people to get sth, or an argument about who should have sth. Collocates include scramble, struggle, squabble, fight, and tussle. * undignified常用来描述许多人争抢某物或争论某物应归谁所有的情形。搭配词有scramble、struggle、squabble、fight和tussle。 OPP dignified proud 1 indiscreet / /ˌɪndɪˈskriːt/ / not careful about what you say or do; likely to embarrass or offend sb 不慎重的;鲁莽的;会使人难堪的It would be indiscreet of me to say any more.我再说下去就不明智了。OPP discreet tact noun indiscretion / /ˌɪndɪˈskreʃn/ /


[uncountable] He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion.他一时冲动对新闻界发表了讲话。 OPP discretion tact




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