

单词 unused to sth
unused to sth phrase


a new book/idea/approach 新书;新想法;新方法a new dress/car 新买的连衣裙/轿车new to this job 干这工作是个新手new ♦︎ unfamiliar with sth ♦︎ unused to sth ♦︎ unaccustomed to sthThese words all describe sb who is not familiar with sth because they have not experienced it before. 这些词均表示不熟悉的、不了解的、不习惯的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配new / unused / unaccustomed to sthunused / unaccustomed to doing sthtotally / quite new / unfamiliar / unused / unaccustomed to sthcompletely / relatively new / unfamiliar new not yet familiar with a job, situation or place because you have only just started it, or arrived there 初来乍到的;初学乍练的;不熟悉的I was fairly new to teaching at the time.我当时教书还算是个新手。You're new in this town, aren't you?你刚来这个镇,是吧?We offer intensive training to all new recruits.我们对所有新兵进行强化训练。New arrivals should have their passports ready for inspection.刚刚到达的人应准备好护照以供检查。 unfamiliar with sth [not before noun] not having any knowledge or experience of sth 无⋯的知识(或经验)The crew were unfamiliar with the safety procedures.机组人员不了解安全程序。Those unfamiliar with the area should bring a good guide book with them.那些不了解该地区的人应随身携带一本好的旅游指南。OPP familiar with sth used to sth unused to sth [not before noun] (rather formal, written) not having much experience of sth and therefore not knowing how to deal with it; not used to sth 经验少;不熟悉;不惯于If you are unused to exercise, start off gently.要是你不常锻炼,先从不激烈的运动开始。I was unused to speaking in public.我不习惯在公开场合讲话。He was so unused to people questioning his authority that he didn't know how to react.他非常不习惯有人质疑他的权威,不知道该如何应对。 OPP used to sth used to sth unaccustomed to sth [not before noun] (formal, written) unused to sth 经验少;不熟悉;不惯于He was unaccustomed to hard work.他不习惯艰苦工作。I am unaccustomed to being told what to do.我不习惯听人使唤。OPP accustomed to sth used to sth NOTE 辨析 Unused to sth or unaccustomed to sth? Unaccustomed is more formal than unused; however, it is even more usual, especially in spoken English, to use neither of these words and say not used to sth or not used to doing sth. * unaccustomed较unused正式;不过,尤其在口语中,这两个词都不常用,较常用的是not used to sth或not used to doing sthHe was not used to hard work / exercise / speaking in public / being told what to do / people questioning his authority.他不习惯艰苦工作;他不常锻炼;他不习惯在公开场合讲话/听人使唤/有人质疑他的权威。




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