

单词 unusual
unusual adj.
unusual (an unusual name) remarkable (an unusual degree of interest)


 See also the entry for strange 1 另见strange条第1义unusual ♦︎ eccentric ♦︎ unorthodox ♦︎ unconventional ♦︎ atypical ♦︎ different ♦︎ offbeat ♦︎ out of the ordinaryThese words all describe things that are different from what is usual or normal. 这些词均表示特别的、不寻常的、罕见的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unusual / eccentric / unorthodox / unconventional / atypical behaviourunusual / eccentric / unorthodox / unconventional ideas / views / waysan unusual / an unorthodox / an unconventional / an offbeat approachunusual / unorthodox / unconventional methodssb's approach / ideas / methods / views is / are differentvery unusual / eccentric / unorthodox / unconventionalhighly / rather unusual / eccentric / unorthodoxpretty unusual / eccentric / unconventionalsomewhat unusual / eccentric / unorthodox / atypicala bit unusual / eccentric / different / out of the ordinary unusual different from what is usual or normal; different from other similar things and therefore interesting and attractive 特别的;不寻常的;与众不同的;别致的She has a very unusual name.她的名字很特别。It was unusual to see anyone out on the streets at this hour.这个时段在街上见到人很不寻常。It's not unusual for junior doctors to work 60 hours a week.实习医生每周工作60小时并不罕见。OPP usual usual unusually


Unusually for him, he was dressed in a suit.他破例穿了一套西装。She was unusually quiet that evening.她那天晚上异常安静。
eccentric / /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ / (of a person or their behaviour) considered by other people to be strange or unusual, but usually in a way that is thought to be harmless rather than frightening (人或举止)古怪的,异乎寻常的(但通常被视为无伤大雅而非令人恐惧)She was the classic eccentric old lady, living with a houseful of cats.她是那种典型的有怪癖的老妇人,和一屋子猫生活在一起。His behaviour grew increasingly eccentric as time went on.随着时间的推移,他的举止变得越来越古怪了。 see also eccentricity mannerism eccentric


[countable] Most people considered him a harmless eccentric.多数人都认为他是一个无伤大雅的怪人。
unorthodox (often of methods, ideas or behaviour) different from what is usual or generally accepted, often in a way that leads to criticism (常指方法、想法或举止)非正统的,非传统的,偏离常规的(常招致批评)His methods have been criticized as somewhat unorthodox.他的方法已招来一些批评,认为有失正统。Their unorthodox beliefs often landed them in trouble with the authorities.他们非正统的信仰常常使他们不为当权者所容。OPP orthodox traditional unconventional (often approving) not following the way sth is usually done or what is considered normal or acceptable by most people, especially in an interesting way 不因循守旧的;不因袭的;新奇的She's known for her unconventional approach to child-rearing.她因采用新奇另类的育儿方法而闻名。He thought of their lifestyle as daringly unconventional.他认为他们的生活方式离经叛道。OPP conventional conservative unconventionally


She dresses unconventionally.她着装标新立异。
atypical / /ˌeɪˈtɪpɪkl/ / not having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group 非典型的;反常的The so-called 'norm' of the nuclear family is in fact atypical of many families.所谓的核心家庭的“常态”事实上在许多家庭里并不存在。OPP typical typical , typical normal different [not usually before noun] (especially spoken) not like other people or things 不平常;与众不同;另类'Did you enjoy the play?' 'Well, it was certainly different.'“你喜欢这出戏吗?”“哦,的确很特别。”Different is often used as a way of avoiding criticizing sth: people say sth is different when they actually think it is strange and they are not really sure whether or not they like it or approve of it. * different常用于避免直接批评某事物-人们说某事物different,实际上是认为它很怪,不确定自己是否喜欢或赞同它。 offbeat /ˌɒfˈbiːt; NAmE ˌɔːfˈbiːt, ˌɑːfˈbiːt/ [usually before noun] (informal) different from what most people expect 不寻常的;不落俗套的;标新立异的He has a rather offbeat sense of humour.他的幽默感颇为另类。 ˌout of the ˈordinary


unusual or different 不寻常;特别;超凡脱俗There seems to be nothing out of the ordinary about his application.他的申请似乎没有什么不寻常之处。


 See also the entry for amazing 另见amazing条remarkable ♦︎ unique ♦︎ extraordinary ♦︎ incredible ♦︎ exceptional ♦︎ unbelievable ♦︎ phenomenal ♦︎ unusualThese words all describe things that you notice because they are unusually great, good or bad. 这些词均表示显著的、非常好或非常坏的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达显著的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a remarkable / an extraordinary / an incredible / an exceptional / an unbelievable / a phenomenal / an unusual amounta remarkable / a unique / an extraordinary / an incredible / an exceptional achievementa remarkable / a unique / an extraordinary / an incredible / an exceptional / an unbelievable / a phenomenal performanceremarkable / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / unbelievable / phenomenal / unusual speedremarkable / unique / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / unbelievable beautyremarkable / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / phenomenal / unusual strengtha unique / an extraordinary / an incredible / an exceptional opportunitya remarkable / an extraordinary / an incredible / a phenomenal / an unusual successremarkable / unique / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / unusual talent / skilla remarkable / an extraordinary / an incredible / an exceptional careerof remarkable / extraordinary / exceptional / unusual qualityquite remarkable / unique / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / unbelievable / phenomenalreally remarkable / unique / extraordinary / incredible / exceptional / unbelievable / phenomenaljust extraordinary / incredible / unbelievable / phenomenal remarkable unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice 非凡的;显著的;引人注目的She was a truly remarkable woman.她是一个真正非同凡响的女人。The interior of the house was remarkable for its beauty.那座房子的内部美得出奇。It was remarkable that the body had not been found sooner.那具尸体竟然没有人早点发现,真是怪异。What is even more remarkable about the whole thing is...整件事情更引人注目的是⋯OPP unremarkable average remarkably


She looked remarkably fit for an eighty-year-old.对于一个八十岁的人来说,她看起来格外健康。
unique / /juˈniːk/ / very special in a way that makes sb/sth different from all other people or things of the same type 独特的;罕见的The museum is of unique historical importance.这个博物馆具有独一无二的历史意义。I have had a unique opportunity to observe the problems faced by the police in this city.我有了个难得的机会观察这座城市的警察面临的问题。Unique also has the meaning 'being the only one of its kind' and in that meaning you cannot talk about sth being 'very unique' or 'more unique'; in the meaning of 'very special', you can say 'very unique' or 'more unique', but this can sound quite informal and is not good style in formal written English. * unique亦可表示“唯一的、独一无二的”,作此义时不能说某事物very unique或more unique;表达“独特的”之义时,可以说very unique或more unique,但听上去很不正式,不适合用在正式书面语中。 see also unique unique uniquely


He was a uniquely gifted teacher.他是个天赋异禀的老师。
extraordinary / /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri; NAmE ɪkˈstrɔːrdəneri/ not normal or ordinary; greater or better than usual 不平常的;不一般的;非凡的;卓越的They went to extraordinary lengths to obtain a copy of the report.他们竭力获取一份该报告的副本。I found an extraordinary number of errors in the document.我在文档中发现了相当多的错误。She is a truly extraordinary woman.她是位非常杰出的女性。OPP ordinary average , ordinary normal see also extraordinary surprising extraordinarily


She was an extraordinarily attractive girl.她是个非常迷人的女孩。
incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/ / (informal) extremely large or extremely good 极大的;极好的The prize money is an incredible $6 million.奖金是数额巨大的600万元。The demand for the new product has been quite incredible.对这一新产品的需求已相当惊人。I felt an incredible sense of relief.我感到一种极大的解脱。 incredibly


incredibly attractive / boring极其诱人/无聊
exceptional / /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ / unusually good or great 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的Exceptional students are given free tuition.优秀学生免除学费。He was a man of exceptional personal warmth and charm.他是一个具有非凡热情和个人魅力的人。 exceptionally


an exceptionally gifted child极具天赋的孩子
unbelievable / /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ / (informal) extreme; extremely bad or good 难以置信的;惊人的;非常好(或坏)的The pain was unbelievable.痛苦至极。I've had three unbelievable years with the team.我和团队度过了三年非常愉快的时光。It's unbelievable that (= very shocking) he was allowed to escape.令人震惊的是他竟获许逃跑。 unbelievably


unbelievably beautiful / loud / painful美丽/响亮/痛苦得难以置信
phenomenal /fəˈnɒmɪnl; NAmE fəˈnɑːmɪnl/ very great or impressive 了不起的;非凡的There was a phenomenal response to the appeal.这一呼吁引起了强烈反响。He has a phenomenal memory for facts and figures.他对事实和数字的记忆力超群。Exports have been phenomenal this year.今年出口量极大。 see also phenomenon miracle phenomenally


phenomenally successful极为成功
unusual [only before noun] (written) unusually great or good 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的He's a man of unusual strength and courage.他是个力量和勇气非凡的男人。The conference has generated an unusual degree of interest.这次会议引起了非同寻常的关注。 unusually


an unusually talented designer才具超凡的设计师
NOTE 辨析 Exceptional or unusual? Exceptional is stronger in degree than unusual; sb/sth that is exceptional is very unusual. * exceptional比unusual程度更强,形容某人或某事物特别不同寻常。




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