

单词 statistics
statistics noun


 See also the entries for information and number 2 另见information条和number条第2义figure ♦︎ number ♦︎ statistics ♦︎ fraction ♦︎ statsThese are all words for a word or symbol that represents a particular quantity. 这些词均表示数字、数量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / low / round figure / numberexact figures / numbers / statisticsapproximate figures / numbersaccurate / reliable / alarming figures / statisticsto add / multiply / subtract / divide figures / numbers / fractionsto publish figures / statistics figure [countable] a number that represents a particular amount or quantity, especially one given in official information (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.该系列节目的收视人数已显著减少。Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months.4月份的数字比前几个月略有改善。By 2004, this figure had risen to 14 million.到2004年为止,这个数字已增长到1 400万。 number [countable] a word or symbol that represents an amount or quantity 数字;数;数量Think of a number and multiply it by two.想出一个数,然后乘以二。The houses on this side of the road are all even numbers (= 2, 4, 6, etc.).路这边的房子门牌号都是偶数。Pick out all the odd numbers (= 1, 3, 5, etc.).找出所有的奇数。'So you owe me 28 dollars?' 'Make it 30, that's a good round number.'“那你欠我28元?”“算30吧,凑个整儿好记。” statistics / /stəˈtɪstɪks/ / [plural] (rather formal) a collection of information shown in numbers 统计数字;统计资料According to official statistics the disease kills 10 000 people a year.根据官方的统计数字,每年有1万人死于这种疾病。A statistic [countable] is a piece of information shown in numbers. 单数形式的statistic指一项统计数据An important statistic is that 94 per cent of crime relates to property.一个重要数据是94%的犯罪同财产有关。I felt I was no longer being treated as a person but as a statistic.我感觉我不再被看作人,而被当成一个统计数字了。 statistical / /stəˈtɪstɪkl/ /


statistical analysis / methods / data统计分析/方法/数据


The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.在统计学的意义上,这两个样品没有显著的差异。
NOTE 辨析 Figures or statistics?In many cases either of these words can be used. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用official / government / crime / unemployment figures / statistics官方/政府/犯罪/失业数字 Statistics can suggest a greater level of science and calculation (for example, working out percentages and changes over time, not just adding up numbers). Statistics can also be used in a more general way than figures. * statistics可意味着更高深的科学与计算方法(比如,算出百分比和一段时间内的变化,而不只是数字加总)。与figures相比,statistics的用法也较宽泛Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car.统计数字显示会骑自行车的人比会开车的人多得多。With figures it is usually necessary to say which figures. 用figures时通常有必要指出是什么样的数字Government / Inflation figures show that...政府/通货膨胀数字显示⋯Figures show that...
fraction [countable] a division of a number, for example ⅝ or 0.625 分数;小数How do you express 25% as a fraction?25%用小数怎么表示? stats [plural] (informal) statistics 统计数字;统计资料The match stats show that there were 16 instances of players being offside.比赛的统计数字显示队员有16次越位。Stats is often used to talk about the results or an analysis of a sports game. * stats常用于描述体育比赛的结果或分析。




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