

单词 stick with sb/sth
stick with sb/sth phrase


The rain continued all day. 雨下了一整天。continue fighting 继续战斗the story continues 故事接续下去lead3The path continues down the hill.remaincontinue as managercontinue ♦︎ keep ♦︎ go on with sth/go on doing sth ♦︎ proceed ♦︎ pursue ♦︎ carry (sth) on ♦︎ keep sth up/keep up with sth ♦︎ press ahead/on ♦︎ stick with sb/sthThese words all mean to do sth without stopping over a period of time. 这些词均表示继续做、不停地进行。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to continue / keep on / go on / proceed / carry on / keep up / press ahead / stick with sthto continue / keep / go on / carry on / press ahead with doing sthto continue / go on / proceed / pursue / carry on / keep up / press ahead (with) the / your workto continue / go on with / pursue / carry on / keep up a conversationto continue / proceed / pursue / carry on / press ahead (with) plansto continue / proceed / pursue / press ahead (with) reformsto continue / pursue / carry on / keep up / press ahead / stick (with) a policyto proceed / pursue / press ahead (with) legislationto continue / proceed / pursue / carry on (with) an investigationto continue / pursue / carry on / keep up a relationship / traditionto continue / keep / go on / carry on fighting / working / talking / improving sth / believing / building sthto continue / go on / carry on regardless continue [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to not stop doing sth 继续做;不停地干She wanted to continue working after the baby was born.她想在孩子出生后继续工作。He continued to ignore everything I was saying.他依然对我说的一切置若罔闻。The board of enquiry is continuing its investigations.调查委员会在继续调查。Are you going to continue with the project?你要继续做这个项目吗? keep (kept, kept) [transitive, intransitive] (especially spoken) to continue doing sth; to do sth repeatedly 继续,重复(做某事)Keep smiling!保持笑容!I wish you wouldn't keep on interrupting me!我希望你别老跟我打岔!I want to keep on with part-time work for as long as possible.我希望做兼职工作能一直持续下去。In spoken English keep doing sth is much more frequent than continue doing sth, which sounds rather formal. In this meaning keep is always followed by a verb in the -ing form; by on + a verb in the -ing form, or by on with sth. 在口语中,keep doing sth比continue doing sth常用得多,后者听起来相当正式。表达此义时,keep总是用于keep doing、keep on doing或keep on with sth等句型。 ˌgo ˈon with sth go on doing sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone)to continue an activity without stopping (不停顿地)继续做某事She shrugged and went on with her writing.她耸耸肩继续写下去。Neil nodded and went on eating.尼尔点点头,继续吃。
proceed /prəˈsiːd; NAmE proʊˈsiːd/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to continue doing sth that has already been started; to continue being done 继续做(或从事、进行)We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.我们不确定是否还要继续降价促销。Work is proceeding slowly.工作进展缓慢。You might proceed with work, plans, reforms, a transaction or an investigation; or a conversation, meeting, sale, transaction or trial might proceed (in a particular way). * proceed with后可接work、plan、reform、transaction或 investigation。proceed前的主语可以是conversation、meeting、sale、transaction或trial,后面可接方式状语。 pursue /pəˈsjuː; NAmE pərˈsuː/ [transitive] (formal) to continue to discuss, find out about or be involved in sth 继续探讨(或追究、从事)We have no option but to pursue legal action.我们除了进行诉讼,别无选择。We have decided not to pursue the matter.我们决定不再追究此事。Typical collocates of pursue are enquiry, investigation, lawsuit, line, matter, policy, quest and strategy. * pursue的常见搭配词有enquiry、investigation、lawsuit、line、matter、policy、quest和strategy。 ˌcarry ˈon ˌcarry sth ˈon

phrasal verb

(especially spoken) to continue doing sth 继续做;坚持干Carry on with your work while I'm away.我不在时你要继续干。After he left I just tried to carry on as normal (= do the things I usually do).他离开后,我就像往常一样继续努力干。He carried on peeling the potatoes.他不停地削土豆皮。
ˌkeep sth ˈup ˌkeep ˈup with sth

phrasal verb

(kept, kept)to continue sth at the same, usually high, level; to continue to pay or do sth regularly 使保持在同一水平(通常指高水平);继续支付;继续做The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night.敌人昼夜轰炸不停。Well done! Keep up the good work / Keep it up.干得好!继续好好干吧!If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.如果不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住。
ˌpress aˈhead ˌpress ˈon

phrasal verb

to continue with an activity or journey in a determined way 坚决继续进行(某项活动);坚决继续行程The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse.这家公司正加紧推动建造新仓库的计划。'Shall we stay here for the night?' 'No, let's press on.'“我们今晚在这儿过一夜好吗?”“不,咱们继续走。”
ˈstick with sb/sth

phrasal verb

[no passive] (informal) to continue with sth; to continue doing sth 持续;坚持They decided to stick with their original plan.他们决定继续执行原计划。Even if you find it hard at first, stick with it-it will get easier with practice.即使你发现开始有些难,坚持下去,会越做越容易的。 Stick with sb/sth is often used to talk about not changing or moving away from what you already know. * stick with sb/sth常用来指坚守原有已知的事物to stick with the old system / the original plan / what you know / what you already have / the status quo继续使用旧的系统;坚持原先的计划;固守已知的/已有的;维持现状




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