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stick your neck out phrase ⇨ dare dare verb dare ♦︎ risk ♦︎ go so/as far as to... ♦︎ venture ♦︎ hazard ♦︎ stick your neck out ♦︎ pluck up (the) courage ♦︎ presume ♦︎ chanceThese words all mean to be brave enough to try to do sth that may not succeed. 这些词均表示敢于尝试去做未必成功的事情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to dare / go so far as / venture / pluck up courage / presume to do sth◆to risk / chance doing sth◆to venture / hazard an opinion◆to risk / chance a look (at sth)◆to risk / chance it■ dare [intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to be brave enough to do sth difficult or dangerous; to be rude enough to do sth that you have no right to do 敢于;胆敢◆She said it as loudly as she dared.她壮着胆子,放声说了出来。◆He didn't dare (to) say what he thought.他不敢说出自己的想法。◆Dare to be different!要敢于与众不同!◆ (BrE) They daren't ask for any more money.他们不敢再要钱了。◆ (spoken) 'I'll tell her about it.' 'Don't you dare!'“我要把这事告诉她。”“你敢!”◆How dare you talk to me like that!你竟敢那样对我说话! see also daring ⇨ bold adj. , daring ⇨ courage noun ■ risk [transitive] to do sth that may mean that you get into a situation which is unpleasant for you; to do sth that you know is not really a good idea or may not be successful 冒⋯的危险(或风险);(明知结果)冒险做,大胆做◆There was no choice. If they stayed there, they risked death.他们别无选择,如果待在那里,就有性命之虞。◆They knew they risked being arrested.他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。◆He risked a glance at her furious face.他壮着胆子瞅了一眼她愤怒的脸。◆It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it.这是个艰难的决定,但我们决定冒险一试。 see also risk ⇨ risk noun 1 2 ■ go so ˈfar as to...■ go as ˈfar as to... idiom to go to extreme or surprising limits in dealing with sth 竟然;甚至◆In June 2006 he went so far as to offer his resignation.2006年6月他甚至提出了辞呈。◆I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's a liar (= but I think he may be slightly dishonest).我倒不至于说他是个骗子。■ venture / /ˈventʃə(r)/ / [transitive] (formal) to say or do sth in a careful way, especially because it might upset or offend sb 试探地说,谨慎地做(尤指会使人烦恼或不快的事)◆She hardly dared to venture an opinion.她几乎不敢亮明观点。◆I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake.我试探地提醒说她可能出错了。■ hazard /ˈhæzəd; NAmE ˈhæzərd/ [transitive, intransitive] to make a suggestion or guess that you know may be wrong 冒失地提出;冒险猜测◆Would you like to hazard a guess?你想猜猜看吗?◆'Is it Tom you're going with?' she hazarded.“你是要和汤姆一起去吗?”她冒失地问。■ stick your ˈneck out idiom (stuck, stuck) (informal) to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong 冒险;做不保险的事;说不保险的话◆I'll stick my neck out and say that Bill is the best candidate for the job.我愿冒险说,比尔是这份工作的最佳人选。■ pluck up (the) ˈcourage idiom (usually approving) to make yourself do sth even though you are afraid to do it 鼓起勇气(做某事)◆I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.我终于鼓起勇气约她出去。■ presume /prɪˈzjuːm; NAmE prɪˈzuːm/ [intransitive] (formal, usually disapproving) to behave in a way that shows a lack of respect by doing sth that you have no right to do 妄行;越权行事◆I wouldn't presume to tell you how to run your own business.我不会僭越去指点你该如何经营你自己的事业。 see also presumptuous ⇨ cool adj. ■ chance [transitive] (informal) to risk sth, although you know the result may not be successful 冒险;拿⋯去冒风险◆'Take an umbrella.' 'No, I'll chance it (= take the risk that it may rain).'“带上伞吧。”“不了,我就冒冒险吧。”◆ (especially BrE) She was chancing her luck driving without a licence.她无照驾车,完全是在冒险。 |