

单词 individual
individual adj.
own (individual freedom/pizzas) particular (each individual member) unique (two completely individual styles)
individual noun


own ♦︎ personal ♦︎ individual ♦︎ private ♦︎ subjective ♦︎ exclusiveThese words are all used to talk about sth that belongs to or is connected with one particular person. 这些词均表示自己的、本人的、个人的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb's own / personal / individual / private / subjective experiencesb's own / personal / private / subjective opinionsb's own / personal / private / exclusive propertysb's own / personal / individual needs / requirements / objectives / freedom own belonging to or connected with a particular person; done or produced by and for yourself 自己的;本人的;自己做的;为自己的It was her own idea.那是她自己的主意。I saw it with my own eyes (= I didn't hear about it from sb else).我亲眼看见的。Our children are grown up and have children of their own.我们的子女都已长大成人,有了自己的孩子。For reasons of his own (= special reasons that perhaps only he knew about) he refused to join the club.出于个人的原因,他谢绝加入俱乐部。The accident happened through no fault of her own.这一事故的发生不是她本人的过错。He wants to come into the business on his own terms.他想依自己开出的条件加入这家公司。I need a room of my own.我需要有一个自己的房间。I have my very own room at last.我终于有了自己的房间。She makes all her own clothes.她的衣服都是自己做的。 Own cannot be used after an article. * own不能用在冠词之后I need my own room.我需要有自己的房间。I need an own room. It's good to have your own room.有自己的房间真好。It's good to have a room of the own. personal [only before noun] your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else 个人的;私人的They packed up their personal belongings and left.他们收拾好自己的个人物品离开了。The receptionist asked for my personal details (= my name, age, etc.).接待员询问了我的个人资料。Of course, this is just a personal opinion.当然了,这只是个人意见。The novel is written from personal experience.这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。All hire cars are for personal use (= not business use) only.所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture.用模板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。He has run a personal best of just under four minutes.他跑出了刚好低于四分钟的个人最好成绩。 personally


Personally, I prefer the second option.就我个人而言,我倾向第二种选择。
individual [only before noun] connected with one person; designed for one person 一个人的;供一人用的Respect for individual freedom is a cornerstone of our culture.对个人自由的尊重是我们文化的基石。Try to measure in individual portions how much people will eat.根据每个人的食量,尽量估算出大伙儿要吃多少。OPP communal common see also individual particular adj. , individual person noun individually


The manager spoke to them all individually.经理和他们每个人逐一谈话。
private [usually before noun] belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use 私有的;私用的;自用的The sign said, 'Private property. Keep out.'标牌上写着:“私人宅地,禁止入内。”Those are my father's private papers.那些都是我父亲的私人文件。The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.这家旅馆有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。 OPP public common see also privacy privacy NOTE 辨析 Personal or private? Personal things, details, etc. actually belong to a particular individual person and not any other individual person. Private things belong to a particular person or group, or are for them to use; they are not for people in general. Personal property usually consists of small items that belong to a particular person; private property is land that belongs to a particular person or group of people. * personal描述物品、资料等时指这些东西实际上归特定的某个人而非任何其他个人所有。private描述物品时指此物归特定的个人或集体所有,或归他们私用,而非公用。personal property通常指归特定的个人所有的小物件,private property指归特定的个人或群体所有的地产。 subjective (sometimes disapproving) based on your own ideas and opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair 主观的;带个人偏见的a highly subjective point of view非常主观的看法Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.每个人的意见都必定是主观的。 OPP objective objective subjectively


People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.主观因素介入愈少,愈能作出恰当的判断。
exclusive / /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ / only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group (个人或集体)专用的,专有的,独占的The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.这家旅馆有通向海滩的专用通道。exclusive rights to televise the World Cup世界杯赛的独家电视播放权His mother has told 'The Times' about his death in an exclusive interview (= not given to any other newspaper).他的母亲在接受《泰晤士报》的独家采访时谈到了他的死。


particular ♦︎ certain ♦︎ separate ♦︎ specific ♦︎ individual ♦︎ single ♦︎ respective ♦︎ distinctThese words are all used to talk about one person or thing, not others. 这些词均表示特定的、个别的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sth is separate / distinct from sth elsea particular / certain / specific / individual persona particular / a certain / a separate / a specific / an individual / a single / a distinct category / regionrespective categories / regionsa particular / certain / separate / specific / single event / incident / occasiona particular / certain / separate / specific locationparticular / certain / separate / individual / single / distinct componentsparticular / certain / specific / individual / respective / distinct needs / requirementsa particular / certain / specific / single / distinct contextrespective contextsa particular / certain / specific / single / distinct objective / purposea particular / certain / specific daterespective datesa particular / a separate / an individual / a single / a distinct stranda / an separate / individual / single / distinct entitya particular / a certain / a separate / a specific / an individual / a distinct type of stha particular / certain / specific / distinct kind of sthquite separate / specific / distinct particular [only before noun] used to emphasize that you are referring only to one person, thing or type of thing and not others 专指的,特指的(与泛指相对)There is one particular patient I'd like you to see.我想让你见一个病人。The policy seems to discriminate against particular groups of people.这一政策似乎对某些群体有歧视。Here, in no particular order (= the order is not important and has not been deliberately chosen), is a selection of readers' comments.这里挑选了部分读者的意见,排序不分先后。 particularly


Traffic is bad, particularly on the way into town.交通状态很差,尤其是进城方向。I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half.我喜欢那个剧,尤其是后半部。
certain [only before noun] used to mention a particular thing, person or group without giving any more details about it/them (不提及细节时用)某个,某些,某种Certain people might disagree with this.某些人对这事可能有异议。They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met.除非某些条件得到满足,否则他们拒绝释放人质。In formal English certain can be used when mentioning a person who has been named but who is not known. 在正式英语中,certain可指知其姓名不知其人的情况It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation.是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。 separate forming a unit by itself; not with or joined to sth else; (of several things of the same type) different and not connected 单独的;独立的;不同的;不相关的They sleep in separate bedrooms.他们睡在各自的卧室。Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。Write a list of names on a separate piece of paper.将名单写在另一张纸上。It happened on three separate occasions.这事在三个不同的场合发生过。For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives.三年来,他们完全是各过各的生活。OPP joint , communal common separately


They were photographed separately and then as a group.他们先拍单人照,再拍合照。That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda.那件事将单独考虑,不列入主要议程。
specific / /spəˈsɪfɪk/ / [usually before noun] connected with one particular thing or type of thing, especially one that is very well defined and different from others in important details (尤指因界定清楚、重要细节不同)特定的Each debate will focus on a specific political issue.每场辩论将聚焦一个特定的政治问题。The money was collected for a specific purpose.收取这笔钱是有特定用途的。 specifically


a magazine aimed specifically at working women专门面向职业妇女的杂志
NOTE 辨析 Particular or specific?A particular person, group or thing is that one and not a different one: John, not Mary; the French, not the Germans; that book, not this one. A specific group or thing is a particular one in all its details, not a general group or type of which this is one example: school children with learning difficulties, not school children in general; the issue of long-term unemployment in declining industrial centres, not the issue of unemployment in general. * particular指人、团体或事情是此非彼,如约翰,不是玛丽;法国人,不是德国人;那本书,不是这本书。specific指团体或事物是独特的,而不是普遍的,如学习上有困难的学生,不是一般的学生;衰落的工业区的长期失业问题,不是一般的失业问题。
individual [only before noun] considered separately rather than as part of a group 单独的;个别的We interviewed each individual member of the community.我们采访了每个社区成员。The minister refused to comment on individual cases.部长拒绝对个别事件发表评论。 OPP collective common see also individual own individually


individually wrapped chocolates独立包装的巧克力
single [only before noun] used to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own (用于强调)一个的,单个的Unemployment is the single most important factor in the rising crime rates.失业是犯罪率日益上升最重要的一个因素。We eat rice every single day.我们天天吃米饭。 singly


The stamps are available singly or in books of ten.邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。
respective / /rɪˈspektɪv/ / [only before noun] (usually used before a plural noun 通常用于复数名词前) (rather formal) belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned 分别的;各自的They are each recognized as specialists in their respective fields.他们在各自的领域都被视为专家。 respectively


Julie Wilson and Mark Thomas, aged 17 and 19 respectively朱莉•威尔逊和马克•托马斯,年龄分别是17岁和19岁
distinct / /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ / clearly different or of a different kind 截然不同的;不同种类的The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.调查结果分为截然不同的两种。Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.牙买加的雷盖音乐完全不同于北美的爵士乐或蓝调。We are talking about rural areas, as distinct from major cities.我们现在谈论的是乡村,与大城市截然不同。


 See also the entry for special 另见special条unique ♦︎ special ♦︎ distinctive ♦︎ peculiar ♦︎ individual ♦︎ idiosyncraticThese words all describe things that are connected with one person, group or thing. 这些词均表示独具的、特有的、独特的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sth unique / special / distinctive / individual about stha species, etc. unique / peculiar to ...sb's own unique / special / distinctive / peculiar / individual...a unique / a special / a distinctive / a peculiar / an individual / an idiosyncratic style / characterthe unique / special / distinctive / peculiar / individual / idiosyncratic nature of sthunique / special / distinctive / peculiar / individual / idiosyncratic featuresa unique / a special / a distinctive / a peculiar / an individual flavoura unique / a distinctive / an individual / an idiosyncratic personalitya unique / a special / a distinctive / an individual / an idiosyncratic approachsb / sth's unique / special / distinctive / peculiar brand of sththe unique / special / peculiar / individual circumstances of sthquite unique / distinctivehighly / very distinctive / individual / idiosyncratic unique being the only one of its kind; belonging to or connected with only one particular person, place or thing 唯一的;独一无二的;(某人、某地或某事物)独具的,特有的Every human being has a unique fingerprint that does not change over time.每个人都有不随时间改变的独一无二的指纹。Each item has a unique 6-digit code.每件商品都有一个独一无二的六位数的编码。Her lawyer said the case was unique in French law.她的律师说这个案子是法国法律里独一无二的一件。There's nothing unique about the case.这个案子毫无特别之处。The pattern of stripes is unique to each individual animal.每只动物的条纹图案都是独有的。 see also unique remarkable , uniqueness identity uniquely


Some of the regulations apply uniquely to the 16-19 age group.有一些规则仅适用于16至19岁这个年龄段的人。
special used by or intended for one particular person or group of people 专用的;专门针对⋯的;特有的She has a special way of smiling.她微笑的样子有些特别。The President ended with a special message for the people of Texas.总统最后专门向得克萨斯州的人传递了一个信息。The directors have their own special pension fund.董事有他们自己专门的养老基金。 see also special special specially


She has to have her shoes specially made.她的鞋只能订做。
distinctive / /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ / having a quality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed 独特的;特别的;有特色的The male bird has distinctive black and white markings on the head.雄鸟的头上有明显的黑白斑纹。There was nothing distinctive about the envelope in which the letter came.装这封信的信封毫无特别之处。 distinctively


It's a blue cheese with a distinctively sharp taste.那是一种味道特别冲的蓝纹奶酪。
peculiar / /pɪˈkjuːliə(r)/ / belonging or connected with one particular place, situation, person or thing (某地、某种情况、某人或某事物)独具的,特有的The species is peculiar to China.此物种是中国独有的。Each house had its own peculiar smell.每栋房子都有自己特殊的气味。 peculiarity / /pɪˌkjuːliˈærəti/ /


[countable] the cultural peculiarities of the English英国人的文化特点


It is a peculiarly English design.那是独特的英式设计。
NOTE 辨析 Unique or peculiar?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用The problem is not unique / peculiar to this country.此问题不是这个国家独有的。 Peculiar is used especially to talk about places; unique is used more to talk about individual people and animals. It is often a more positive word than peculiar, suggesting that sb/sth is special or rare; peculiar is sometimes (but not always) slightly more negative, suggesting that sb/sth is strange in some way. * peculiar尤用以形容地方,unique较多形容个别的人和动物。unique往往较peculiar更具褒义,意味着某人或某物很特别或稀有;peculiar有时(但并非总是)略具贬义,意味着某人或某物有些古怪。 see also peculiar strange 1
individual (usually approving) typical of one particular person or thing in a way that is interesting and different from others 独特的;与众不同的A player's style is almost as individual as his DNA.演奏者的风格几乎像他的DNA一样独特。 see also individuality identity idiosyncratic / /ˌɪdiəsɪŋˈkrætɪk/ / (rather formal) showing a person's particular way of behaving or thinking, especially when it is unusual or slightly strange 特有的;奇特的She had an odd, idiosyncratic way of looking at things.她看待事物的方式古怪又奇特。 see also idiosyncrasy mannerism


 See also the entry for people 1 另见people条第1义person ♦︎ individual ♦︎ figure ♦︎ human ♦︎ human being ♦︎ mortal ♦︎ type ♦︎ character ♦︎ soul ♦︎ thingThese are all words for a man, woman or child. 这些词均表示人、个人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / an average / normal / ordinary person / individual / human / human being / mortala rational person / individual / human beingan intelligent person / human / human beinga sad person / individual / figure / charactera brave / kind person / soula mere human / mortala / an key / powerful / independent person / individual / figurethe person / individual concerned / responsible person [countable] a man, woman or child; sb who is not identified 人;某人What sort of person would do a thing like that?什么人会干出那样的事呢?He's a fascinating person.他是个魅力十足的人。What is she like as a person?她的人品怎么样?He's just the person we need for the job.他正是我们需要的适合这个工作的人。I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.我收到老邻居写来的一封信。I'm not really a city person (= I don't like cities).我不是一个很喜欢城市生活的人。The price is $40 per person.价格为每人40元。The plural of person is usually people, but in formal language persons is often used. * person的复数形式通常是people,但是在正式用语中常用personsThis vehicle is licensed to carry 4 persons.这部车限载4人。 (law 法律) The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown.裁定是一人或多人所为的谋杀,凶手身份不明。 individual [countable] a person considered separately rather than as part of a group 个人The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队或个人均可参加比赛。The teacher should treat each student as an individual.教师应对学生因材施教。Each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.每门课都要针对个别需求而量身订制。The school's reputation is being ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals.学校的声誉被少数几个人的恶劣行为破坏了。An individual can also be a person of a particular type, especially a strange or unpleasant one. * individual还可指某一类型的人,尤指性格怪异或令人讨厌的一类This scruffy-looking individual wandered into the office.这个脏兮兮的人晃进了办公室。 see also individual own adj. figure [countable] a person of the kind mentioned 人物;人士He's a leading figure in the music industry.他是音乐界的领军人物。a cult / public / political figure偶像;公众/政治人物a figure of authority权威人士When she last saw him he was a sad figure-old and tired.她最后一次见到他时,他一副苍老而疲惫的落魄模样。 see also public figure star 1 human [countable] a person rather than an animal, a machine or, in science fiction, a creature from another planet 人(相对于动物、机器或科幻小说中的外星生物)Dogs can hear much better than humans.狗的听觉比人灵敏得多。More work is needed on the interface between humans and machines.人机界面方面需要做更多的工作。 human


the human body / brain人体;人脑a terrible loss of human life人命的惨重损失Contact with other people is a basic human need.和他人接触是人的基本需要。
ˌhuman ˈbeing [countable] a human 人(相对于动物、机器或科幻小说中的外星生物)That is no way to treat another human being.那绝不是对待他人的方式。He was just a normal human being with faults like the rest of us.他只是个普通人,会犯错误,像我们每个人一样。NOTE 辨析 Human or human being? Human often refers to the biological characteristics of people compared with animals, machines or, in science fiction, with creatures from other planets. * human常指区别于动物、机器或科幻小说中外星生物的人的生物特征Pigs are biologically very similar to humans.从生物学角度讲,猪和人很相似。 Human is also used to refer to different stages in the development of the human race. * human还指人类发展过程中的不同阶段early / primitive / modern humans早期的人;原始人;现代人 Human being is often used when talking about a person's ability to think, feel and be social when compared with animals. * human being常用来谈论人区别于动物的思考、感觉和社交能力She was not behaving like a rational human being.她的行为不是一个理性的人该有的。 mortal [countable] (humorous) a person, especially an ordinary person with little power, influence or skill 人;凡人;普通人She can deal with complicated numbers in her head, but we lesser mortals need calculators!她可以心算复杂的数字,可我们这些常人得用计算器! type [singular] (informal) a person of a particular character, with qualities or features 具有某种特征的人;典型She hangs around with all those artistic types.她跟那些搞艺术的人泡在一块。He's not the type to be unfaithful.他不是那种花心的人。She's not my type (= not the kind of person I am usually attracted to).她不是我喜欢的类型。 character [countable] (usually used with an adjective 通常与形容词连用) (rather informal) a person, especially a strange or unpleasant one or sb with a strong personality (尤指性格古怪、令人讨厌或有个性的)人There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar.酒吧附近有一些不三不四的人在游荡。She's a reformed character nowadays.如今她已改过自新了。She's quite a character!她绝对与众不同! Character can describe a person who seems strange or unpleasant * character可指古怪或讨厌的人a / an unsavoury / undesirable / suspicious / shady character讨厌/不得人心/多疑/可疑的人or a person who did bad things in the past but who has changed 也可指改过自新的人a reformed character回头的浪子or simply a person with a strong personality. 或指性格特征明显的人a tough / determined / shrewd character严厉/果敢/精明的人 soul [countable] a person of a particular type; (especially in negative sentences) a person 某种人;(尤用于否定句)人It means bad news for some poor soul (= an unlucky person that you feel sympathy for).对某些可怜人来说,这是坏消息。A few brave souls queued all night to get tickets for centre court.几个勇气十足的人排了一夜队,买到了进入中心球场的票。There wasn't another soul in sight (= no one around).连个人影都不见。 Soul is mainly used in a few fixed phrases, especially in negative sentences. * soul主要用于构成几个固定短语,尤用于否定句There was not a soul about / in sight / to be seen.连个人影都不见。I won't tell a soul.我不会告诉任何人。She's completely exhausted, poor soul!可怜她已累得精疲力竭了!Otherwise, it is becoming old-fashioned or is used only in literary contexts. 除此之外的用法都已过时,或仅用于文学语境。 thing [countable] (used with an adjective 与形容词连用) (spoken) used to talk to or about a person or animal, to show how you feel about them (指人或动物,带感情色彩)人,家伙,东西You silly thing!你这个蠢货!You must be starving, you poor things.你们一定饿坏了,可怜的家伙!The cat's very ill, poor old thing!这猫病得很厉害,真可怜!




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