

单词 tinge
tinge noun
colour1 (a reddish tinge) element2 (a tinge of regret)
colour1 (BrE) (NAmE color)


the colour of the sky 天空的颜色people of colour 有色人种的人colour ♦︎ shade ♦︎ hue ♦︎ tint ♦︎ tingeThese words all describe the appearance of things, resulting from the way in which they reflect light. 这些词均表示颜色、色彩。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a shade / tinge of blue, green, etc.a bluish / greenish, etc. colour / shade / hue / tint / tingea warm / rich colour / shade / hue / tinta bright / vivid / vibrant / dark / deep colour / shade / huea pale / pastel / soft / subtle / delicate colour / shade / huea light / strong / neutral / natural colour / shadeto have a colour / shade / hue / tint / tinge colour (NAmE color) [countable, uncountable] the appearance that things have, resulting from the way in which they reflect light. Red, green and blue are colours. 颜色;色彩What's your favourite colour?你最喜欢什么颜色?The paint is available in 12 different colours.有12种不同颜色的油漆可供挑选。the colour of the sky天空的颜色Her hair is a reddish-brown colour.她的头发是棕红色的。These flowers certainly give the room a bit of colour.这些花无疑为房间增添了一点儿色彩。 Colour also means the use of all the colours, not only black and white. * colour还表示彩色的,非黑白的a colour TV in every room每个房间里一台彩电colour photography / printing彩色摄影/印刷a full-colour brochure全彩手册Do you dream in colour?你的梦是彩色的吗? OPP black and white shade [countable] a particular form of a colour, especially when describing how light or dark it is. Sky blue is a shade of blue. (颜色的)浓淡深浅;色度Her eyes were a delicate shade of green.她的眼睛是淡绿色的。Use different shades of the same colour, rather than lots of different colours.使用同一种颜色的不同色度,而非多种不同颜色。 hue / /hjuː/ / [countable] (literary or technical 术语) a colour; a particular shade of a colour 颜色;色度;色调Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.她的油画捕捉住秋天乡村的微妙色调。His face took on an unhealthy, whitish hue.他的脸上透出一丝病态的苍白。 tint [countable] a shade or small amount of a particular colour; a faint colour covering a surface 色调;淡色彩;(一层)淡色leaves with red and gold autumn tints金秋时节略呈红黄色的树叶the brownish tint of an old photo旧照片的淡褐色 see also tint paint verb tinge / /tɪndʒ/ / [countable, usually singular] a small amount of a colour 少许,一丝,几分(颜色)There was a pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉色。 see also tinge element 2 NOTE 辨析 Tint or tinge?You can say 可以说a reddish tint / tinge略带一点淡红色or a tinge of red略带一点淡红色but not 但不说a tint of red Tint is often used in the plural, but tinge is almost always singular. * tint常用作复数,但tinge几乎总是作单数reddish tints淡红色a reddish tinge淡红色


have all the elements of a soap opera 有肥皂剧的所有要素an element of risk 些许风险element ♦︎ touch ♦︎ trace ♦︎ hint ♦︎ spot ♦︎ tinge ♦︎ pinch ♦︎ dashThese are all words for a small amount of sth. 这些词均表示少量、有点。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a slight element / touch / trace / hint / tinge of stha faint touch / trace / hint / tingethe slightest touch / trace / hint of sthto detect an element / a touch / a trace / a hint / a tinge of sthto contain elements / traces / a hint of sthto add an element / a touch / a hint / a pinch / a dash of stha touch / trace / hint of humour / irony / sarcasma touch / hint / tinge / dash of coloura trace / hint of a / an smile / accenta touch / hint of impatience / irritationa trace / hint of amusement / bitternessa hint / tinge of sadness / regret / envy element / /ˈelɪmənt/ / [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a small amount of a quality (某种特质)少量,有点We need to preserve the element of surprise.我们得保留一些使人感到意外的东西。There appears to be an element of truth in his story.他的说法似乎有点真实成分。All outdoor activities carry an element of risk.所有户外活动都带有些许风险。Element is used especially to talk about a small amount of truth and also of qualities that suggest uncertainty, including luck, chance, risk, danger, surprise, mystery, choice, uncertainty and doubt. * element尤与truth连用,表示带有一点真实性;也可与暗示不确定因素的词搭配,如luck、chance、risk、danger、surprise、mystery、choice、uncertainty和doubt。 touch [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a very small amount of sth, especially a quality (尤指特质)一点儿,少许There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice.她的话中有点儿讥讽的意味。Give your garden a touch of class with a sundial as a focal point.用日晷作为你花园的焦点,以略显典雅之风。There could be a touch of frost tonight.今晚可能有轻微霜冻。Touch is used especially to talk about small amounts of special or expensive qualities including class, elegance, glamour, luxury, genius and colour; also small amounts of humorous and/or negative qualities, including humour, irony, sarcasm, impatience and irritation. * touch与class、elegance、glamour、luxury、genius和colour搭配,尤指略显特别或奢华;还与humour、irony、sarcasm、impatience和irritation搭配,指含有些许幽默或负面特质。 trace [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a very small amount of a substance, feeling or quality (物质、感觉或特质)微量,少许The police found traces of blood in the bathroom.警方在洗手间发现些许血迹。She spoke without a trace of bitterness.她说话时一点也不伤感。He spoke in English with only the trace of an accent.他说英语时只有一点点口音。Collocates of trace include blood, gold, emotion, amusement, anxiety, bitterness, cynicism, sarcasm, irony and humour. It is often used in a more negative way than touch. * trace的搭配词有blood、gold、emotion、amusement、anxiety、bitterness、cynicism、sarcasm、irony和humour。与touch相比,trace常用于较负面的含义Her speech brought a welcome touch of humour to the evening.她的讲话为晚会平添几分令人愉悦的幽默感。There was no trace of humour in his expression.他的话里没有丝毫的幽默感。 hint [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a very small amount of a feeling, quality, colour or flavour (感觉、特质、颜色或味道)少许,少量There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice.他的声音中流露出深深的悲伤。He vowed that no hint of scandal would ever be attached to him.他发誓永远不与丑闻沾边。The walls were painted with a hint of peach.墙壁被粉刷成略带桃红的颜色。You can talk about a hint of both positive and negative feelings and qualities, including amusement, humour, laughter, triumph, anger, bitterness, impatience, irritation, sadness, desperation, malice, mischief, mockery, jealousy, suspicion and scandal. * hint可以指正面或负面的感觉和特质,搭配词有amusement、humour、laughter、triumph、anger、bitterness、impatience、irritation、sadness、desperation、malice、mischief、mockery、jealousy、suspicion和scandal。 spot [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) (BrE, informal) a small amount of sth 少量;一点There was a spot of rain in the afternoon, but otherwise the weather has been perfect.下午落了几滴雨,除此之外,天气好极了。We got into a spot of bother with the police.我们与警察发生了点小摩擦。 tinge / /tɪndʒ/ / [countable] a small amount of a colour or feeling (颜色或感觉)微量,少许,一丝There was a faint pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。He felt a tinge of sadness as the train began to pull away.火车徐徐开动了,他感到了些许伤感。 see also tinge colour noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Hint or tinge? Hint is more frequent than tinge and can be used to describe a wider range of feelings; however, both words can be used to describe sadness, regret and envy. With colours, you can say a pink tinge to sth or a hint of pink but not a tinge of pink or a pink hint * hint比tinge常用,且可用于描述多种情感。但这两个词都可用于描述sadness、regret和envy。至于颜色,可以说a pink tinge to sth或a hint of pink。但不说a tinge of pink,也不说a pink hint。 pinch [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) the amount of salt or a spice that you can hold between your finger and thumb 一撮(盐或调味料等)Add a pinch of salt to the mixture and stir well.在混合料中加一撮盐,搅拌均匀。a pinch of cayenne pepper / cinnamon / curry powder / ground ginger / nutmeg / paprika / snuff一撮红辣椒/肉桂/咖喱粉/姜粉/肉豆蔻/红辣椒粉/鼻烟 dash [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a small amount of sth that is added to sth else 少量,少许(添加物)Add a dash of lemon juice.加入少量柠檬汁。The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.小地毯为房间增添了一点色彩。Dash is used especially to describe a small amount of a liquid which is added to food or drink. * dash尤用来描述加入食物或饮品的少量液体。




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