

单词 tip
tip noun
tip (the tip of her finger) advice (useful tips) gift (leave the waiter a tip)
tip verb


tip ♦︎ point ♦︎ spike ♦︎ prong ♦︎ nibThese are all words for the sharp end of an object. 这些词均表示物体的尖端、尖头。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a sharp tip / point / spikethe tip / point of a knife tip [countable] the end of sth, especially sth that is long and narrow; a small part that fits on or over the end of sth 尖端;尖儿;端;(装在顶端的)小部件He ran the tips of his fingers over the bruise.他的指尖划过瘀伤。The base is situated at the northern tip of the island.该基地位于岛的北端。The walking stick was fitted with a rubber tip.手杖装了一个橡皮头。 point [countable] the sharp thin end of sth 尖端;尖头She pressed so hard that the point of the pencil made a hole in the paper.她太使劲了,铅笔尖儿把纸都戳破了。 pointed


the pointed arches used in medieval buildings中世纪建筑的尖拱
spike [countable] a thin object with a sharp point, especially a pointed piece of metal or wood 尖状物;尖头;(尤指金属或木质的)尖刺The wall had a row of iron spikes along the top.那堵墙的墙头有一排尖铁。Her hair stood up in spikes.她的头发梢翘了起来。 see also spiky coarse prong [countable] each of the two or more long pointed parts of a fork 叉子齿One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot.园艺叉子的一个尖齿把他的脚扎了。 nib [countable] the metal point of a pen 钢笔尖I dipped the nib into the ink and started to write.我把钢笔尖蘸上墨水写了起来。


advice ♦︎ counselling ♦︎ tip ♦︎ guidanceThese are all words for an opinion or suggestion about what sb should do in a particular situation. 这些词均表示劝告、建议。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配advice / counselling / tips / guidance on sthadvice / counselling / tips for sb / sthadvice / guidance about sthhelpful / practical / useful / valuable / general advice / tips / guidanceprofessional advice / counselling / tips / guidancespiritual advice / counselling / guidanceto give sb advice / counselling / a tip / guidanceto offer / provide / seek advice / counselling / guidance advice [uncountable] an opinion about what sb should do in a particular situation 劝告;忠告;建议Can you give me some advice on where to buy good maps?你能告诉我哪儿能买到好的地图吗?We were advised to seek legal advice.有人劝我们找律师咨询一下。Let me give you a piece of advice.让我给你个忠告吧。Take my advice-don't get married.听我劝,别结婚。I chose it on his advice.我是照他的建议选择的。Permission was given against the advice of the planning officers.规划官员的建议未被采纳,许可证还是颁发了。Advice is usually given by sb who has greater experience or authority than the person they are advising. If you say take my advice to sb who is older or more experienced than you, they may be offended. * advice通常由经验丰富或更有权威的人向经验少或没有权威的人提出。如果向比你年长或经验丰富的人说take my advice,可能会得罪人。 see also advise recommend 1 , recommendation endorsement counselling (BrE) (NAmE counseling) / /ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ/ / [uncountable] professional advice about what sb should do to deal with a personal or emotional problem (个人或情感问题的)咨询,辅导Many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.这一不幸事件的受害者中很多人仍然需要心理辅导。 tip [countable] (rather informal) a small piece of practical advice; a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of sth, such as a horse race, is likely to be 实用的提示;(赛马等的)内幕消息,指点There are lots of useful tips on how to save money.省钱的窍门儿有很多。He said he'd been given a hot tip for that afternoon's race.他说自己得到了下午赛马的绝佳内幕消息。 guidance / /ˈgaɪdns/ / [uncountable] help or advice about how to do sth or about how to deal with problems, especially given by sb older or with more experience (尤指年纪较长或经验丰富的人给予的)指导,咨询Activities take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。The handbook gives helpful guidance on writing articles.这本手册就如何写文章提供有益指导。


gift ♦︎ present ♦︎ donation ♦︎ contribution ♦︎ tip ♦︎ gratuity ♦︎ handoutThese are all words for a thing that you give to sb, for example on a special occasion, to help them, or to say thank you. 这些词均表示礼物,馈赠品、谢礼。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / gratuity / handout for / from sba gift / present / donation / contribution to sb / sth£50 000, $10, etc. in gifts / donations / contributions / tips / handoutsa small gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / gratuitya large / generous gift / present / donation / contribution / tipa / an birthday / wedding / anniversary / Christmas gift / presenta cash gift / donation / handouta free gift / handoutto get a gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / handoutto receive a gift / present / donation / contribution / gratuityto send (sb) a gift / present / donation / contributionto leave (sb) a gift / present / donation / tip / gratuityto give (sb) a gift / present / donation / tipto make a donation / contribution gift [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a thing or a sum of money that you give to sb 礼物;赠品;礼金There's a free gift for every reader.每位读者均有赠品。The gift of love is the greatest gift a person can give or receive.爱是一个人可以给予或接受的最好的礼物。The party was originally funded by a gift of £50 000 from a top motor manufacturer.最初,一家顶尖汽车制造商赠送5万英镑资助了这个政党。 (BrE) All such posts are in the gift of the managing director (= only given by the managing director).所有这些职位都由总经理任命。 see also give give 5 present [countable] a thing that you give to sb, especially on a special occasion or to say thank you (尤指在特殊场合赠送或表示感谢的)礼物,礼品What can I get him for a birthday present?我给他送什么生日礼物好呢?NOTE 辨析 Gift or present? Gift is more formal than present and is used especially in business contexts: a store will advertise its Christmas gift ideas; the people who buy them will talk about the Christmas presents they have bought for family and friends. A present is usually given by and to an individual; a gift may be given by a company ( a corporate gift) and/or to an organization. A present is usually an object, but a gift may be a sum of money, or sth such as the gift of love/life. * gift比present正式,尤用于商务语境。商店作广告宣传的圣诞礼物创意用Christmas gift idea,为家人或朋友购买的圣诞礼物用Christmas present。present通常为个人赠送或收到的礼物,gift可以是公司或机构赠送或收到的礼物,如a corporate gift。present通常为物品,但gift可以是一笔钱,或另类形式的礼物,如the gift of love/life(爱/生命的给予)funded by a present of £50 000 She gave me the present of love. Especially in American English, however, gift is not always so formal and is sometimes used in personal contexts instead of present. 不过,尤其在美式英语中,gift不总是如此正式,有时会代替present用于个人场合The watch was a gift / present from my mother.这块手表是我妈妈送的礼物。 donation / /dəʊˈneɪʃn; NAmE doʊˈneɪʃn/ [countable] something that is given to a person or organization such as a charity, in order to help them; the act of giving sth in this way (给某人或慈善机构等的)捐赠物,捐款;捐赠I made a £200 donation to charity.我向慈善机构捐了200英镑。The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.这家慈善机构的运作靠自愿捐款资助。Organ donation (= allowing doctors to use organs from your body after your death in order to save a sick person's life) has not kept pace with the demand for transplants.器官捐献赶不上器官移植的需求。 see also donate give 5 contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn; NAmE ˌkɑːntrɪˈbjuːʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a sum of money or sth that is given to a person or organization in order to help pay for sth or raise money for sth; the act of giving sth in this way 捐款;捐物;捐助He has made several valuable contributions towards the upkeep of the cathedral.他几次慷慨捐资修葺大教堂。Contributions of cakes and other items for the cake sale can be left in the school office.为糕点义卖捐赠的糕点和其他物品可以放到学校办公室。We rely entirely on voluntary contribution.我们全靠自愿捐资。 see also contribute give 5 NOTE 辨析 Donation or contribution? Contribution places more emphasis on the money or thing given being part of a whole, to be added to other amounts or things that other people have given. Contributions are often expected or asked for; donations are seen more as voluntary gifts. * contribution更强调捐赠的财物为整体的一部分,和他人捐赠的财物合在一起。contribution常为预期会得到或请求别人作出的捐助,donation更多为自愿捐赠。 tip [countable] a small amount of extra money that you give to sb who has provided a service for you, for example in a restaurant 小费(如在餐馆中给的)Are we supposed to leave a tip?我们要留小费吗?He gave the waiter a generous tip.他给了服务员很多小费。 tip


(-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] Did you remember to tip the waiter?你记得给服务员小费了吗?Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.美国人总是很受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。
gratuity /grəˈtjuːəti; NAmE grəˈtuːəti/ [countable] (formal) a tip 小费;赏钱Our employees may not accept gratuities.我们的员工不允许收小费。 handout /ˈhændaʊt/ / [countable] (often disapproving) money that is given to a person or organization by the government, for example to encourage commercial activity 政府拨款(如为了促进商业活动而拨给个人或机构)The company is currently thriving thanks to a £70 000 government handout.受惠于政府7万英镑的拨款,这家公司目前正在蓬勃发展。Handouts can also be given to people who are poor. * handout还可指派给穷人的捐赠品、救济品。 see also handout aid noun , hand sth out distribute


lean back in your chair 仰靠在椅背上lean sth against the wall 把某物斜靠在墙上lean ♦︎ tilt ♦︎ tip ♦︎ angle ♦︎ slant ♦︎ slope ♦︎ bankThese are all words that can be used when sb/sth moves or is moved so that they are/it is not straight or upright. 这些词均表示倾斜、倾侧。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to lean / tilt / tip / angle / slant / slope (sth) towards / away from sthto lean / angle / slant (sth) across sthto tilt / tip / angle / slant / slope (sth) up / downto lean / tilt / tip (sth) forwards / back / backwards / to one sideto lean / tilt / tip / angle / slant / slope / bank (sth) slightlyto tilt / tip / angle your head lean (leaned, leaned; BrE also leant, leant) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of a person) to bend from an upright position, especially with the upper half of the body; (of sth that usually stands upright) to be in a position that is not vertical (尤指人的上身)前倾,后仰,屈身;(通常直立的物体)倾斜I leaned back in my chair.我仰靠在椅背上。A man was leaning out of the window.有个男人正把身子探出窗外。He leaned closer, lowering his voice.他俯过身来,并压低了声音。The tower is leaning dangerously.那座塔倾斜得很危险。 tilt [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move sth into this position (使)倾斜;倾侧The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever.按下这个控制柄,座位就会向前倾斜。His hat was tilted slightly at an angle.他的帽子戴得有点歪。She tilted her head back and looked up at me.她仰起头来看着我。 tip (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move sth into this position (使)倾斜;倾倒Suddenly the boat tipped to one side.那条船突然向一边倾斜。She tipped her head back and laughed loudly.她头一仰,哈哈大笑起来。He tipped the wheelbarrow on its side.他把手推车向一侧倾斜放置。NOTE 辨析 Tilt or tip? Tilt is usually used for movements that are smaller, gentler or more controlled than tip. * tilt所指的倾斜动作通常比tip小且轻柔,或更受控The train tilts to one side when it goes round bends.火车转弯时车身会向一侧倾斜。The train tips to one side when it goes round bends. While trying to sit down, I tipped the tray and my entire dinner went onto the rug.我要坐下时把托盘弄歪了,饭全都洒在了小地毯上。While trying to sit down, I tilted the tray and my entire dinner went onto the rug. angle [transitive] to move or place sth so that it is not straight or not directly facing sb/sth 倾斜移动;倾斜放置He angled his chair so that he could sit and watch her.他转动了一下椅子的角度,以便能够坐着观察她。 see also angle angle noun slant /slɑːnt; NAmE slænt/ [transitive, intransitive] (used with an adverb or preposition 与副词或介词连用) to place sth at an angle; to move in a direction that is not horizontal or vertical 使倾斜;使歪斜;倾斜移动Slant your skis a little more to the left.把滑雪板再稍微向左歪一点。 (literary) The sun slanted through the window.阳光斜照进窗户。 slope [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of sth that usually stands upright) to be at an angle rather than being straight or vertical (通常直立的物体)倾斜His handwriting slopes backwards.他写的字向左斜。It was a very old house with sloping walls.这座房子很旧,墙都歪了。 see also slope angle noun , slope slope verb bank [intransitive, transitive](of a plane) to travel with one side higher than the other when turning; to make a plane do this (飞机转弯时)倾斜飞行;使倾斜飞行The plane banked steeply to the left.飞机向左侧高度倾斜。The pilot banked the plane to give passengers a better look at the mountain.飞行员驾驶飞机倾斜飞行,以便让乘客更好地观看那座山。




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