

单词 top up
top up phrasal verb


fill ♦︎ pack ♦︎ load ♦︎ fill (sth) up ♦︎ refill ♦︎ replenish ♦︎ top sb/sth up ♦︎ restockThese words all mean to put a quantity of sth into a container until it is full. 这些词均表示装满、填满、注满。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fill / pack / load / fill up / refill / replenish / top up / restock sth with sthto fill / pack / load sth in / into sthto fill / fill up / refill / replenish / top up sb's glass fill [transitive, intransitive] to make sth full of sth; to become full of sth (使)充满;装满;填满She filled the kettle from the tap.她把水壶装满了自来水。Smoke filled the room.房间里烟雾弥漫。The school is filled to capacity (= completely full).这所学校已满员。The room was filling quickly (= with people).房间很快就挤满了人。 (figurative) Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.她的眼里突然噙满了泪水。OPP empty clear verb pack [intransitive, transitive] to put clothes and other possessions into a bag in preparation for a trip or journey; to put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold 收拾(行李);装(箱);包装;打包I haven't packed yet.我还没收拾行李呢。He packed a bag with a few things and was off.他把几件东西装进旅行袋就走了。He packed a few things into a bag.他把几件东西装进旅行袋。He found a part-time job packing eggs.他找了一份包装鸡蛋的兼职工作。OPP unpack clear verb load [transitive, intransitive] to put a large quantity of sth onto or into sth (把大量⋯)装上,装入We loaded the car in ten minutes.我们十分钟就装好了车。Can you help me load the dishwasher?你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机里好吗?Men were loading up a truck with timber.工人正把木料装上卡车。Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.大包大包的物品正给装上卡车。We finished loading and set off.我们装完货物就出发了。 OPP unload clear verb see also load lot noun ˌfill ˈup ˌfill sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to become completely full; to make sth completely full 充满;使填满;装满The ditches had filled up with mud and debris.沟渠中积满了淤泥和垃圾。First we need to fill up the tank with water.首先我们得把水箱注满水。We can't be out of petrol! I filled up (= put petrol in the car) yesterday.我们不可能没油了!我昨天刚把油箱加满。
refill / /ˌriːˈfɪl/ / [transitive] to fill sth again 再装满;重新装满She refilled the kettle with fresh water.她重新往壶里加满了新鲜水。 refill / /ˈriːfɪl/ /


[countable] Would you like a refill (= another drink of the same type)?你要再来一杯吗?
replenish / /rɪˈplenɪʃ/ / [transitive] (formal) to make sth full again by replacing what has been used 补充;重新装满Sailors used the islands to replenish their food and water supplies.水手利用这些岛屿来补充食物和水。NOTE 辨析 Refill or replenish?You usually refill a container, but replenish a supply of sth. With a drinking glass you can use either word, although replenish is much more formal. * refill通常指将容器重新装满,replenish则指补充供给。这两个词均可表示将玻璃杯重新斟满饮料,但replenish要正式得多。 ˌtop sb/sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(-pp-) (especially BrE, rather informal) to fill a container that already has some liquid in it with more liquid 装满,注满(未满的容器)I want to top up the oil in the car before we set off.我们出发前我想给车加满油。 (informal) Can I top you up (= give you some more to drink)?把你的杯子加满好吗? ˈtop-up


[countable] (BrE, rather informal) Can I give anybody a top-up (= some more to drink)?我来给哪位添满好吗?
restock /ˌriːˈstɒk; NAmE ˌriːˈstɑːk/ [transitive, intransitive] to fill sth with new or different things to replace those that have been used, sold or taken away; to get a new supply of sth 更新(旧物品);补充(货源);再补给Environmentalists are planning to restock the river with fish.环保人士正计划在河里再放养一批鱼。




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