

单词 string
string noun
rope (a piece of string) series (a string of hit records) pull strings manipulate


rope ♦︎ wire ♦︎ string ♦︎ thread ♦︎ yarn ♦︎ cordThese are all words for long thin materials used for tying, fastening, sewing or holding things in place. 这些词均表示绳、线。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配thick rope / wire / string / yarn / cordthin rope / wire / string / thread / yarn / cordfine wire / thread / yarna strong rope / wire / threadto tie sth with rope / string / cordto tighten / pull the rope / wire / string / cordto loosen the rope / wire / stringto coil the rope / wireto wind the string / thread / yarn / corda rope / string / thread / cord breaksa length / piece of rope / wire / string / thread / corda coil of rope / wire rope [countable, uncountable] a very strong thick long material made by twisting threads, fibres or wires together 粗绳;线缆;绳索The rope broke and she fell 50 metres onto the rocks.绳索断了,她摔到下方50米处的岩石上。We tied his hands together with rope.我们用绳子把他的手绑在一起。 wire [uncountable, countable] metal in the form of long thin pieces 金属丝;金属线a coil of copper wire一卷铜丝a wire rack / basket金属丝编织的架子/篮子The box was fastened with a rusty wire.那个箱子用生锈的铁丝捆着。 see also wire wire string [uncountable, countable] material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together; a piece of string used to fasten or pull sth or keep sth in place 细绳;带子He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string.他用牛皮纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。The key is hanging on a string by the door.钥匙拴在带子上,挂在门边。 thread [uncountable] thin string made of cotton, wool, silk, etc., used for sewing or making fabric 线;棉线;毛线;丝线Have you got a needle and thread?你有针线吗?a robe embroidered with gold thread用金线绣的长袍 yarn [uncountable, countable] thread that has been spun, used for knitting or weaving 纱;纱线The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.将纱线织成了一块粗布。The sweaters are hand-knitted in cotton, linen or wool yarns.那些毛衣是用棉、亚麻或羊毛线手工织成的。 cord [uncountable, countable] a strong thick string or thin rope (结实的)粗线,细绳You need a piece of thick cord about two metres long.你需要一根大约两米长的粗线。a silk bag tied with a gold cord用金线捆扎的丝绸包


series ♦︎ sequence ♦︎ order ♦︎ chain ♦︎ string ♦︎ succession ♦︎ catalogue ♦︎ chronology ♦︎ lineThese are all words for a number of events, things or people of a similar kind that come one after the other. 这些词均表示一连串同类的事件、事物或人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a series / sequence / chain / string / succession / catalogue / chronology / line of sthin a / an (...) series / sequence / order / stringin sequence / order (of sth) / successionout of sequence / ordera whole series / sequence / string / succession / cataloguea / an long / endless / continuous / unbroken series / sequence / chain / string / succession / linea random series / sequence / order / stringa series / sequence / chain / string / succession / chronology of eventsa series / string / catalogue of errorsa series / sequence / string of numbers / lettersthe first / last / latest in a series / sequence / string / succession / line series (plural series) [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) several events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other 一系列,一连串(相似的事件或事物)This is the first in a series of articles about rock 'n' roll legends.这是关于摇滚乐传奇系列文章的首篇。The shooting was the latest in a series of violent attacks in the city.这次枪击事件是该市发生的一系列暴力袭击事件的最新一起。 sequence / /ˈsiːkwəns/ / [countable, uncountable] a set of events, actions or numbers that follow one another in a particular order and which lead to a particular result; the order that events, actions, etc. happen in or should happen in 一系列,一连串(事件、行动或数字);顺序;次序The novel contains a long dream sequence (= describing a dream).这部小说中有很长一串梦境描写。Put these numbers into the correct sequence.把这些数字按正确的顺序排列起来。The computer generates a random sequence of numbers.计算机随机生成一串数字。The papers were all out of sequence.这些文件排错了次序。NOTE 辨析 Series or sequence?A series of things is usually a set of individual items; although similar in some way, each one is a distinct example of sth, different from the others. A series of things does not have to be in any logical order, but a sequence of things probably will be. Sequence usually suggests that each event, action or number is connected in some way to the previous one. * a series of表示一系列独立个体,尽管它们在某些方面相似,但每一个体都有自身特点,有别于其他个体。series中的事物不必按逻辑顺序排列,而sequence中的事物则很可能存在顺序。sequence通常意味着每个事件、行动或数字与前面一个存在着某种联系。 order [uncountable, countable] the way in which a number of people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other, that decides what comes first, what comes second, etc. (人或事物的)顺序,次序The names are listed in alphabetical order.这些姓名是按字母顺序排列的。We will deal with cases in order of importance.我们将按重要性排序依次处理这些案件。Winners are announced in reverse order.获胜者是从后到前依次宣布的。The information is given in no particular order.信息的发布没有特定的顺序。The emphasis with order is on the system used to arrange things, rather than the set of things themselves. * order强调的是事物的排列方法,而不是这些事物本身。 see also order rank verb chain [countable] a series of connected things or people, especially when they lead to a particular result 一系列,一连串(人或事物)I was next in the chain of command (= a system by which instructions are passed from one person to another).我处在指挥系统的下一级。Middlemen are important links in the chain.中间人是关系链中的重要环节。Volunteers formed a human chain to pass buckets of water to each other.志愿者排成一条长龙,逐个把水桶传过去。The collocates of chain in this meaning bring to mind the literal meaning of the word. Collocates include link, break and unbroken. 表达此义时,chain与某些词搭配会让人联想到该搭配词的字面含义。这些搭配词有link、break和unbroken。 string [countable] a series of similar things or people that come closely one after the other or are found close together 一系列;一连串;一批He retired after a string of chart hits in the 1980s.20世纪80年代他的唱片歌曲多次登上每周排行榜,之后他便退出乐坛了。The company owns a string of casinos in Nevada.该公司在内华达拥有好多个赌场。You talk about a string of things to emphasize the fact that there are a lot of them. * a string of强调某物的数量多。 succession / /səkˈseʃn/ / [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a series of people or things that follow each other in time or order; the regular pattern of one thing following another 一连串,一系列(人或事物);交替;更迭She was cared for by a succession of nannies.连续有好几个保姆照看过她。The team lost the final six years in succession.这个队连续六年在决赛中落败。They won several games in quick succession.他们接连赢了几场比赛。You talk about a succession of things to emphasize the fact that one thing follows after another, without a break or interruption. * a succession of强调事物连续出现,中间没有间断或停顿。 catalogue (NAmE also catalog) /ˈkætəlɒg; NAmE ˈkætəlɔːg, ˈkætəlɑːg/ [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) (especially BrE) a long series of things that happen, especially bad things 一连串(尤指糟糕的事)What followed was a whole catalogue of disasters.随之发生的是接二连三的灾难。Child protection officers uncovered a catalogue of cruelty and abuse.儿童保护专员发现了一连串虐待儿童的事件。 chronology /krəˈnɒlədʒi; NAmE krəˈnɑːlədʒi/ [uncountable, countable] the order in which a series of events happened; a list of these events in order 按事件发生日期排列的顺序;年表Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events.历史学家好像把这些事件发生的年代顺序搞混了。At the front of the book is a chronology of the artist's life.在这本书的前部有这位艺术家的生平年表。The emphasis with chronology is on when each event happened in relation to the other events. * chronology强调彼此相关的事件的发生时间。 line [countable, usually singular] a series of people, things or events that follow one another in time 按时间顺序排列的人(或物、事件);家系;家族She came from a long line of doctors (= there were many doctors in her family in the past).她来自一个医生世家。Property was passed down through the male line (= through the males in the family).财产通过父系代代相传。The novel is the latest in a long line of thrillers that he has written.这部小说是他写的系列惊险小说中最新的一部。 see also lineage family 3


manipulate ♦︎ steer ♦︎ engineer ♦︎ manoeuvre ♦︎ pull strings ♦︎ turn sth to your advantageThese words all mean to control or influence sth in such a way that you get what you want. 这些词均表示操纵、控制、影响,以此谋求利益。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to manipulate / manoeuvre sb into sthto manipulate / engineer a situationto turn a situation to your advantageto manipulate / steer the conversationto deliberately manipulate / steer / engineer sthto successfully manipulate / manoeuvre sth manipulate / /məˈnɪpjuleɪt/ / [transitive] (disapproving) to control or influence sb/sth, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it (暗中)控制,操纵,影响She uses her charm to manipulate people.她利用自身的魅力来摆布别人。He knows how to manipulate public opinion.他知道如何左右舆论。They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.他们设法对我们施加影响,使我们答应帮忙。 manipulation / /məˌnɪpjuˈleɪʃn/ /


[uncountable, countable] Advertising like this is a cynical manipulation of the elderly.做这样的广告就是肆意耍弄老年人。
manipulative / /məˈnɪpjələtɪv; NAmE məˈnɪpjəleɪtɪv/


manipulative behaviour操纵性的行为
steer [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to take control of a situation and influence the way in which it develops 操纵;控制;引导He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce.他设法把话题从他离婚一事上扯开。She steered the team to victory.她率领全队取得胜利。 engineer [transitive] (often disapproving) to arrange for sth to happen or take place, especially when this is done secretly in order to give you an advantage 密谋策划She engineered a further meeting with him.她精心安排又和他见了一面。 manoeuvre (BrE) (NAmE maneuver) /məˈnuːvə(r)/ / [transitive, intransitive] (sometimes disapproving) to control or influence a situation to give you an advantage in a skilful but possibly dishonest way 操纵;控制;使花招The new laws have left us little room for / to manoeuvre (= not much opportunity to change or influence a situation).新法律没给我们留下多少回旋的余地。She manoeuvred her way to the top of the company.她施展手腕进入了公司最高领导层。 see also manoeuvre tactic noun pull ˈstrings


(rather informal) to use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb 凭影响(为某人)谋利益;(为某人)活动,走后门By pulling strings he was able to get on a plane that night.通过走后门他那天晚上得以登上飞机。
turn sth to your adˈvantage


to use or change a bad situation so that you benefit from it 使转为有利;变(不利)为有利;利用She realized the whole situation could be turned to her advantage.她意识到整个局势有可能变得对她有利。




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