

单词 unhappy
unhappy adj.
unhappy1 (an unhappy childhood) unhappy2 (unhappy with their accommodation)


an unhappy childhood 不快乐的童年feel unhappy with their accommodation 对住处不满意 See also the entries for sad and depressed 另见sad条和depressed条unhappy ♦︎ sad ♦︎ miserable ♦︎ melancholy ♦︎ mournful ♦︎ heartbrokenThese words all describe a person who feels or shows that they are not happy. 这些词均形容人不快乐的、忧伤的、悲伤的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达悲伤的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unhappy / sad / miserable / heartbroken about sthunhappy / sad / miserable / heartbroken when / that...an unhappy / a sad / a miserable / a melancholy / a mournful facean unhappy / a sad / a melancholy / a mournful expressionsad / melancholy / mournful eyesto feel unhappy / sad / miserableto look unhappy / sad / miserable / mournfulvery unhappy / sad / miserable unhappy not happy; showing that you are not happy 不快乐的;难过的;悲伤的He grew more unhappy as the years went by.一年年过去,他越来越不快乐了。She sounded so unhappy when I left her.我离开她的时候她听上去非常不开心。He had an unhappy childhood.他的童年并不快乐。OPP happy happy see also unhappiness grief unhappily


He sighed unhappily.他难过地叹了口气。
sad not happy; showing that you are not happy 不快乐的;难过的;悲伤的She was still feeling very sad about her father's death.她还在为父亲的死而悲伤。We are sad to hear that you are leaving.听说你要走了,我们十分难过。He gave a slight, sad smile.他露出一丝苦笑。OPP happy happy see also sadness grief sadly


She shook her head sadly.她难过地摇了摇头。
NOTE 辨析 Unhappy or sad?You usually feel unhappy because of sth that has happened to you; you usually feel sad about sth that has happened to sb else. * unhappy通常指为自己的事难过,sad通常指为别人的事难过He grew sadder as the years went by. She was very unhappy about her father's death. A period or experience in your life can be unhappy; sth that you see or hear can be sad. * unhappy可描述自己人生的某段时期或经历,sad可描述看到或听到的事情an unhappy childhood / marriage不快乐的童年;不幸福的婚姻a sad childhood/marriage sad news不幸的消息a sad story悲伤的故事unhappy news an unhappy story see also sad sad
miserable / /ˈmɪzrəbl/ / very unhappy or uncomfortable 悲惨的;痛苦的;可怜的We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.我们又冷又湿,凄惨极了。She knows how to make life miserable for her employees.她知道如何整治她的雇员。OPP cheerful cheerful see also misery distress miserably


They wandered around miserably in the rain.他们可怜兮兮地在雨中走来走去。
melancholy /ˈmelənkəli, ˈmelənkɒli; NAmE ˈmelənkɑːli/ (literary) sad, especially over a long period of time and for no obvious reason 忧郁的,悲伤的(尤指长时间且莫名的忧愁)He was a tall man with a long, melancholy face.他是个高个子男人,长着一张忧郁的长脸。 see also melancholy grief noun mournful /ˈmɔːnfl; NAmE ˈmɔːrnfl/ (written) (especially of how sb looks) sad (尤指某人的神情)忧伤的,悲痛的I couldn't bear the mournful look on her face.我受不了她脸上那忧伤的神情。 mournfully


The dog looked mournfully after its owner.狗悲伤地目送主人离去。
heartbroken /ˈhɑːtbrəʊkən; NAmE ˈhɑːrtbroʊkən/ extremely sad because of sth that has happened 极为悲伤的;心碎的He was heartbroken when she left him.她离开了他,他伤心极了。 see also heartbreak grief , heartbreaking sad


an unhappy childhood 不快乐的童年feel unhappy with their accommodation 对住处不满意 See also the entries for bored and disappointed 另见bored条和disappointed条unhappy ♦︎ dissatisfied ♦︎ frustrated ♦︎ disgruntled ♦︎ aggrieved ♦︎ displeased ♦︎ discontentedThese words all describe sb who feels annoyed or not satisfied because of a situation or sth that has happened. 这些词均表示不悦的、不满意的、恼火的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unhappy / dissatisfied / frustrated / disgruntled / displeased / discontented with sthunhappy / frustrated / disgruntled / aggrieved / displeased at sthunhappy / frustrated / disgruntled / aggrieved about sthunhappy / frustrated / disgruntled / displeased that...an unhappy / a dissatisfied customerto feel unhappy / dissatisfied / frustrated / disgruntled / aggrieveddeeply unhappy / dissatisfied / frustrated / aggrievedincreasingly unhappy / dissatisfied / frustrated unhappy not pleased or satisfied with sth 不悦的;不高兴的;不满意的They were unhappy with their accommodation.他们对住处不满意。He was unhappy at being left out of the team.他对未能入选该队感到不高兴。OPP happy happy dissatisfied / /dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪd, dɪˈsætɪsfaɪd/ (rather formal) not pleased or satisfied with sth 不悦的;不高兴的;不满意的If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.您对我们的服务如有不满,请函告经理。The decision left us feeling deeply dissatisfied.这一决定让我们深感不满。He has to deal with complaints from dissatisfied guests.他得处理客人不满意的投诉。OPP satisfied happy dissatisfaction


[uncountable] Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.许多人表示对这一安排不满。 OPP satisfaction satisfaction
NOTE 辨析 Unhappy or dissatisfied? Dissatisfied is more formal than unhappy and is used especially in business or political contexts when people are not satisfied with a service they have received or goods they have bought, or with an official decision, policy or action. Unhappy can also be used in these cases, but is used especially in cases of more personal disappointment. * dissatisfied较unhappy正式,尤用于商务或政治语境,表示对所接受的服务、所购买的商品或者官方的决定、政策或行动不满意。unhappy亦可用于这些情形,但尤用于表示个人的失望unhappy / dissatisfied customers不满的顾客He was dissatisfied at being left out of the team.
frustrated /frʌˈstreɪtɪd; NAmE ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd/ feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want 懊丧;懊恼;沮丧They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.他们对于事情没有进展感到懊丧。Sometimes he gets really frustrated with his own violin playing.有时他对自己拉小提琴的技艺感到很是沮丧。 see also frustrate annoy , frustrating annoying , frustration frustration disgruntled /dɪsˈgrʌntld/ / annoyed or disappointed because sth has happened to upset you 不满的;不高兴的I left feeling disgruntled at the way I'd been treated.我为受到如此对待而愤然离去。Police believe it was probably sabotage by a disgruntled employee.警方认为那很可能是一名心怀不满的雇员的蓄意破坏。 aggrieved / /əˈgriːvd/ / (rather formal, written) feeling that you have been treated unfairly 愤愤不平的;感到受委屈的He had every right to feel aggrieved at the decision.他完全有理由对那个决定感到愤愤不平。'What am I supposed to do about it?' he said in an aggrieved tone.“那我该怎么做呢?”他委屈地说。 see also grievance complaint displeased [not before noun] (formal) upset, annoyed or not satisfied with sth 恼怒;生气;不悦Are you displeased with my work?你对我的工作不满意吗?OPP pleased glad discontented / /ˌdɪskənˈtentɪd/ / not happy because you are not satisfied with your situation (对所处境况)不满的,不满足的He felt discontented with the way his life had turned out.他对自己的生活变成这样感到很不满。OPP contented happy




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