

单词 surrogate
surrogate noun


replacement ♦︎ substitute ♦︎ reserve ♦︎ surrogate ♦︎ relief ♦︎ understudy ♦︎ stand-in ♦︎ cover ♦︎ proxyThese are all words for a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have. 这些词均表示代替者、代替物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a replacement / a substitute / a surrogate / an understudy / a stand-in / cover / a proxy for sb / sth(an) adequate replacement / substitute / stand-in / covera / an good / satisfactory / appropriate / suitable / likely / possible / ideal / poor replacement / substituteto act as a replacement / a substitute / surrogate / understudy / stand-in / proxyto get a replacement / a substitute / coverto appoint a replacement / substitute / proxyto go on as / use sth as a replacement / substitute replacement [countable] (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a thing that replaces sth, especially because the first thing is old or broken; a person who replaces another person in an organization, especially in their job 替代品,替换物(尤因原先的物品已陈旧或损坏);(尤指工作上的)接替者,替代者a hip replacement人工髋关节replacement windows新换的窗子If your passport is stolen you should apply for a replacement immediately.如果护照被偷,应立即申请更换。We need to find a replacement for Sue.我们需要找一个替代苏的人。 see also replacement exchange substitute [countable] a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have; an extra player who plays in a sports team when one of the other players is injured or not available to play 代替者;代替物;代用品;替补队员a meat / milk substitute肉食/牛奶替代品The book will teach you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience.本书将教给你理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car.坐当地的公交车比坐他们自己的汽车可差远了。I regarded them as a substitute family.我把他们看作我的亲人。He was brought on as a substitute after half-time.他作为替补队员在下半场上场。In informal language a substitute in sports can be called a sub. 在非正式语言中,substitute表示替补队员时可简称sub。 see also substitution exchange reserve [countable] (especially BrE) a substitute player in a sports team 替补队员;后备队员The team consists of three competitors plus one reserve.运动队包括三名参赛选手和一名替补队员。 The reserves (especially BrE) [plural] are a sports team that plays when the usual one is not available. The reserve [singular] / the reserves [plural] (BrE, NAmE) is an extra military or police force that is not part of a country's regular forces, but is available to be used when needed. 尤其在英式英语中,复数形式的the reserves指替补运动队。单数形式的the reserve或复数形式的the reserves指预备役部队、后备警察队The missile landed on a US army reserve barracks.导弹落在一处美国预备役部队军营。 surrogate /ˈsʌrəgət; NAmE ˈsɜːrəgət/ [countable] (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) (rather formal) a person or thing that takes the place of, or is used instead of, sb/sth else 替代者;替代物;代用品She saw him as a sort of surrogate father.在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。For these people, television is a surrogate for real life.对这些人来说,电视是现实生活的替代品。In everyday English, surrogate is most often used to talk about people who take the place of real parents. However, a surrogate mother is usually a woman who actually gives birth to a baby for another woman who is unable to have babies herself. When surrogate is used to talk about things, it is a more formal way of saying substitute. 在日常英语中,surrogate最常用于表示替代真正父母的人。不过,surrogate mother通常指代孕母亲。当surrogate修饰事物时,它是substitute更正式的说法。 relief [countable + singular or plural verb] (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a person or group of people that replaces another when they have finished working for the day or when they are sick 替班者;接替人;换班者The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o'clock.下一批换班的员工9点钟接班。We have a pool of relief drivers available to us.我们有一些换班的司机可供调用。 understudy /ˈʌndəstʌdi; NAmE ˈʌndərstʌdi/ [countable] an actor who learns the part of another actor in a play so that they can play that part if necessary 候补演员;替角She worked as an understudy to Elaine Page.她担任了伊莲•佩姬的候补演员。 ˈstand-in [countable] (rather informal) a person who does sb's job for a short time when they are not available; a person who replaces an actor in some scenes in a film, especially dangerous ones 代行职务者;(尤指影视中危险动作的)替身演员I acted as Tom's stand-in when he was away.汤姆不在时我替他顶班。Most of the stunts are performed by stand-ins.大部分特技由替身演员完成。 cover [uncountable] the fact of sb doing another person's job when they are away or when there are not enough staff 代替工作;代劳;替补It's the manager's job to organize cover for employees who are absent.安排他人顶替缺席的员工是经理的工作。 proxy [countable, uncountable] (formal or law 法律) a person who has been given the authority to represent sb else 代理人;受托人;代表Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.你的代理人将需要代表你在表格上签字。




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