

单词 tract
tract noun
paper (publish a religious tract) stretch (vast tracts of land)


 See also the entries for article and assignment 另见article条和assignment条paper ♦︎ essay ♦︎ thesis ♦︎ dissertation ♦︎ monograph ♦︎ treatise ♦︎ tractThese are all words for a piece of academic writing on a particular subject. 这些词均表示学术论文。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a paper / an essay / a thesis / a dissertation / a monograph / a treatise / a tract on stha paper / an essay / a thesis / a dissertation / a monograph / a treatise about stha short paper / essay / thesis / monograph / treatise / tracta long paper / essay / dissertation / treatise / tracta research paper / essay / thesis / dissertation / monographa recent paper / essay / dissertation / monographa scholarly paper / essay / monograph / treatiseto write / read a paper / an essay / a thesis / a dissertation / a monograph / a treatise / a tractto publish a paper / an essay / a thesis / a monograph / a treatise / a tractto submit a paper / an essay / a thesis / a dissertation paper [countable] an academic article about a particular subject that is written by and for specialists 论文a recent paper in the Journal of Medicine最近刊在《医学学报》上的一篇论文She was invited to give a paper (= a talk) on the results of her research.她应邀作学术演讲,报告她的研究成果。In American English a paper can also be a piece of written work done by a student. 在美式英语中,paper也可以指学生写的论文Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam.你的成绩由四篇论文和期末考试来评定。 essay [countable] a short piece of writing by a student as part of their studies; a short piece of writing on a particular subject, written in order to be published (作为课程作业,学生写的)文章,短文;(用于发表的)论说文,小品文We have to write an essay on the causes of the First World War.我们得写一篇关于第一次世界大战起因的文章。The book contains a number of interesting essays on women in society.本书有多篇关于社会女性的有趣文章。 thesis / /ˈθiːsɪs/ / (plural theses / /ˈθiːsiːz/ / ) [countable] a long piece of writing completed by a student as part of a university degree, based on their own research 论文;毕业论文;学位论文Students must submit a thesis on an agreed subject within four years.学生必须在四年内提交一篇选题经过认可的论文。 (BrE) a doctoral / PhD thesis博士学位论文 (NAmE) a thesis for a master's degree硕士学位论文 see also thesis theory 2 dissertation /ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn; NAmE ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn/ [countable] a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree 专题论文;学位论文She is writing her dissertation on the history of the Knights Templar.她正撰写关于圣殿骑士团历史的学位论文。NOTE 辨析 Thesis or dissertation?These words are often used differently by different universities. For example, some universities use thesis in connection with a doctoral degree (= the highest level of degree), while others use dissertation. In general, thesis emphasizes that the piece of writing contains original research that the writer has done in order to support a particular theory or idea. 不同的大学常常使用不同的词。如博士学位论文,一些大学用thesis,另一些大学则用dissertation。一般来说,thesis强调论文中有作者独创性的研究,以证实某种理论或思想。 monograph /ˈmɒnəgrɑːf; NAmE ˈmɑːnəgræf/ [countable] (technical 术语) a detailed written study of a single, often limited subject, usually in the form of a short book 专论,专题文章,专著(通常为一本薄书)He has published several books on Cubism and numerous monographs on individual artists.他已经发表了几本关于立体主义的书,以及多篇针对个别艺术家的专题文章。 treatise /ˈtriːtɪs, ˈtriːtɪz/ [countable] (formal) a long and serious piece of writing that examines a particular subject (长篇的)专题论文Any of these questions would deserve a lengthy treatise, perhaps even a small book.这些问题中的任何一个都值得写一篇长论文,甚至是一本小书来探讨。 tract [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a short piece of writing, especially on a religious, moral or political subject, that is intended to influence people's ideas (尤指宣传宗教、伦理或政治的)短文,传单,小册子He wrote several tracts on the dangers of alcohol.他写了几本有关酒精危害的小册子。socialist / feminist tracts社会主义/女权主义宣传册


stretch ♦︎ expanse ♦︎ tract ♦︎ fieldThese are all words for a large open area of land or water. 这些词均表示陆地或水域的一片、一段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a stretch / an expanse / a tract / a field of stha great / large / huge / vast stretch / expanse / tract / fielda wide / broad / continuous / open / empty / deserted / barren stretch / expanse stretch [countable] an area of land or water (陆地或水域的)一片,一泓,一段This is a largely unspoilt stretch of coastline.这是一段基本上未破坏原貌的海岸线。The car overturned on a particularly dangerous stretch of road.那辆汽车在一段特别危险的路上翻了。A narrow stretch of water separates the island from the mainland.一片狭窄的水域把这个岛跟大陆分开了。You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.这个河段几乎看不到船只。Stretch is the most general of these words: a stretch may be long or short, wide or narrow, but it usually has a particular character ( unspoilt, dangerous, long, narrow) or you use stretch to refer to a particular part of a place ( this/that stretch of the river). * stretch在本组词中含义最广,它所表示的路段或水域可长可短,可宽可窄,但通常都具有某种特点,如unspoilt、dangerous、long、narrow(未遭破坏的/危险的/长的/窄的),或者用stretch来表示一个地方的某个部分,如this/that stretch of the river(这/那一河段)。 see also stretch lead verb 3 expanse / /ɪkˈspæns/ / [countable] a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water (尤指陆地或水域的)一大片,广阔的一片He gazed out over the huge expanses of open prairie.他凝视着外面那片辽阔的大草原。Above them was a vast expanse of blue sky.他们的头顶上是广阔无垠的蓝天。 tract [countable] an area of land, especially a large one 大片土地;地带We flew over vast tracts of forest.我们飞过大片大片的森林。Whole tracts of the countryside have been turned into industrial wasteland.成片成片的乡间土地都变成了工业废地。 field [countable] (usually in compounds 通常用于构成复合词) an area of land covered with a particular thing; an area from which a particular thing is obtained (覆盖着⋯的或有⋯的)土地,地方The territory is covered with snow, bare rock and ice fields.那个地方被白雪、裸岩和冰原所覆盖。Prisoners were sent to work in the gas fields in the north.囚犯们被遣送到北方的天然气田去干活。




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