

单词 translucent
translucent adj.


It is clear to me that... 我很清楚⋯clear instructions 清晰的说明clear blue water 清澈碧蓝的水sunnya clear blue skysureAre you clear on that point?clear ♦︎ transparent ♦︎ translucent ♦︎ colourless ♦︎ see-throughThese words all describe sth which you can see through. 这些词均表示透明的、清澈的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配clear / transparent / translucent glassclear / transparent / see-through plasticclear / transparent / colourless varnisha clear / colourless liquidclear / translucent skinalmost transparent / translucent / colourless clear that you can see through 透明的;清澈的Items must be carried in a clear plastic bag.物品必须装在透明塑料袋中运送。The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake.湖水清澈见底。The water comes out of the spring crystal clear (= completely clear) and totally pure.涌出的泉水清澈至纯。 OPP cloudy Cloudy liquid is not very clear because it contains lots of small bits of dust or another substance. * cloudy指液体含有杂质而浑浊的、不清澈的The water looked cloudy and not fit to drink.水看上去很浑浊,不适合饮用。 transparent that you can see through 透明的;清澈的The insect's wings are almost transparent.这种昆虫的翅膀几近透明。I've covered the photographs with transparent plastic sheets.我已用透明塑料薄膜对照片进行塑封。 OPP opaque Opaque glass or liquid is not clear enough to see through or allow light through. * opaque指玻璃或液体不透明的、不透光的If you add water to the glass the liquid will go milky and opaque.如果向玻璃杯中加水,液体就会呈乳白色并变浑浊。 NOTE 辨析 Clear or transparent? Clear is the word used most often to describe water. When it is used to describe things other than water it usually comes before the noun. * clear最常用来形容水。当用它形容水以外的东西时,常位于名词前clear blue water清澈碧蓝的水The water was blue and clear.水湛蓝清澈。a clear plastic bag一个透明塑料袋The plastic bag was clear. Transparent is usually used to describe solid things or material, not liquids (except varnish). * transparent常用于形容固态物品或材质,而非液体(varnish除外)。 translucent /trænsˈluːsnt, trænzˈluːsnt/ (written) allowing light to pass through but not transparent 半透明的The sky was a pale translucent blue.天空隐约呈淡蓝色。His skin was translucent with age.他因年老肤色有些暗淡。 colourless (BrE) (NAmE colorless) without colour or very pale 无色的;苍白的Water is a colourless compound of hydrogen and oxygen.水是无色的氢氧化合物。Her illness had left her face deathly white and her lips colourless.疾病让她面色惨白,嘴唇苍白。 ˈsee-through [usually before noun](of clothes or fabric) very thin so that you can see through it (衣服或织物)薄至透明的She was wearing a see-through blouse.她穿了一件透明的女式衬衫。




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