

单词 transmit
transmit verb
carry2 (transmit heat/radiation) pass sth on (transmit diseases)


carry a bag/child 携带手提包;抱小孩Pipes carry the water away. 管道将水输送出去。carry ♦︎ convey ♦︎ transmit ♦︎ conductThese words all mean to take sth, especially sth that flows such as water or electricity, from one place to another. 这些词均表示输送、传输、传送水或电等流动的东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to carry / convey / transmit sth to / from sthto carry / transmit sth through sthto transmit / conduct heat carry [transitive] to contain and direct a flow of liquid, gas or electricity 输送,传输,传送(液体、气体或电)The pipelines carry oil across Siberia.管道横贯西伯利亚输送石油。Blood vessels carry blood to every part of the body.血管将血液输送到身体各处。 convey / /kənˈveɪ/ / [transitive] (formal) to take or transport sth from one place to another 传送;运送;输送Pipes convey hot water to the radiators.管道把热水输送到暖气片。The stone was conveyed by river to the site.河水将石头带到那一处。 transmit (-tt-) [transitive] (physics 物理) (of a substance) to allow heat, light, sound or another form of energy to pass through (物质)传(热、光、声或其他能量形式);透(光)Steam only transmits heat when it condenses.蒸汽只有在冷凝时才传导热能。This chapter explains how sounds are transmitted through the air.本章讲解声音如何在空气中传导。 conduct / /kənˈdʌkt/ / [transitive] (physics 物理) (of a substance) to allow heat or electricity to pass through (物质)传导(热或电)Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.铜的导电性能比其他材料好。
pass sth on

phrasal verb

pass sth on ♦︎ spread ♦︎ infect ♦︎ leave ♦︎ transmit ♦︎ give ♦︎ bequeath ♦︎ hand sth downThese words all mean to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving, having or using it yourself. 这些词均表示递给、传给。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to pass sth on / spread sth / leave sth / transmit sth / give sth / bequeath sth / hand sth down to sbto pass on / spread / infect sb with / transmit / give sb a / an disease / infection / virusto pass on / spread / transmit information / a messageto pass on / spread / hand down knowledgeto pass on / hand down skillsto pass on / leave / bequeath your property / estateto pass on / leave / bequeath a legacyto leave / bequeath (sb) your money / art collectionto leave / bequeath (sb) £50 000 / the sum of...to pass sth on / transmit sth genetically ˌpass sth ˈon

phrasal verb

to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving it or using it yourself (尤指用后)递给,传给Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.你看完那本书后传给我。I passed your message on to my mother.我把你的留言传给我妈了。Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.折扣的大部分进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。 see also pass sth on convey
spread (spread, spread) [intransitive, transitive] to affect or make sth affect, be known by or used by, more and more people 传播;散布;流传Use of computers spread rapidly during that period.在那个时期,计算机的应用迅速普及。I wish he would stop spreading lies about me.希望他别再散布关于我的谎言。The disease is spread by mosquitoes.这种疾病通过蚊子传播。 infect [transitive] to make a disease or illness spread to a person, animal or plant; to make sb share a particular feeling 传染;使感染(疾病或情绪);影响It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.接吻不可能把这种病传染给他人。people infected with HIV染上艾滋病病毒的人I became infected with the same enthusiasm which led Ransome to write the books.我被兰塞姆写那些书时的热情所感染。 see also infection disease leave (left, left) [transitive] to say in a will that you want sb to have your property or money after you die (在遗嘱中)遗赠,遗留She left £1 million to her daughter.她遗留给女儿100万英镑。She left her daughter £1 million.她遗留给女儿100万英镑。 transmit / /trænsˈmɪt, trænzˈmɪt/ (-tt-) [transitive] (rather formal) to pass sth from one person to another 传播;传染Young people need more information on sexually transmitted diseases.年轻人需要更多关于性传播疾病的知识。Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children.父母自己的恐惧可能在无意间感染了孩子。Transmit is used especially to talk about passing on diseases, infections and viruses, as well as information or thoughts and feelings. * transmit尤与disease、infection和virus搭配,指传染疾病或病毒,或与information等词搭配,指传播思想和感情。 transmission /trænsˈmɪʃn, trænzˈmɪʃn/


[uncountable] (formal) There are several ways of preventing transmission of the virus.有几种方法可以防止病毒的传播。Our classes are based on discussion rather than one-way transmission of knowledge.我们的课堂以讨论为主,不是单向的知识传递。
give (gave, given) [transitive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to infect sb with an illness 把(疾病)传染给You've given me your cold.你把感冒传染给我了。 bequeath /bɪˈkwiːð/ / [transitive] (formal) to leave your money or property to sb in your will (= a legal document) after your death; to leave the results of your work, knowledge or ideas for other people to use or deal with (在遗嘱中)把⋯遗赠给;把(工作成果、知识或观点)流传(给后世)He bequeathed his entire estate to his daughter.他把全部财产遗赠给他的女儿。The previous government had bequeathed a legacy of problems.上届政府遗留下很多问题。 see also bequest legacy ˌhand sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

[usually passive] to give or teach sth to your children or people younger than you 把⋯传下去;传给(后代)Most of his clothes were handed down to him by his older brother.他的衣服大多是哥哥传下来的。These skills used to be handed down from father to son.这些技术以往都是父子相传的。




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