

单词 trash
trash noun
rubbish (watch trash on TV) waste (take out the trash)
trash verb


rubbish ♦︎ (taboo) crap ♦︎ trash ♦︎ garbageThese are all words for sth that you think is of poor quality. 这些词均表示劣质的东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配absolute / complete / total rubbish / crap / trash / garbageto read / watch / listen to rubbish / trash / garbageto eat rubbish / crapa load of rubbish / crap / trash rubbish [uncountable] (BrE, informal, especially spoken, disapproving) something that sb has created such as a book, film or music, that you think is of poor quality; poor quality food 劣质的东西(如书、电影或音乐);劣质食品I was told their new album's complete rubbish.我听说他们的新专辑差劲透了。Why are you eating such rubbish?你为什么吃这些垃圾食品? Rubbish can also be used before a noun like an adjective, when it can also be used to describe sb who does sth badly, especially their job. * rubbish亦可像形容词一样用在名词前,也可以形容某人,表示其工作做得很差Do we have to listen to this rubbish music?我们一定要听这种垃圾音乐吗?We had some rubbish teachers at school.我们学校有一些很差劲的教师。 crap [uncountable] (taboo, slang, spoken, disapproving) rubbish 劣质的东西Crap should only be used in informal situations among people of the same age and status. If spoken to sb who is older or considers themselves more important than you, it could cause great offence. * crap仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,可能会造成很大的冒犯We eat a lot of crap and then wonder why we put on weight.我们吃很多垃圾食品,然后奇怪自己为什么发胖。'What did you think of their performance this afternoon?' 'Crap.'“你认为今天下午他们表现如何?”“太差劲了。”Like rubbish, in British English crap can also be used before a noun like an adjective. 像rubbish一样,在英式英语中,crap亦可像形容词一样用在名词前If I get any more of this crap work from you, you're fired.要是你的活再干得这么烂,你就卷铺盖走人。You're a crap singer.你唱歌差劲透了。In American English the adjective is crappy. 在美式英语中,其形容词形式是crappy。 see also crap poor adj. 2 trash [uncountable] (informal, disapproving) an object, book, film or music, that you think is of poor quality 劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕You can buy lots of tacky trash in the souvenir shops, if that's what you want.你在纪念品商店能买到很多俗气的劣质玩意儿,如果你想买的就是这些东西的话。What's this trash you're watching?你看的这个乌七八糟的节目是什么?In British English trash can also be used before a noun like an adjective, but it only describes things, not people. 在英式英语中,trash亦可像形容词一样用在名词前,但只修饰事物,不修饰人They listen to pop music and watch trash TV all day.他们整天听流行音乐,看乌七八糟的电视节目。He's a trash teacher. garbage [uncountable] (NAmE, informal, disapproving) trash 劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕She just watches garbage on TV all day.她整天看电视里的垃圾节目。


waste ♦︎ garbage ♦︎ rubbish ♦︎ trash ♦︎ litter ♦︎ debris ♦︎ scrap ♦︎ refuseThese are all words for things that are no longer needed and are thrown away or left somewhere. 这些词均表示废物、垃圾。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配organic waste / garbage / rubbish / debrishousehold / domestic waste / garbage / rubbish / trash / refuseto dump waste / garbage / rubbish / trash / debris / refuseto produce waste / garbage / rubbish / trash / debristo take out the garbage / rubbish / trashwaste / garbage / rubbish / trash / refuse disposal / collectiona waste / garbage / rubbish / trash dumpa garbage / rubbish / trash / scrap heapa waste / rubbish / trash / litter bina garbage / trash can waste [uncountable] ( technical 术语 wastes [plural]) materials that are no longer needed and are thrown away 废料;废物;垃圾Around four million tons of industrial waste are disposed of each year.每年处理约400万吨工业废料。the disposal of toxic / radioactive wastes有毒废物/辐射废料的处理Waste water is pumped from the factory into a nearby river.废水从工厂排到附近的河里。 garbage [uncountable] (especially NAmE) waste, especially food and other wet material (尤指食物等湿的)垃圾,废物The garbage cans had just been emptied.垃圾箱刚刚清空。The canal is full of garbage and bits of wood.运河里尽是些垃圾和碎木头。 rubbish [uncountable] (especially BrE) waste, especially paper, cardboard and other dry material that is thrown away by individual people and households (尤指纸张、纸板等干的)垃圾,废弃物,生活垃圾The streets were littered with rubbish.街上到处是垃圾。Over a third of British household rubbish is packaging.英国人的生活垃圾超过三分之一来自于包装。 see also junk thing 3 trash [uncountable] (NAmE) waste, especially paper, cardboard and other dry material (尤指纸张、纸板等干的)垃圾,废物The subway entrance was blocked with trash.地铁入口处堆满了废物。What are these letters doing in the trash?这些信为什么会丢在垃圾里?Don't forget to take out the trash.别忘了把垃圾带走。 litter [uncountable] small pieces of rubbish/trash such as paper, cans and bottles, that people have left lying in a public place (丢弃在公共场所的)垃圾,杂物,废弃物(如纸张、罐、瓶等)There will be fines for people who drop litter.乱扔垃圾的人将处罚款。 debris / /ˈdebriː, ˈdeɪbriː; NAmE dəˈbriː/ [uncountable] (formal) pieces of material that are left somewhere where they are not wanted 残渣;废弃物;垃圾Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。 scrap [uncountable] things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of (可加以利用的)废料,废品We sold the car for scrap (= so that any good parts could be used again).我们把车卖废品了。scrap metal / iron废金属;废铁 see also scrap remove 1 refuse /ˈrefjuːs/ / [uncountable] (formal) waste material that has been thrown away 废弃物;垃圾Domestic refuse can be burnt to produce electricity.生活垃圾可以焚烧以发电。NOTE 辨析 Waste, garbage, rubbish, trash or refuse? Rubbish is the usual word in British English for the things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them. Garbage and trash are both used in American English. Inside the home, garbage tends to mean waste food and other wet material; trash more often refers to paper, cardboard and dry material, although you can in fact use either word for either type of waste. Waste is used especially when it is considered in very large amounts, and is not often used in the context of the home. It is a general word which can also refer to the solids and liquids that the human body no longer needs. 在英式英语中,表示垃圾或废物的常用词是rubbish。garbage和trash皆用于美式英语。在家居生活中,garbage常常指残羹剩饭等湿润的废弃物,trash常指纸张、纸板等干燥的废物,尽管两个词也可以通用。waste尤指大量的垃圾,不常用于家庭生活的语境。waste含义很广,还可指人体的排泄物There were no toilet facilities and no way to dispose of human waste in a sanitary manner.没有卫生间设备,因此无法卫生地处理排泄物。In British English you put your rubbish in a dustbin in the street to be collected by the dustmen. In American English your garbage and trash go in a garbage/trash can in the street and is collected by garbage men/collectors. Refuse is a formal word and is used in both British and American English. Refuse collector is the formal word for a dustman or garbage collector. 在英式英语中,垃圾是rubbish,街上的垃圾箱是dustbin,清理垃圾的人是dustman。在美式英语中,垃圾是garbage或trash,街上的垃圾箱是garbage/trash can,清理垃圾的人是garbage man/collector。refuse一词用法正式,在英式英语和美式英语中均可使用,refuse collector与dustman或garbage collector同义,但用法正式。 see also junk thing 3
vandalize (BrE also vandalise)


vandalize ♦︎ wreck ♦︎ trash ♦︎ sabotage ♦︎ smash sth up ♦︎ defaceThese words all mean to damage sth deliberately, usually for no good reason. 这些词均表示故意破坏某物,通常没有正当理由。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to vandalize / wreck / trash / sabotage / smash up equipmentto vandalize / wreck / trash / smash up carsto vandalize / wreck / deface a buildingto vandalize / deface public propertyto wreck / trash / smash up a room / the place vandalize (BrE also vandalise) / /ˈvændəlaɪz/ / [transitive, usually passive] to damage a place or equipment, especially public property, deliberately and for no good reason 故意破坏,肆意破坏(尤指公物)The pay phone had been vandalized and wasn't working.这部公用电话已遭破坏,不能使用了。 see also vandal hooligan vandalism


[uncountable] Police condemned the damage as an act of mindless vandalism.警方谴责这是一起愚昧的恣意破坏公物行为。
wreck / /rek/ / [transitive] to destroy a place or equipment, especially deliberately (尤指故意地)破坏,毁坏youths who steal and wreck fast cars偷走和毁坏跑车的年轻人The building had been wrecked by the explosion.那座楼房被炸毁了。 see also wreck crash trash [transitive] (informal) to deliberately destroy a place or equipment 故意毁坏;蓄意损坏The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms.这伙人以毁坏旅馆房间而闻名。 sabotage / /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/ / [transitive] to deliberately damage or destroy a place or equipment to prevent an enemy from using it (为防止敌方利用)蓄意破坏,阴谋毁坏The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels.叛乱者破坏了供电干线。 sabotage


[uncountable] The fire may have been an act of sabotage.这次火灾有可能是蓄意破坏行为。
ˌsmash sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(informal) to deliberately destroy a place or equipment 蓄意毁坏;故意损坏Youths had broken into the bar and smashed the place up.一群年轻人闯进酒吧,把里面砸了个乱七八糟。NOTE 辨析 Wreck, trash or smash sth up?People can wreck, trash or smash up a place when they destroy it deliberately; but places can also be wrecked but not trashed or smashed up by explosions, storms, floods, etc. * wreck、trash和smash up都可指故意破坏某个场所,但因爆炸、暴风雨、洪水等造成的破坏则只能用wreck,不用trash或smash upHurricane Gilbert wrecked tens of thousands of homes.吉尔伯特飓风毁坏了成千上万所住宅。Hurricane Gilbert trashed/smashed up tens of thousands of homes.
deface [transitive] (rather formal) to deliberately damage the appearance of a book, painting, wall, etc., especially by drawing or writing on it (故意)损坏(书、绘画、墙壁等的)外貌;乱涂乱写a graffiti artist who defaced buildings and bridges一个涂损楼房和桥梁外貌的涂鸦艺术家




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