

单词 trial
trial noun
case (trial by jury) interview2 (Olympic trials) test1 (drug trials/a trial period)


case ♦︎ trial ♦︎ hearing ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ action ♦︎ suit ♦︎ lawsuit ♦︎ proceeding ♦︎ prosecution ♦︎ litigation ♦︎ court martialThese are all words for a formal legal dispute between people that is decided in court. 这些词均表示官司、诉讼、审判。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) legal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings(a) criminal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings / prosecution / litigation(a) civil case / hearing / appeal / action / suit / lawsuit / proceedings / litigationa murder / rape / fraud case / trial(a) libel case / trial / hearing / action / suit / proceedingsto bring a case / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / a prosecution (against sb / sth)to take action / proceedings (against sb / sth)to file an appeal / a suit / a lawsuitto face trial / a hearing / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / prosecution / litigation / court martialto hear a case / an appealto win / lose a case / an appeal / an action / a suit / a lawsuit case [countable] a question to be decided in court; the facts and evidence that are used to accuse or defend sb/sth in court 诉讼;待裁决的案件;(在法庭上用来控告或辩护的)论据,理由The case will be heard next week.此案下周审理。The new evidence weakened the case for the defence.新的证据削弱了被告的论据。Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had good enough arguments to win in court).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,赢不了官司。 trial [uncountable, countable] a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not (法院的)审讯,审理,审判He's on trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀罪受审。She will stand trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗将受审。The men were arrested but not brought to trial.这些人已被捕,但未移交法院审判。The case never came to trial.此案从未开庭审理。He did not receive a fair trial.他没有受到公正的审判。 hearing [countable] an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take 审讯;听审;听证会a court / disciplinary hearing庭审;纪律聆讯At a preliminary hearing the judge announced that the trial would begin on March 21.在预审时,法官宣布将在3月21日进行审理。She was granted a divorce in a five-minute hearing.经过五分钟的审理,法庭准许她离婚。 appeal [countable, uncountable] a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or decision to be changed 上诉;申诉 (BrE) to lodge an appeal提出上诉 (NAmE) to file an appeal提出上诉 (BrE) an appeal court / judge上诉法庭/法官 (NAmE) an appeals court / judge上诉法庭/法官He lost his appeal against the 3-match ban.他对禁赛3场的处罚提出申诉,但遭驳回。 action [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a legal process to settle a dispute or deal with a complaint 诉讼;起诉A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.刊发该文章的杂志将受到诽谤诉讼。He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.他正考虑起诉这家医院。 suit [countable] (rather formal) a claim or complaint against sb that a person or organization can make in court 起诉;控告His former business associate filed a suit against him claiming £5 million damages.他以前的生意伙伴对他提起诉讼,索要500万英镑的损害赔偿金。Their arguments grew worse and worse and ended with a divorce suit.他们吵得越来越凶,最终提出了离婚诉讼。 lawsuit / /ˈlɔːsuːt, ˈlɔːsjuːt/ / [countable] (rather formal) a suit 诉讼;起诉The opening of the factory was delayed because of a lawsuit brought by an environmental group.因为一个环保团体提起诉讼,工厂推迟开业了。 proceeding / /prəˈsiːdɪŋ/ / [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) the process of using a court to settle a dispute or to deal with a complaint 诉讼;诉讼程序The company has started legal proceedings against its competitor.那家公司对竞争对手提起了法律诉讼。 prosecution / /ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃn; NAmE ˌprɑːsɪˈkjuːʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime; the process of being officially charged with a crime in court (被)起诉,检举;诉讼Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.对轻罪初犯者的起诉很少判处监禁。He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.他威胁要对医生提起民事诉讼。 see also prosecute accuse litigation /ˌlɪtɪˈgeɪʃn/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) the process of making or defending a claim in court 诉讼;打官司The company has been in litigation with its auditors for a full year.那家公司和它的审计员已经打官司整整一年。 ˌcourt ˈmartial /ˈmɑːʃl; NAmE ˈmɑːrʃl/ (plural courts martial) [countable, uncountable] a military court that deals with members of the armed forces who break military law; a trial at such a court 军事法庭;军事法庭的审判;军法审判He was convicted at a court martial.他在军事法庭上被判有罪。All the soldiers now face court martial.现在,所有这些士兵都面临军事法庭的审判。


a TV interview 电视采访a job interview 求职面试interview ♦︎ audition ♦︎ trial ♦︎ tryout ♦︎ screen testThese are all words for an occasion when sb tries to show that they are suitable for a particular job, a role in a play, film, etc. or a place in a team. 这些词均表示面试、选拔。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an interview / an audition / trials / tryouts / a screen test for sthan interview / an audition / a trial / a tryout / a screen test with sbin an interview / an audition / trials / tryoutsat an interview / auditionOlympic / international / national / club trials / tryoutsto have an interview / an audition / a trial / a tryout / a screen testto go for an interview / an audition / a screen testto hold interviews / auditions / trials / tryoutsto do / pass / fail an audition / a screen test interview [countable] a formal meeting at which sb is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc. 面试;面谈I've got a job interview tomorrow.我明天有一个求职面试。She's been called for (an) interview.她已获通知约见。 interview


[transitive, intransitive] We interviewed ten people for the job.我们为这份工作面试了十个人。The deadline for applications is 15 October and we will be interviewing early in November.申请的截止日期是10月15日,我们将在11月初进行面试。
audition / /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ / [countable] a short performance given by an actor, singer, etc. so that sb can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc. (演出参选者的)试演,试唱,试音He went for an audition with the Royal Ballet.他去参加皇家芭蕾舞团的试演。 audition


[intransitive, transitive] I auditioned and was given the part.我试演后得到了那个角色。We auditioned over 200 children for the role.我们为这个角色面试了200多名儿童。
trial [countable, usually plural] (BrE) a competition or series of tests to find the best players or athletes for a sports team or an important event 预赛;选拔赛She just missed selection when she came third in the trials.她在选拔赛中排名第三,刚巧落选。 tryout / /ˈtraɪaʊt/ / [countable, usually plural] (NAmE) a trial for a sports team or event 预赛;选拔赛He's now focusing on next week's Olympic tryouts.他现在正集中精力准备下星期的奥运会选拔赛。 ˈscreen test [countable] a short performance by an actor which is filmed to see if they are suitable to appear in a film (为挑选电影演员的)试镜He asked Redford to read the script and take a screen test.他让雷德福读剧本,然后去试镜。


a blood test 血液检测a driving test 驾照考试test ♦︎ experiment ♦︎ testing ♦︎ trial ♦︎ pilot studyThese are all words for a procedure carried out in order to find sth out, or see if sth works. 这些词均表示试验、测试、检查。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a test / an experiment / testing / a trial on sthan experiment / testing / a trial with sthin / during a test / an experiment / testing / a triala test / an experiment / testing / a trial / a pilot study to do sthsuccessful tests / experiments / testing / trials / pilot studiesextensive / rigorous tests / experiments / testing / trialsscientific / practical / field / laboratory / pilot / clinical / medical tests / experiments / testing / trialsto do a test / an experimentto carry out / conduct a test / an experiment / testing / a trial / a pilot studyto set up / design a test / an experiment / a trial / a pilot studyto undergo tests / testing / trialstests / experiments / testing / trials / pilot studies show stha test / an experiment / a trial / a pilot study demonstrates / indicates stha test / an experiment / a trial suggests / proves / finds sth test [countable] a medical examination to discover what is wrong with sb or check the condition of their health; a procedure to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it 检查;化验;检验;测试a / an eye / blood / pregnancy test眼睛检查;血液检测;妊娠检验He developed a simple test for diabetes.他开发了一种简单的检测糖尿病的方法。The hospital is doing some tests.那家医院正在做一些化验。Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.正在对新型的喷气式飞机进行严格的安全测试。Three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.三名未通过药检的田径运动员被遣回。Tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water.测试显示水中污染物含量很高。 experiment [countable, uncountable] a scientific test that is carried out in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge; a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has 实验;试验;尝试Many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals.许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验。Facts can be established by observation and experiment.通过观察和实验可以构建事实。The school decided to try an experiment in single-sex education.那所学校决定进行单一性别教育试验。I've never cooked this before so it's a bit of an experiment.我之前从未煮过这道菜,所以这有点儿试验性质。 testing [uncountable] the activity of testing sb/sth in order to find sth out or to see whether or how well it works 试验;测试;检查All our cosmetics are produced without animal testing.我们生产的所有化妆品都没有用动物来试验。He announced a moratorium on all nuclear testing.他宣布暂停所有核试验。 trial [countable, uncountable] the process of testing sth, such as a drug, in order to decide whether it is safe and effective enough to be used generally; a short period in which you use sth or employ sb to see how well they perform before you make a decision about them (对药物等进行的)试验;(使用某物或聘用某人的)试用期The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验。She agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意让我上班试用一段时期。The system was introduced on a trial basis.这个系统给引入试用过。We had the machine on trial for a week.这台机器我们已经试用了一个星期。They are treating the trip as a trial run for their 500-mile sponsored ride later this month.他们把这次行程看作本月晚些时候500英里赞助行的试验。 ˈpilot study [countable] a study done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale 试点研究The Mayor's office has agreed to fund a pilot study into the plan.市长办公室同意拨款对该计划进行试点研究。




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