

单词 van
van noun
car (a van driver) carriage1 (the luggage van)


car ♦︎ bus ♦︎ vehicle ♦︎ truck ♦︎ van ♦︎ lorry ♦︎ coach ♦︎ automobileThese are all words for different types of motor vehicle. 这些词均指不同类型的汽车。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配by car / bus / truck / van / lorry / coachin a car / vehicle / truck / van / lorryon a bus / coacha heavy vehicle / truck / lorryto drive a car / bus / vehicle / truck / van / lorry / coachto get into / out of a car / vehicle / truck / vanto get on / off a bus / coacha car / bus / truck / van / lorry / coach driver(in) the back / front of a car / bus / vehicle / van car [countable] a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of passengers 小汽车;轿车'How did you come?' 'By car.'“你怎么来的?”“开车来的。”Are we going in the car?我们要开车去吗?They parked the car and walked the rest of the way.他们把车停好,剩下的路步行。 bus [countable] a large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that travels along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off 公共汽车;巴士Shall we walk or go by bus?我们步行还是坐公共汽车?It's a short bus ride from here.从这里坐公共汽车去很快就到。I was waiting at the bus stop.我在公车站等着。Especially in American English a bus is also a large road vehicle that carries passengers over long distances; in British English, this is usually called a coach. 尤其在美式英语中,bus亦指大型长途客车;在英式英语中,这种车通常称为coach。 vehicle / /ˈviːəkl, NAmE also ˈviːhɪkl/ [countable] (rather formal) a thing that is used for transporting people or goods, such as a car, bus or truck 交通工具;车辆Are you the driver of this vehicle, Madam?你是这辆车的司机吗,女士?The paths will separate cycles from motor vehicles.这些车道会把自行车和机动车分开。 truck [countable] (especially NAmE) a large vehicle used for carrying heavy goods by road 载重汽车;货车;卡车The bus crashed into a truck loaded with timber.公共汽车撞上了一辆装载木材的卡车。A tanker truck filled with gas exploded on the highway.一辆满载气体燃料的罐车在公路上爆炸了。In British English the usual word for a large goods vehicle is lorry. However, a lorry usually has more than four wheels and is closed at the back. A smaller vehicle of this type is called a van if it is closed at the back, and a truck if it is open. 在英式英语中,一般用lorry指大型货车。不过lorry的车轮一般不止四个,且车斗封闭。比这种车小一点的,车斗封闭的称为van,车斗不封闭的称为truckThe soldiers were travelling in the back of the truck.士兵坐在卡车车斗里运送过去了。All these vehicles can be called a truck in American English. 所有这些车辆在美式英语中均可称为truck。 van [countable] a covered vehicle with no side windows in the back half, usually smaller than a truck, used for carrying goods or people 客货车;厢式小货车A delivery van was almost blocking the narrow street.一辆送货车几乎堵塞了狭窄的街道。In American English a van can also be a vehicle with side windows that can carry about 12 passengers. In British English this is called a minibus. 在美式英语中,van亦指带侧窗、可搭载约12名乘客的车辆。在英式英语中,这种车称为minibus(中巴车)。 lorry [countable] (BrE) a large vehicle with more than four wheels, used for carrying heavy goods by road (四轮以上的)卡车,载重货车The lorry rumbled over the bridge.卡车轰隆隆地开过了桥。150 lorry loads of steel were used.用了150辆卡车的钢材。 coach [countable] (BrE) a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances 长途汽车;长途客车They went to Italy on a coach tour.他们乘长途汽车去意大利旅游。They travelled by coach from London to Berlin.他们乘长途汽车从伦敦去柏林。In American English this is called a bus. 在美式英语中,这种车称为bus(巴士)。 automobile /ˈɔːtəməbiːl/ / [countable] (NAmE, becoming old-fashioned, rather formal or humorous) a car 汽车 Automobile is now a rather formal and slightly old-fashioned term; it is mostly used to talk about cars in general, not about individual cars. * automobile现在是一个颇为正式而又略显过时的用语,主要用来泛指汽车,不指个别车辆the influence of the automobile on American society汽车对美国社会的影响automobile exports汽车出口the automobile industry汽车工业Are we going in the automobile? Before another noun you can also say auto which is slightly less formal. 名词前还可用不太正式的autoauto workers / sales / racing汽车工人/销量;赛车the country's biggest auto insurance company该国最大的汽车保险公司


a railway carriage 火车车厢a horse-drawn carriage 马车carriage ♦︎ car ♦︎ truck ♦︎ wagon ♦︎ compartment ♦︎ coach ♦︎ freight car ♦︎ vanThese are all words for a separate section of a train. 这些词均指火车车厢。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a railway carriage / truck / wagon / compartment / coacha railroad caran empty carriage / car / truck / wagon / compartment / coacha first-class / second-class, etc. carriage / compartment / coacha non-smoking / smoking carriage / car / compartmenta sleeping car / compartment / coacha passenger carriage / car / compartment / coach carriage [countable] (BrE) a separate section of a train for carrying passengers (火车的)客车厢Several people got into the carriage.几个人走进了车厢。 car [countable] (NAmE) a train carriage of any kind (任何类型的)火车车厢Several cars went off the rails.有几节火车车厢出轨了。She was sitting in the smoking car.她坐在吸烟车厢里。 Car is used in British English in compounds to mean a railway carriage of a particular type. * car在英式英语中用来构成复合词,指某种类型的火车车厢a buffet car (= where you can buy food and drinks) 餐车a sleeping / dining car卧铺车厢;餐车 truck [countable] (BrE) an open railway vehicle for carrying goods or animals (铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车,无盖车厢a cattle / coal truck运牛/运煤敞篷车厢 wagon / /ˈwægən/ / [countable] (BrE) a railway truck for carrying goods (铁路)货车车厢He tried to hide in a container wagon.他试图藏到集装箱运输车里。 compartment / /kəmˈpɑːtmənt; NAmE kəmˈpɑːrtmənt/ [countable] a separate section of a railway carriage (火车车厢的)隔间He found an empty first-class compartment.他在头等车厢找到了一个空着的隔间。 coach [countable] (BrE) a railway carriage 火车车厢When the train finally came into the platform it only had two coaches.火车最终驶进站台时,只剩下两节车厢。NOTE 辨析 Carriage or coach? Carriage is used especially to talk about individual carriages and is used more in everyday speech. * carriage尤指单节车厢,多用于日常谈话We had to go right to the end of the carriage to find a seat.我们只好到车厢最后面找座位。 Coach is used to talk about the number of coaches a train is pulling, or to say that a train is pulling passenger coaches rather than goods wagons. Coach is the word used in official language by train companies and on train tickets and reservations. * coach用于表示一列火车所带的车厢数,或指某列火车拉的是乘客车厢,而非货物车厢。coach是火车公司、火车票面上和订票时所用的正式用语Our seats are in Coach D.我们的座位在D车厢。 ˈfreight car /ˈfreɪt kɑː(r)/ / [countable] (especially NAmE) a railroad truck for carrying goods (铁路)货车车厢Most of the freight cars had been left unlocked overnight.大多数货车车厢晚上都没上锁。 van [countable] (BrE) a closed railway vehicle for carrying bags, cases or mail (铁路上运送包裹、行李、邮件等的)车厢a mail / luggage van装运邮件/载行李的车厢




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