

单词 wildlife
wildlife noun


the exact nature of the problem 问题的确切性质the beauties of nature 自然界中美好的东西nature ♦︎ the environment ♦︎ wildlife ♦︎ life ♦︎ ecosystem ♦︎ the wild ♦︎ the natural worldThese words all mean the world and the plants and animals that live in it. 这些词均表示自然界、生态环境、野生动植物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in nature / the environment / an ecosystem / the wild(a / an / the) marine / terrestrial / aquatic environment / wildlife / life / ecosystemto protect the environment / wildlife / ... life / the natural worldto damage the environment / wildlife / ... lifeto benefit / preserve / save / affect / destroy the environment / wildlife nature ( Nature) [uncountable] all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people; the way that things happen in the physical world when it is not controlled by people 自然界;大自然;自然方式Take time to appreciate the beauties of nature.悠闲地欣赏自然界中美好的东西。The forces of nature are constantly reshaping our world.自然界的力量在不断重塑我们的世界。It seemed against the laws of nature that such a creature could even exist.竟有这样的生物存在,这似乎有违自然规律。Just let nature take its course.就顺其自然吧。Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less.她的疾病表示天意在告诉她不要太劳累。You cannot use the nature to talk about plants, animals and the natural world. 不可用the nature(加定冠词the)指自然界the beauties of the nature When you are just talking about your immediate surroundings it is usually better to use a different word. 指附近的环境时,最好用其他的词They stopped to admire nature. They stopped to admire the scenery / countryside.他们停下来欣赏风景/乡村景色。 see also countryside , scenery country 2 natural


a country's natural resources (= its coal, oil, forests, etc.) 一国的自然资源


naturally occurring chemicals天然存在的化学物质
the environment [singular] the natural world in which people, animals and plants live, especially when it is threatened or has been damaged by human activity (尤指受到人类活动威胁或破坏的)自然环境,生态环境There is increasing public concern about pollution of the environment.公众对环境污染的忧虑日益加深。 environmental


the environmental impact of pollution污染对环境的影响


an environmentally sensitive area (= one that is easily damaged or that contains rare animals, plants, etc.) 生态环境脆弱的地区
wildlife / /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ / [uncountable] animals that are wild and live in a natural environment that is not controlled by people 野生动物;野生生物Development of the area would endanger wildlife.开发这一地区将会危及野生生物。The area is an important wildlife habitat.该地区是重要的野生动物栖息地。 life [uncountable] living things 生物;活物pond life池塘生物Yet more species of plant and animal life die out as their very specialized habitat is disturbed.还有更多的动植物物种因为其专属的栖息地受到干扰而灭绝。Is there intelligent life on other planets?其他星球上存在具有智慧的生物吗? ecosystem /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm; NAmE ˈiːkoʊsɪstəm/ [countable] all the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment 生态系统Islands often support delicate ecosystems that evolved without any need for defence.岛屿上所维系的生态系统大多很脆弱,是在无需防御的情况下演化而成的。 the wild [countable, singular] a natural environment that is not controlled by people 自然环境;野生状态The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.这只鸟已经驯化了,现在难以在野生环境中生存。The animals were released back into the wild when they had recovered.这些动物在康复后被放归野生环境。 the ˌnatural ˈworld [countable, singular] the earth's plants, animals and natural features that have not been created or changed by human actions 自然界Many medicines are made from ingredients found in the natural world.许多药是用从自然界找到的原料制成的。




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