continuous adj. ⇨continuous (a continuous process)⇨frequent (continuous attacks)
➡ See also the entry for ⇨ endless另见endless条continuous ♦︎ relentless ♦︎ continual ♦︎ persistent ♦︎ round-the-clock ♦︎ unbroken ♦︎ uninterrupted ♦︎ incessant ♦︎ non-stopThese words all describe things that continue for a long time without interruption.这些词均表示连续不断的、持续的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the continuous / relentless / uninterrupted / incessant flow of sth◆continuous / continual / relentless struggle◆continuous / continual / persistent change / conflict◆continuous / relentless / persistent pressure◆continuous / relentless / persistent / incessant rain◆continuous / continual / incessant noise◆unbroken / uninterrupted peace◆a continuous / an unbroken / an uninterrupted succession / series / sequence / period◆almost continuous / continual / unbroken / uninterrupted / incessant / non-stop■continuoushappening or existing for a period of time without interruption不断的;持续的;连续的◆It was a week of almost continuous sunshine.那一周几乎天天都是晴天。◆Do the exercise in one continuous flowing motion.做这个练习动作要连贯流畅。◆You need to have been in continuous employment for at least two years.你需要已连续受雇至少两年。◆Awards are based on continuous assessment of course work as well as a final examination.评奖的依据是对课程作业的连续性评定和期末考试。OPPintermittent ⇨ occasional▸continuously
◆The radio station now transmits continuously.现在这家广播电台连续播放节目了。■relentless / /rɪˈlentləs/ / not stopping or getting less strong不停的;持续强烈的;不减弱的◆The wind was relentless.风刮个不停。◆His relentless energy made him come alive in every role he played.他充沛的精力使他扮演的每个角色都栩栩如生。◆The relentless pursuit of increased profit at any cost is questionable.不惜代价地不懈追求利润增长这一理念受到质疑。▸relentlessly
◆The sun beat down relentlessly.太阳持续发送热力。■continual [only before noun] continuing without interruption接连不断的;连续的;频繁的◆They live in continual fear.他们长期生活在恐惧中。◆The body is in a continual state of chemical activity.身体一直处在化学活动状态中。◆He was in a continual process of rewriting his material.他在不断改写他的材料。▸continually
◆All living organisms are continually in competition with other species.所有生物体都在不断地和其他物种竞争。NOTE辨析 Continual or continuous?In many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆a continuous / continual process / movement / struggle不间断的过程;持续的运动;不断的挣扎◆continuous / continual change / conflict / noise持续的变化/冲突/噪音However, continuous is more frequent and has a wider range of uses. Continual is used especially to describe states of mind or body that continue for a long time; collocates include state, fear, pain, delight, threat and reminder. Both words can also mean 'repeated very often'.不过,continuous更常用,用途更广。continual描述精神或身体状态持续一段长时间,与state、fear、pain、delight、threat和reminder搭配。两词均可指“频繁重复的”。➡ See also the entry for ⇨ frequent另见frequent条■persistent / /pəˈsɪstənt; NAmEpərˈsɪstənt/ continuing for a long period of time without interruption, especially in a way that is annoying and cannot be stopped连绵的,持续的,反复出现的(尤指令人生厌且无法停止)◆Persistent heavy rain held up work on the bridge for more than a week.持续的大雨耽搁了桥梁作业超过一周。◆Persistent pressure from the water authority forced the company to comply with the rules.水务当局的持续施压迫使这家公司遵守规定。▸persistently
◆persistently high interest rates居高不下的利率■ˌround-the-ˈclock ( aˌround-the-ˈclock) [only before noun] lasting or happening all day and night日夜不停的;持续一整天的◆His family kept a round-the-clock vigil at his bedside.他的家人日夜在他的床侧守护。◆Round-the-clock police surveillance was necessary.警方的全天候监视是有必要的。▸around/round the ˈclock
◆Emergency teams were working round the clock to make the homes secure.为使住宅安全,紧急救援队昼夜不停地工作。■unbrokennot disturbed in any way; continuous连续的;不间断的◆It was the first unbroken night of sleep I had had for months.这是几个月来我睡的第一个安稳觉。◆She retired from the company after 45 years of unbroken service.她连续服务45年后从这家公司退休了。■uninterrupted /ˌʌnˌɪntəˈrʌptɪd/ / not stopped by anything; continuous不受阻挡的;持续不断的;不间断的◆We had two weeks of uninterrupted warm sunshine.连续两周都是和暖晴朗的天气。◆You need to find a place where you can do uninterrupted work.你需要找个能不被打扰而持续工作的地方。■incessant / /ɪnˈsesnt/ / (ratherformal, disapproving) never stopping不停的;没完没了的◆She raised her voice above the incessant beat of the music.她提高了嗓门,盖过了响个不停的音乐节拍。▸incessantly
◆The dogs barked incessantly.那些狗吠个没完。■ˌnon-ˈstop (ratherinformal) (especially of an activity) without any pauses or stops(尤指活动)不间断的,不停的◆It will be a real fun day out for everyone. Seven hours of non-stop entertainment.这对每个人都将是好玩开心的一天-连续七个小时不间断的娱乐。▸non-ˈstop
◆They talked non-stop about the play.他们不停地谈论这部戏。
frequent ♦︎ constant ♦︎ regular ♦︎ persistent ♦︎ perpetual ♦︎ continual ♦︎ continuous ♦︎ habitualThese words all describe things that happen or are done very often.这些词均表示频繁的、经常发生的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达频繁的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆frequent / constant / regular / persistent / continual / continuous / habitual use◆frequent / constant / regular / persistent / continual / continuous attacks◆frequent / constant / regular / continual / continuous changes◆a frequent / constant / persistent / perpetual / continual / continuous problem◆frequent / constant / perpetual interruptions◆a frequent / constant / regular visitor◆a frequent / constant / perpetual / continual / continuous source of sth◆frequent / constant / regular / persistent reports / complaints■frequenthappening often; doing sth often频繁的;经常发生的;经常做某事的◆There is a frequent bus service into town.开往市区的公共汽车班次频密。◆Power failures are frequent occurrences in the city.这个城市经常停电。◆His calls became less frequent.他打电话的次数减少了。◆The case was reviewed at frequent intervals.此案经过了频繁的复查。◆He was a frequent guest at the palace.他是王宫的常客。OPPinfrequent ⇨ rare, occasional ⇨ occasional see also frequently ⇨ often■constant / /ˈkɒnstənt; NAmEˈkɑːnstənt/ [usually before noun] happening or doing sth all the time or very often连续发生的;不断的;经常做某事的◆He is very ill and needs constant attention.他病得很重,需要寸刻不离的照顾。◆Her constant chatter was beginning to annoy him.她无休止的唠叨开始使他心烦。◆Her daughter is a constant source of worry to her.她的女儿总是让她忧心。▸constantly
◆How can I finish if I am constantly interrupted?老是有人打扰我,让我怎么完成?■regulardone or happening often; doing sth often频繁的;经常发生的;经常做某事的◆In the 1950s he made regular appearances on Broadway.在20世纪50年代,他经常出现在百老汇舞台上。◆Eat a healthy diet and take regular exercise.健康饮食,经常锻炼。◆He became a regular visitor to Hamilton Road.他开始经常去汉密尔顿路。OPPirregular ⇨ variable, occasional ⇨ occasional see also regular ⇨ steady▸regularly /ˈregjələli; NAmEˈregjələrli/
◆She regularly wins prizes for her designs.她的设计经常得奖。NOTE辨析 Frequent or regular?Frequent is the more common of these words in this meaning; however, regular is used more often in more active examples, when you are talking about people doing things, rather than things that happen.表达此义较常用frequent。不过,regular更常用于比较主动、积极的情况,指人们经常主动做的事,而非经常发生的事◆Take frequent exercise.Regular also means 'happening at fixed intervals' and sometimes it may not be clear which meaning is intended: a regular bus service may mean frequent buses and/or buses at the same time every day or hour. * regular亦可表示有规律的、定时的,有时究竟指哪个意思并不清楚。a regular bus service既可指频繁往来的公共汽车,又可指定时发车的公共汽车。➡ See also the entry for ⇨ regular另见regular条■persistent /pəˈsɪstənt; NAmEpərˈsɪstənt/ repeated often, in a way that is annoying and cannot be stopped无休止的;反复出现的;没完没了的◆The most common symptom is a persistent cough.最常见的症状是持续不断的咳嗽。◆He resigned over persistent rumours of his part in the scandal.一直有传言称他卷入了那桩丑闻,他因而辞职。▸persistently
◆a prison for juveniles who persistently reoffend关押少年惯犯的监狱■perpetual /pəˈpetʃuəl; NAmEpərˈpetʃuəl/ [usually before noun] (especiallywritten) repeated very often, in a way that is annoying一再出现的;无尽无休的;没完没了的◆The perpetual interruptions made conversation difficult.不断的打扰让谈话难以继续下去。◆Lack of time is a perpetual problem for nurses on the ward.对在病房工作的护士来说,时间不够是个长期问题。▸perpetually
◆He had a miserable face and long red nose, which he was perpetually wiping.■continual [only before noun] repeated very often, especially in a way that is annoying(尤指令人厌烦地)一再出现的,频繁的◆There were continual arguments because he felt he was being treated unfairly.他觉得自己受到了不公正的对待,就没完没了地跟人争吵。◆He seemed to need continual reassurance.他似乎需要得到不断的宽慰。▸continually
◆People were continually tripping over the cable.总有人被那条电缆绊倒。■continuouscontinual(尤指令人厌烦地)一再出现的,频繁的◆The soldiers suffered continuous attacks for four days.那些士兵连续四天遭到了攻击。◆The company said the reasons for closure were poor margins and continuous losses.该公司称倒闭的原因是利润微薄和持续亏损。NOTE辨析 Persistent, perpetual, continual or continuous?In some cases you can use any of these words.在有些情况下这四个词可以通用◆a persistent / perpetual / continual / continuous problem反复出现的问题Persistent is used more in factual writing and reporting, to talk about medical problems or problems in society. Perpetual is used more in personal and imaginative writing and to talk about annoying personal habits or problems. Continual and continuous are generally less frequent in this meaning, but are often preferred in spoken English and less formal contexts. All these words also have the meaning 'continuing for a long time without stopping'; continuous is more frequent in that meaning, and some people think it should not be used to mean 'repeated many times', but in fact it often is. * persistent多用于陈述事实,描述病症或社会问题。perpetual多用于个人化和虚构的文字,指个人习惯或问题令人厌烦的。continual和continuous一般较少用于此义,但经常用于口语和不太正式的语境中。所有这些词亦另含“接连不断的、连续的”之义,continuous较常用于此义。有些人认为continuous不应表示“多次重复的、频繁的”之义,但事实上这个词常常这样用。➡ See also the entry for ⇨ continuous另见continuous条■habitual /həˈbɪtʃuəl/ / (of an action) done often, especially in a way that is annoying or difficult to stop(行为)没完没了的,养成恶习的,上瘾的◆The mechanic had been dismissed for habitual lateness.这名技工因老是迟到已被解雇。 see also habit ⇨ habit, habitually ⇨ often