

单词 withdraw
withdraw verb
withdraw1 (withdraw troops) withdraw2 (withdraw from a competition) break4 (withdraw your allegations)


withdraw troops 撤军withdraw from a competition 退出比赛withdraw moneywithdraw ♦︎ retreat ♦︎ pull sb/sth out ♦︎ retireThese words all mean to move back or away from a place or situation, or to make sb/sth do this. 这些词均表示撤退、撤离、撤回。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to withdraw / retreat / retire to a placeto withdraw / pull out troops / forcesto withdraw / retreat / retire to your room / studyto withdraw / retreat into your shell withdraw / /wɪðˈdrɔː, wɪθˈdrɔː/ (withdrew, withdrawn) [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to move back or away from a place; to make sb/sth do this 撤退;撤离;撤回Government troops were forced to withdraw.政府军被迫撤退。He always withdrew to his study after dinner.晚饭后,他总是躲进书房。Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。She withdrew her hand from his.她把手从他的手里抽了回来。Troops, an army, forces or a country might withdraw; the authorities or a government might withdraw troops or forces. However, withdraw is not only used in military contexts. Anybody might withdraw from a place, or they might withdraw a part of their body which was stretched out. 作不及物动词时,withdraw的主语可以是troops、army、forces或country;作及物动词时,withdraw的主语可以是authority或government。但是withdraw不只用于军事语境。withdraw可以表示离开一个地方,也可以表示收回伸出的身体某部位。 withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl, wɪθˈdrɔːəl/


[uncountable, countable] the withdrawal of troops撤军US withdrawal from Vietnam美军撤离越南
retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to move away from a place or enemy because you are in danger or because you have been defeated; to escape to a place that is quieter or safer 撤退;退却;逃避The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses.部队伤亡惨重,被迫撤离。Bored with the conversation, she retreated to her bedroom.她厌倦了这些交谈,躲进了自己的卧室。OPP advance go 1 retreat


[countable, usually singular, uncountable] The army was in full retreat (= retreating very quickly).部队全线撤退。
NOTE 辨析 Withdraw or retreat?An army withdraws when a decision has been made for it to stop attacking or controlling an area. An army retreats when it is in danger or has been defeated. * withdraw指部队接到停止进攻或占领某地区的命令后撤离,retreat指遇到危险或惨遭失败后撤退。
ˌpull sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to make sb/sth move away from a place, especially soldiers from a place where they have been fighting 使(尤指部队)撤离They are pulling their troops out of the war zone.他们正从战区撤出部队。 ˈpull-out


[singular] The general ordered a pull-out from the area.将军命令从该地区撤离。
retire [intransitive] (formal) to leave a place, especially to go somewhere quieter or more private 离开(尤指去僻静处)The jury retired to consider the evidence.陪审团退庭审议证据。After dinner he likes to retire to his study.晚饭后他喜欢躲到书房里去。 see also go off go away


withdraw troops 撤军withdraw from a competition 退出比赛withdraw moneywithdraw ♦︎ pull out ♦︎ back off ♦︎ back out ♦︎ retreatThese words all mean to decide not to do sth that you were intending to do, or not to take part in sth that has been agreed. 这些词均表示退出、脱离。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to withdraw / back off / retreat from sthto pull out / back out of sthto withdraw from / pull out of a project / tournament / tourto withdraw from / pull out of talks withdraw / /wɪðˈdrɔː, wɪθˈdrɔː/ (withdrew, withdrawn) [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to stop taking part in an activity or being a member of an organization; to stop sb/sth from doing these things 退出(活动或组织);使退出There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.一直有人呼吁英国退出欧盟。The horse had been withdrawn from the race.这匹马被停赛了。 withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl, wɪθˈdrɔːəl/


[uncountable, countable] his withdrawal from the election他从竞选中退出
ˌpull ˈout

phrasal verb

to stop being involved in a situation or taking part in an activity 脱离(境况);退出(活动)The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.这个项目变得耗资巨大,我们只得退出。
ˌback ˈoff

phrasal verb

to decide not to do sth that you were intending to do, especially in order to avoid dealing with the problems this might cause (尤指为避免可能引发的问题)退缩,退却The government has backed off from a fundamental reform of the system.政府已经放弃根本性的体制改革。
ˌback ˈout

phrasal verb

to decide that you are no longer going to take part in sth that has been agreed 退出;撒手He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.他失去了信心,在最后一刻退出了这笔交易。
retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ / [intransitive] (rather formal, written) to change your mind about sth because of criticism or because a situation has become too difficult (由于批评或困境)改变主意,退缩The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes.政府已经收回了缩小班级规模的承诺。 see also back down give way


break a window/leg 打破窗户;摔断腿a machine breaks 机器坏了break the law 违反法律break a promise 违背诺言break ♦︎ withdraw ♦︎ do a U-turn ♦︎ retract ♦︎ recant ♦︎ take sth back ♦︎ backtrack ♦︎ go back on sthThese words all mean to change an earlier statement, opinion or promise. 这些词均表示改变、撤回原先的声明、观点或承诺。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to break / withdraw / go back on a promiseto break / go back on your word / an agreementto withdraw / retract a / an claim / allegation / confession break [transitive] to not keep a promise or agreement 违背(诺言或协议)I've never broken my word; why should I do it now?我从未食言过,为什么现在要这么做?She has already broken three appointments (= not gone to them).她已经爽约三次了。OPP keep keep 5 withdraw / /wɪðˈdrɔː, wɪθˈdrɔː/ (withdrew, withdrawn) [transitive] (formal) to say that you no longer believe that sth you previously said is true 收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话)The newspaper withdrew the allegations the next day.这家报纸第二天收回了那些说法。 ˌdo a ˈU-turn (informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to make a complete change in policy or behaviour, usually one that is embarrassing (在政策或行为上)作出(令人尴尬的)彻底转变The Prime Minister may be forced to do another humiliating U-turn on Europe.首相在欧洲政策上也许再一次被迫做出不光彩的180度大转变。Do a U-turn is most often found in contexts relating to politics and business. Because doing a U-turn is seen as being an embarrassing experience, it is usually used with verbs such as have to and be forced to. * do a U-turn最常出现在与政治和商业相关的语境里。由于do a U-turn被视作令人尴尬的做法,故通常与have to、be forced to等动词连用。 see also U-turn revolution 2 retract /rɪˈtrækt/ / [transitive] (formal) to say that sth you said earlier is not true or correct or that you did not mean it 撤销,收回(说过的话)He made a false confession which he later retracted.他作了假供词,后来又翻供。 see also retraction denial NOTE 辨析 Withdraw or retract?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用to withdraw / retract a claim / an allegation / a confession撤销声明/说法/供词However, retract is used more often when sb has been forced to say sth (like a false confession) that they did not really mean and wish to give their true opinion; withdraw is used more often when sb has made a claim or accusation against sb that they cannot prove, and is forced to admit that it is not true. 不过,某人被迫说了本意不想说的话(如假供词),但希望能说出真实的看法时较常用retract;某人作出了针对他人未经证实的断言或指控,被迫承认所言非实时较常用withdraw。 recant / /rɪˈkænt/ / [transitive, intransitive] (formal) (especially in the past) to say publicly that you no longer have the same belief or opinion (尤指旧时)公开宣布放弃(原先的信仰或观点)In 1633 he was forced to recant his assertion that the earth orbited the sun.他在1633年被迫公开宣布放弃地球围绕太阳运转的断言。 ˌtake sth ˈback

phrasal verb

(took, taken) (rather informal, especially spoken) to admit that sth you said was wrong or that you should not have said it 收回,撤回(说过的不当的话)OK, I take it all back!好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回!Take sth back is most often used in spoken expressions such as Would you like to take that back? (said to sb who has just offended the speaker), Can I take that back? or I take it (all) back. * take sth back最常用于口语表达,如Would you like to take that back?(你愿意收回那句话吗?);Can I take that back?(我可以收回那句话吗?);I take it (all) back.(我把我说过的话(统统)收回。)
backtrack / /ˈbæktræk/ / [intransitive] (especially business 尤用于商业 or politics 政治) to change an earlier statement, opinion or promise because of pressure from sb/sth (屈于压力而)改变声明(或主张),出尔反尔;退缩The trade unions have had to backtrack on their main demand.工会不得不改变了主要的诉求。 ˌgo ˈback on sth

phrasal verb

(goes, sent, gone) (rather informal) to fail to keep a promise; to change your mind about sth 违背承诺;食言;改变主意They have no intention of going back on any of their commitments.他们无意背弃他们作出的任何承诺。




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