

单词 convulse
convulse verb


shake your head/shake hands 摇头;握手The ground shook./Shake the bottle. 地面颤动了;把瓶子摇晃一下。shaking with fear 吓得发抖badly shaken by the news 听到消息大为震惊shake ♦︎ tremble ♦︎ shudder ♦︎ twitch ♦︎ shiver ♦︎ convulseThese words all mean to make short quick movements that you cannot control, especially because you are frightened or cold. 这些词均表示颤抖、哆嗦,尤因害怕或寒冷。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to shake / tremble / shiver / be convulsed with fearto shake / tremble / shiver with coldto tremble / shudder / shiver at a thought / memory, etc.sb's whole body shakes / trembles / shudders / twitches / shivers / convulsessb's hands shake / tremble / twitchsb's legs shake / tremblesb's mouth / lip trembles / twitchesto shake / tremble / shudder / twitch / shiver slightlyto shake / tremble / shudder / twitch / shiver / convulse violentlyto shake / shudder / shiver suddenly shake (shook, shaken) [intransitive] to make short quick movements that you cannot control, for example because you are frightened or cold (因害怕或寒冷等)颤抖,发抖,哆嗦I was shaking like a leaf.我像片树叶般地直哆嗦。Her hands started to shake.她的手开始抖起来。 see also shaking shiver noun tremble [intransitive] to shake in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are very nervous, excited or frightened (尤指因紧张、激动或害怕)颤抖,抖动,哆嗦He opened the letter with trembling hands.他双手颤抖着把信打开。I trembled at the thought of making a speech.我一想到发表演讲心里就发怵。 see also tremble shiver noun shudder [intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to shake suddenly because you are frightened or cold, or because of a strong emotion (因害怕、寒冷或激动)发抖,打颤,战栗Alone in the car, she shuddered with fear.她一个人待在汽车里,害怕得直哆嗦。I shudder to think what might have happened.想到可能已经发生的事,我不寒而栗。 see also shudder shiver noun NOTE 辨析 Tremble or shudder? Tremble describes a repeated shaking movement; shudder is usually only a single shake. * tremble指不停地颤抖,shudder通常指颤抖一下He trembled (= he was shaking).他不停地颤抖。He shuddered (= he shook once).他颤抖了一下。 twitch [intransitive, transitive](of part of the body) to make a sudden quick movement, sometimes one that you cannot control; to make a part of your body do this (身体部位)痉挛,抽搐,抽动;使(身体部位)抽动Her lips twitched with amusement.她的嘴唇忍俊不禁地颤动着。The dog twitched its ears and looked very intently.那只狗抽动着耳朵,很专注地看着。 see also twitch shiver noun shiver [intransitive] to shake slightly because you are cold, ill, frightened or excited (因寒冷、生病、害怕或激动)颤抖,哆嗦Don't stand outside shivering-come in and get warm.别站在外面哆嗦了-进来暖暖身子吧。Shiver is more often used to describe shaking from cold or illness than from fear. * shiver更多是因寒冷或生病而颤抖,而非因害怕而颤抖。 see also shiver shiver noun convulse / /kənˈvʌls/ / [transitive, intransitive] to cause a sudden strong shaking movement in sb's body; to make this movement 使痉挛(或抽筋);(身体)震动(或抖动)She was convulsed by a bout of sneezing.她打了一阵喷嚏,浑身抖动起来。His whole body convulsed.他全身痉挛。 see also convulsion shiver noun




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