

单词 cool
cool adj.
cool (She took his keys and walked out, cool as you please.) calm (cool, calm and collected) cold1 (in a cool dry place) cold2 (a cool reception) great1 (This song is really cool.) pale2 (cool colours)
cool verb
cool (Glass contracts as it cools.) relax1 (tempers cool)
cool noun


cool ♦︎ brazen ♦︎ shameless ♦︎ presumptuous ♦︎ unabashed ♦︎ unashamedThese words describe sb who is very confident or feels no embarrassment, often in a way that does not show respect or that other people find shocking. 这些词均表示孤傲冷漠的、厚颜无耻的、自以为是的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配brazen / presumptuous of sba brazen / shameless displayin a shameless / presumptuous wayunabashed / unashamed luxury cool (rather informal) calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove 孤傲冷漠的;满不在乎的 (BrE) She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please.她拿了他的钥匙就走了,你看这胆子有多大。 brazen / /ˈbreɪzn/ / (disapproving) open and not feeling ashamed, usually about sth that people find shocking 厚颜无耻的She's known for her own brand of brazen sexuality.她自成一格大胆无耻的性行为是众所周知的。I can't believe anyone would be so brazen about something like that.我真不敢相信有人会对那种事这么厚颜无耻。 brazenly


She brazenly admitted cheating.她恬不知耻地承认了欺骗的行为。
shameless (disapproving) feeling or showing no shame about sth, although other people think you should 无耻的;没廉耻的;不要脸的It was a shameless display of greed.显示出来的是无耻的贪婪。OPP ashamed sorry see also shame guilt presumptuous / /prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs/ / [not usually before noun] (disapproving) too confident, in a way that shows a lack of respect for other people 自负的;冒昧的;放肆的Isn't it rather presumptuous of you to decide what he needs?他需要什么得你来定,这难道不是自以为是吗?Someone is presumptuous if they think that they know what sb else feels, thinks, wants or needs when they really have no reason or right to do so. * presumptuous可形容某人自认为明白他人的感受、想法、打算或需求,但实际上根本不应该或无权这样妄断。 see also presume dare unabashed / /ˌʌnəˈbæʃt/ / (written) not ashamed, embarrassed or affected by people's disapproval, when other people would be 不在乎的;不觉羞耻的;不难为情的I rather liked her unabashed frankness.我很喜欢她毫不掩饰的坦率。The ruling classes live in unabashed luxury.统治阶层毫不顾忌地过着奢华的生活。 OPP ashamed sorry unashamed not ashamed or embarrassed about sth, especially when other people would be 不觉羞耻的;不难为情的;恬不知耻的She would have been quite unashamed if anyone had caught her.即使被逮住,她也丝毫不会觉得难为情的。OPP ashamed sorry see also shame guilt NOTE 辨析 Shameless, unabashed or unashamed? Shameless is the most disapproving of these words; unashamed is usually neither approving nor disapproving; unabashed is sometimes even admiring. * shameless在这些词中贬义最重;unashamed通常是中性词;unabashed有时甚至带有欣赏的成分。


 See also the entry for casual 另见casual条calm ♦︎ patient ♦︎ cool ♦︎ relaxed ♦︎ controlled ♦︎ easy-going ♦︎ placid ♦︎ laid-back ♦︎ unperturbed ♦︎ unfazed ♦︎ composedThese words all describe sb who controls their emotions and is not excited, anxious or angry. 这些词均表示情绪平静的、不急不怒的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配calm / patient / cool / easy-going / laid-back about sthunperturbed / unfazed by stha calm / a cool / a relaxed / a controlled / an easy-going / a laid-back mannera calm / cool / relaxed / controlled / placid voicea calm / a cool / a relaxed / a controlled / an easy-going waya calm / cool / placid exteriora relaxed / an easy-going / a laid-back atmosphere calm not excited, anxious or upset 镇静的;沉着的Strangely, she felt quite calm about it.奇怪的是,她对此感到非常平静。It is important to keep calm in an emergency.紧急情况下保持镇静很重要。She handled the situation with calm assurance.她沉着自信地应付了局面。OPP agitated restless , excitable moody see also calm composure noun calmly


'I'll call the doctor,' he said calmly.“我去请医生。”他镇定地说。
patient able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour without becoming angry 有耐心的;能忍耐的You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished.你得耐心等我完成。She's very patient with the children.她对孩子特别有耐心。 OPP impatient restless see also patience patience patiently


to listen / sit / wait patiently耐心倾听/坐着/等待
cool not excited, angry or emotional 冷静的;镇静的;平静的Keep cool. We'll sort this out.保持冷静,我们会解决这件事的。She tried to remain cool, calm and collected.她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency).他头脑冷静。 see also cool composure noun relaxed not anxious or worried 放松的;冷静的;镇定的I had to learn to be more relaxed about things.我必须学会更加从容处事。She appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛前,她显得镇静而自信。OPP nervous nervous , nervous worried NOTE 辨析 Calm, cool or relaxed? Relaxed describes how you feel about sth: you are genuinely not anxious or worried about it. Cool is used more to describe how sb behaves: whether or not they feel angry or emotional, they don't let it affect their behaviour but continue to think clearly and act sensibly. Calm can describe feelings or behaviour. * relaxed形容对事的感受,遇事不着急、不焦虑; cool多形容人的行为,无论是否生气或激动,行为都不受影响,仍能继续冷静思考,理智行动;calm既可形容感觉也可形容行为。 controlled remaining calm and not getting angry or upset, especially by making a special effort to do so (尤指尽力地)保持冷静的,克制的He spoke in a controlled, even voice.他用克制而平和的声音说话。 ˌeasy-ˈgoing relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry 悠闲的;随和的;不慌不忙的His friends described him as an easy-going person.他的朋友形容他是个随和的人。Easy-going is used especially to describe sb's personality and the way they behave usually, rather than in a particular situation or on a particular occasion. * easy-going尤用于描述某人的个性和一般情况下的表现,而非某一具体情况下的行为。 OPP uptight tense see also tolerant tolerant placid / /ˈplæsɪd/ / (of a person or animal) not easily excited or irritated (人或动物)温和的,平和的,文静的The cattle are placid, so easy to work with.这群牛性情温顺,很容易饲养。My second child was a placid baby.我第二个孩子是个文静的宝宝。 OPP high-spirited High-spirited animals, especially horses, are lively and difficult to control. * high-spirited指动物,尤其是马,性子很烈,难以驾驭。 placidly


'Of course,' said Helen placidly.“当然。”海伦平静地说道。
ˌlaid-ˈback (rather informal) calm and relaxed; seeming not to worry about anything 安详放松的;看起来无忧无虑的Steve was very laid-back about it all.史蒂夫对这一切都很漫不经心。He loved the laid-back Caribbean lifestyle.他喜欢加勒比海地区悠闲的生活方式。 unperturbed / /ˌʌnpəˈtɜːbd; NAmE ˌʌnpərˈtɜːrbd/ [not usually before noun] not worried or anxious, especially when sth surprising or unpleasant happens 不担忧;镇定自若;处变不惊She seemed unperturbed by the news.她听到消息似乎并不惊慌。 unfazed /ʌnˈfeɪzd/ / [not usually before noun] (rather informal) not worried or surprised by sth unexpected that happens 不担忧;不惊慌The President seems unfazed by the ongoing crises around the world.总统对世界各地持续发生的危机似乎并不担心。 composed /kəmˈpəʊzd; NAmE kəmˈpoʊzd/ [not usually before noun] calm and in control of your emotions 镇静;镇定;平静She sat with a book on her lap, apparently quite composed.她坐着,腿上有本书,看上去很平静。OPP flustered restless see also composure composure


cold water/weather/hands 冷水;冷天;冰冷的手a cold look of disapproval 不满的冷漠表情cold ♦︎ cool ♦︎ chilly ♦︎ chill ♦︎ lukewarm ♦︎ tepid ♦︎ crispThese words all describe sb/sth that has a low temperature. 这些词均表示温度低。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达寒冷的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a cold / cool / chilly / chill / crisp day / morninga cold / cool / chilly night / afternoon / eveningcold / cool / chilly / chill / crisp aira cold / cool / chilly / chill windcold / cool / chilly weathercold / cool / lukewarm / tepid watera cold / cool / lukewarm / tepid showera cold / lukewarm / tepid batha cold / cool temperaturecold / lukewarm / tepid tea / coffee / fooda cold / cool climate / drinkto feel cold / cool / chillyto get cold / cool / chillyIt's cold / chilly outside. cold having a temperature that is lower than usual or lower than the human body; (of food or drink) not heated; cooled after being cooked 寒冷的;冷的;(食物或饮料)未加热的,凉的;放凉了的I'm cold. Turn the heating up.我觉得冷,把暖气调高一点儿。It's freezing cold!冷得要命!The stream was icy cold.溪水冰冷彻骨。A cold wind blew.一阵冷风吹了过来。It was the coldest winter on record.这是有记录以来最冷的冬天。Every room has hot and cold water.每个房间都有冷热水。It's cold chicken for lunch.午餐吃鸡肉冷盘。OPP hot , warm hot , mild sunny cold


[uncountable] He shivered with cold.他冷得直哆嗦。Don't stand outside in the cold.别站在外面冻着。She doesn't seem to feel the cold.她好像并不觉得冷。


[uncountable] the icy coldness of the water水冰冷刺骨
cool (usually approving) fairly cold, especially in a pleasant way 凉爽的;凉快的a long cool drink一大杯冷饮Store medicines in a cool dry place.将药品存放在凉爽干燥的地方。A cool breeze played in the trees.林间凉风习习。Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.天气预报说周末天气较凉。The water was blissfully cool.水沁心凉。Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.咱们坐在背阴处乘凉吧。OPP warm hot see also cool cool verb chilly (rather informal) too cold to be comfortable 寒冷的;阴冷的Bring a coat. It might turn chilly later.带件外套,晚点可能会转冷。She was beginning to feel chilly.她开始感到寒意。The room was uncomfortably chilly.房间里很阴冷。 chill (rather formal) (especially of the weather, wind or air) unpleasantly cold (天气)寒冷的;(风或空气)冷飕飕的the chill grey dawn阴冷的拂晓Their breath steamed in the chill air.大冷天他们呵气都起雾了。It was a chill day in February.那是2月里的一个冷天。 chill


[singular] There's a chill in the air this morning.今天早上寒气袭人。
NOTE 辨析 Chilly or chill? Chilly is more informal than chill. People can feel chilly but they do not usually 'feel chill'. It is more usual to say: It's quite chilly outside. but: A chill wind was blowing. * chilly不如chill正式。可以说feel chilly,通常不说feel chill。一般说It's quite chilly outside,但也说A chill wind was blowing。 lukewarm / /ˌluːkˈwɔːm; NAmE ˌluːkˈwɔːrm/ (not used in comparative forms 不用于比较级形式) (often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way 微温的;温吞的The food was barely lukewarm.食物温吞而已。Add half a cup of lukewarm water to the mixture.往混合物中加半杯温水。 tepid /ˈtepɪd/ / (not used in comparative forms 不用于比较级形式) (often disapproving) lukewarm 微温的;温吞的The tea was weak and tepid.茶寡淡而温吞。She stood under the tepid shower.她站着淋温水浴。NOTE 辨析 Lukewarm or tepid?There is really no difference in meaning or use between these words. 这两个词的含义和用法实际上没有差别。 crisp (approving) (of the air or weather) pleasantly dry and cold (空气或天气)干冷舒适的,凉爽的It was a crisp winter morning.那是一个清冷干爽的冬日早晨。The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue.空气清新凉爽,天空一片湛蓝。


cold water/weather/hands 冷水;冷天;冰冷的手a cold look of disapproval 不满的冷漠表情cold ♦︎ impersonal ♦︎ unfriendly ♦︎ cool ♦︎ aloof ♦︎ frosty ♦︎ remote ♦︎ distantThese words all describe a person or place that is not friendly or lacks feeling. 这些词均表示冷漠的、不友好的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达冷漠或不友好的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unfriendly / cool towards sba cold / an unfriendly / a cool / a frosty looka cold / an impersonal / an unfriendly / a cool / an aloof / a frosty mannera cold / an unfriendly / a cool voicea cold / cool / frosty starea cold / an unfriendly / a cool glancea cool / frosty receptionan impersonal / an unfriendly / a cool attitude cold (disapproving) without emotion; not friendly 冷漠的;不友好的Her manner was cold and distant.她的态度冷漠而疏远。He was portrayed as a cold, calculating terrorist.他被描绘成一个冷酷而工于心计的恐怖分子。He was staring at her with cold eyes.他冷冷地盯着她。OPP warm friendly 1 coldly


to stare / smile / reply coldly冷漠地盯;冷冷地笑;冷淡地回答


[uncountable] She was hurt by the coldness in his voice.他说话的冷漠语气让她伤心。
impersonal (usually disapproving) lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant 缺乏人情味的;冷淡的Business letters do not always need to be impersonal and formal.商业信函不一定就总得语气正式且缺乏人情味。The hotel room looked bare and impersonal.旅馆的房间空荡荡、冷冰冰的。OPP personal A personal service or action is done for a particular person rather than for a large group of people or people in general; the term is used to suggest a warm and friendly service. 以personal修饰的服务或行为是针对某一个人,而不是面向群体或大众的。该词常用来形容服务亲切周到、切合个人需要We offer a personal service to all our customers.我们为所有顾客提供个性化服务。 unfriendly not kind or pleasant to sb 不友好的;冷漠的;有敌意的The report said that the Church can appear unfriendly to outsiders.报道说,教会对外人可能显得不太客气。The atmosphere in the room was distinctly unfriendly.房间里的气氛明显很冷淡。OPP friendly friendly 1 cool not friendly, interested or enthusiastic 不友好的;冷淡的;不感兴趣的She was decidedly cool about the proposal.她显然对提案不感兴趣。He has been cool towards me ever since we had the argument.自从我们吵了一架,他一直待我很冷淡。OPP warm friendly 1 coolly


He received my suggestion coolly.他对我的建议反应冷淡。
aloof / /əˈluːf/ / [not usually before noun] (written) not friendly or interested in other people 冷淡;冷漠She had always kept herself aloof from her colleagues.她以往跟同事的关系一向疏离。 frosty not friendly, in a way that suggests that sb does not approve of sth 冷淡的;冷若冰霜的He received a frosty reception from the US media.他遭到了美国媒体的冷遇。 frostily


'No thank you,' she said frostily.“不,谢了。”她冷冷地说。
remote [not usually before noun] not friendly; not letting other people get to know you 不友好;不让人接近He somehow remains a remote figure.他总是和别人保持距离。 remoteness


[uncountable] His remoteness made her feel unloved.他的冷漠使她觉得他不爱她。
distant remote 不友好;不让人接近He seemed distant and distracted.他显得冷淡而心不在焉。 see also distance division 2


It's great to see you. 很高兴见到你。a great man/achievement 伟大的人/成就 See also the entries for excellent and good 1 另见excellent条和good条第1义great ♦︎ cool ♦︎ fantastic ♦︎ fabulous ♦︎ terrific ♦︎ brilliant ♦︎ tremendous ♦︎ awesome ♦︎ wickedThese are all informal words that describe sb/sth that is very good, pleasant or enjoyable. 这些词均是非正式词汇,表示很棒的、好极的、美妙的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a great / a cool / a fantastic / a fabulous / a terrific / a brilliant / an awesome / a wicked placeto have a great / a cool / a fantastic / a fabulous / a terrific / a brilliant / a tremendous / an awesome timea great / cool / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant guy / girla great / a fantastic / a terrific / a brilliant / a tremendous / an awesome achievementa great / cool / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant goalto look / sound great / cool / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant / awesomereally great / cool / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant / tremendous / awesome / wickedabsolutely great / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant / tremendous / awesomeThat's great / cool / fantastic / fabulous / terrific / brilliant / tremendous / awesome / wicked. great (informal) very good; giving a lot of pleasure or satisfaction 美妙的;好极的;使人快乐(或满意)的That was a great goal!这球进得真妙!It's great to see you again.很高兴再见到你。We had a great time in Madrid.我们在马德里玩得很开心。'I'll pick you up at seven.' 'That'd be great, thanks.'“我7点钟开车来接你。”“太好了,谢谢。” (ironic) Oh, great! They left without us!啊,真绝!他们撇下我们走了! (ironic) You've been a great help, I must say (= no help at all).我得说,你真是帮了个大忙啊。 OPP awful terrible 3 cool (informal, spoken) used to show that you admire or approve of sth, often because it is fashionable, attractive or different (因时髦、漂亮或与众不同)令人钦佩的,绝妙的,顶呱呱的His new car's pretty cool.他的新车很酷。'What's his new girlfriend like?' 'She's cool.'“他的新女朋友怎么样?”“很棒。”People say Cool! or That's cool! to show that they approve of sb/sth or that they agree to a suggestion. * Cool!或That's cool!表示赞同某人或某事,或同意某项建议'We're meeting Jake later.' 'Cool!'“我们等会儿和杰克见面。”“太棒了!” OPP uncool Things that are uncool are not considered acceptable by fashionable young people. * uncool表示不时尚的、落伍的My mum is so uncool it's funny.我妈妈太落伍了,真逗。 fantastic (informal) extremely good; causing a lot of pleasure or admiration 极好的;了不起的;一级棒的We found a fantastic beach about a mile away.我们在大约1英里之外发现了一处很美的海滩。You look fantastic!你看上去棒极了!'How was your trip?' 'Fantastic!'“你们旅行怎么样?”“好玩极了!”'You've got the job?' 'Fantastic!'“你得到那份工作了?”“正是!” fabulous / /ˈfæbjələs/ / (informal) extremely good 极好的;绝妙的Jane's a fabulous cook.简做饭堪称一绝。Enter our fabulous free draw now!快来参加我们妙不可言的免费抽奖!Fabulous is slightly more old-fashioned than the other words in this group. * fabulous比这组词中的其他词稍显过时。 terrific / /təˈrɪfɪk/ / (informal) extremely good 极好的;绝妙的She's doing a terrific job.她活儿干得一级棒。'How do you feel today?' 'Terrific!'“你今天感觉怎么样?”“好极了!”To win one of our terrific prizes, answer these three questions.想赢取我们的一份绝佳奖品,要回答这三个问题。 brilliant (BrE, informal, spoken) extremely good 极好的;绝妙的'How was the show?' 'Brilliant!'“演出怎么样?”“棒极了!”Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very kind or helpful).多谢,你人真好。 tremendous / /trəˈmendəs/ / (informal) extremely good 极好的;绝妙的It was a tremendous experience.这是个了不起的经历。The support they gave us was tremendous.他们给予我们的支持是巨大的。 awesome / /ˈɔːsəm/ / (especially NAmE, informal, spoken) very good, impressive, or enjoyable 很好的;令人惊叹的;极好玩的The show was just awesome.演出精彩极了。Hey, come look at this! It's awesome!嗨,来看看这个!可好玩了! wicked (slang) used to show that you admire or approve of sb/sth 令人钦佩的;绝妙的;顶呱呱的'What do you think of her?' 'She's wicked!'“你认为她怎么样?”“没得说!”'OK, we can all go to the beach now.' 'Wicked!'“好,我们现在都到海边去。”“太棒了!”Jo just bought a wicked new computer game.乔刚买了一款超好玩的新电脑游戏。Wicked is used especially by young people. * wicked尤为年轻人所用。


a pale face 苍白的脸pale colours 淡淡的颜色pale ♦︎ light ♦︎ soft ♦︎ dull ♦︎ pastel ♦︎ subtle ♦︎ dusky ♦︎ neutral ♦︎ coolThese words all describe light or a colour which is not bright or strong. 这些词均表示昏暗的、不鲜艳的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a pale / light / soft / dull / pastel / subtle / neutral / cool coloura pale / light / soft / dull / pastel / subtle / neutral / cool shadepale / light / soft / pastel / subtle / neutral tonespale / light / soft / dull / pastel / subtle / dusky pinkpale / light / soft / dull / pastel / subtle / cool greenpale / light / soft / dull / dusky redpale / light / soft / dull / pastel / cool bluepale / light / soft / dull / cool greypale / light / soft / dull brown / yellowpale / light / dull / dusky orangea pale / soft / dull / dusky lighta pale / soft / dull glowa pale / dull skypale / light / soft / cool blue eyessth is pale / light / neutral in colour pale (of a colour or light) containing a lot of white 浅色的;暗淡的The bedroom walls are pale green.卧室的墙壁是淡绿色。The rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky.在昏暗的天色映衬下,屋顶和烟囱清晰可见。The flowers were pale and wilted.花都枯萎失色了。OPP dark , deep dark 2 light pale in colour 浅色的;淡色的He's got light blue eyes.他有一双浅蓝色的眼睛。Lighter shades suit you best.较浅的颜色最适合你。People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours.肤色白皙的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。 OPP dark dark 2 NOTE 辨析 Pale or light?When describing colours you can use either word. 形容颜色时,这两个词可以通用pale / light blue / green / yellow / orange / red / pink / purple / grey / brown浅蓝色;浅绿色;浅黄色;浅橙色;浅红色;浅粉红色;浅紫色;浅灰色;浅棕色pale / light colours / shades / tones淡淡的颜色/色彩/色调 Pale is also used to describe a kind of light that contains a lot of white, especially when it is not very bright. * pale还可形容光线昏暗a pale light / glow / sky昏暗的光线/光/天色a light light/glow/sky soft [usually before noun] not too bright, in a way that is pleasant and relaxing to the eyes 柔和的;悦目的a colour scheme of soft pink and cream柔和的粉红色和奶油色的组合the soft glow of candlelight柔和的烛光 OPP harsh strong 3 dull not bright or shiny 不明亮的;不鲜艳的;无光泽的The blood stained the grass a dull red colour.鲜血把草染成了暗红色。The fire died down to a dull glow.火焰逐渐变弱,只剩些许暗淡的光。OPP bright bright pastel / /ˈpæstl; NAmE pæˈstel/ [only before noun] having a pale delicate colour 颜色淡雅的The white walls were repainted in pastel shades.白色的墙壁被重新漆成淡雅的色调。 pastel


[countable] The whole house was painted in soft pastels.整座房屋都漆成了柔和淡雅的色彩。
subtle /ˈsʌtl/ / [usually before noun] (approving) (of colours) not too bright or noticeable, in a way that is attractive (颜色)不刺眼的,淡雅的Her paintings are characterized by sweeping brush strokes and subtle colours.她的画特点是奔放的笔锋和淡雅的色彩。 dusky [usually before noun] (literary) dark or soft in colour (颜色)暗的,柔和的The setting sun tinged the sky with a dusky orange.落日把天空染成了柔和的橙色。 neutral /ˈnjuːtrəl; NAmE ˈnuːtrəl/ (of colours) not very bright or strong, such as grey or light brown (颜色)素淡的,不鲜艳的(如灰色或浅棕色)a neutral colour scheme浅色系组合Neutral tones will give the room a feeling of space.浅色调能给房间营造空间感。 cool (usually approving) (of colours) making you feel pleasantly cool (颜色)使人感到凉爽的;冷色的a room painted in cool greens and blues用冷色调的绿色和蓝色油漆过的房间 OPP warm dark 2


cool ♦︎ chill ♦︎ cool (sb/sth) down ♦︎ freeze ♦︎ refrigerateThese words all mean to become or make sth become cold or less warm. 这些词均表示冷却或使变凉。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配chilled / frozen foodto leave sth to / allow sth to / let sth cool / cool downto keep sth frozen / refrigerated cool [intransitive, transitive] to become cool or cooler; to make sth cool or cooler (使)变凉,冷却Glass contracts as it cools.玻璃遇冷收缩。The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water.往气缸喷水使之冷却。 see also cool cold adj. 1 chill [transitive, intransitive] to make sb very cold; to make food or drink very cold without turning it to ice; (of food or drink) to become very cold without turning to ice 使(人)冰冷;冷却(食物或饮料);(食物或饮料)冷藏They were chilled by the icy wind.凛冽的寒风吹得他们遍体冰凉。This wine is best served chilled.这种葡萄酒冷藏后饮用最佳。Let the pudding chill for an hour until set.把布丁冷却一小时直至凝固成型。 ˌcool ˈdown ˌcool sb/sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to become cool or cooler; to make sb/sth cool or cooler (使)变凉,冷却Let the charger cool down before using it again.等充电器冷却下来再使用。Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down.多喝点凉水,凉快凉快。Blow on it to cool it down or you'll burn your mouth.先吹凉,不然你会烫着嘴。It is also possible, but less common, to use cool off, especially without an object. 也可以用cool off,尤其是不带宾语时,但较少见We cooled off with a swim in the lake.我们在湖里游泳凉快了一下。 NOTE 辨析 Cool or cool (sb/sth) down? Cool down is slightly more informal than cool, and is used more in spoken English. Cool down is used more often than cool with myself, yourself, himself, etc. * cool down比cool稍不正式,多用于口语。cool down比cool更常与myself、yourself、himself等反身代词搭配How about a swim to cool ourselves down?我们去游泳凉快一下如何?Use cool in technical language or when talking about a process or system. 在专业用语或谈及过程或系统时要用coolThe cylinder is cooled down by a jet of water.
freeze (froze, frozen) [intransitive, transitive] to be very cold or so cold that you die; to keep food at a very low temperature in order to preserve it; (of food) to be able to be preserved in this way 极冷;冻僵;冷冻贮藏;(食物)可冷冻贮藏Every time she opens the window we all freeze.每次她开窗户,我们都冻得要死。Two men froze to death on the mountain.两个男子在山上冻死了。These meals are ideal for home freezing.这些餐食很适合家庭冷冻保存。Some fruits freeze better than others.有些水果比其他的适宜冷冻保存。OPP melt , thaw , defrost melt see also freezing , frozen freezing refrigerate / /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪt/ / [transitive, often passive] (formal) to keep sth, especially food, cold in order to keep it fresh 冷藏保鲜(食物)Once opened, this product should be kept refrigerated.本产品开封后应冷藏。


Relax! Everything will be OK. 别着急!一切都会好的。relax your muscles/grip 放松你的肌肉;松开手relax ♦︎ calm down ♦︎ pull yourself together ♦︎ coolThese words all mean to become calmer. 这些词均表示冷静下来、镇定。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配things calm down / cool off relax [intransitive] to become calmer and less worried 冷静;放心;镇定I'll only relax when I know you're safe.只有知道你安然无恙我才会放心。Relax! Everything will be OK.别着急!一切都会好的。 see also relax rest verb ˌcalm ˈdown

phrasal verb

to become calm 平静;镇静;冷静Look, calm down! We'll find her.喂,镇静一点!我们会找到她的。We waited until things calmed down.我们等着,直到一切都恢复了平静。NOTE 辨析 Relax or calm down?People can relax; people or a situation can calm down. To relax is to stop feeling worried. Calm down is more about behaviour than feelings: you may still feel worried, but you manage to behave in a calm way in spite of your feelings. * relax可指人精神放松,calm down可指人或局势平静下来。relax指不再担心,calm down更侧重行为表现而非感受-可能仍感到担心,但设法以冷静的方式行事,而不受当时情感的影响。
ˌpull yourself toˈgether

phrasal verb

to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way 使自己镇定自若;使自己冷静下来Stop crying and pull yourself together.别哭了,振作起来。
cool [intransitive] to become calmer, less excited or less enthusiastic 冷静下来;镇静下来;冷淡下来I think we should wait until tempers have cooled.我认为我们应该等到怒火平息了再说。Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not friendly with each other as they were).他们之间的关系明显冷淡了。Let things cool off for a while.让事情冷静一段时间。I think you should wait until she's cooled down a little.我想你应该等她冷静一点。Tempers, passions and relations can cool; things can cool off; people can cool down. * cool的主语可以是temper、passion和relations,cool off的主语可以是things,cool down的主语是人。


 See also the entry for restraint 另见restraint条composure ♦︎ poise ♦︎ calm ♦︎ coolThese are all words for the state of being in control of your feelings or behaviour, especially in difficult situations. 这些词均表示镇静、沉着,尤指临事不乱。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配with composure / poise / calmto lose your composure / poise / coolto keep your composure / coolto recover your composure / poise composure / /kəmˈpəʊʒə(r); NAmE kəmˈpoʊʒər/ [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the state of being in control of your feelings or behaviour, and having a quiet and relaxed manner 沉着;镇静;镇定She answered with perfect composure.她从容自若地作了回答。He maintained his composure despite a desperate desire to laugh.尽管很想大笑出声,但他还是忍住,保持镇定。 see also composed calm adj. poise /pɔɪz/ / [uncountable] a calm and confident manner with control of your feelings and behaviour 泰然自若;沉着自信;稳健She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.她看上去有短暂的尴尬,但很快就恢复镇定。 calm [uncountable] a quiet and relaxed manner, in control of your feelings and behaviour 平静;镇静;沉着Alex spoke with studied calm.亚历克斯故作平静地说话。Her previous calm gave way to terror.她原先的平静转为恐惧。 see also calm calm adj. cool [uncountable] (always used in the phrases keep/lose your cool 总是用于短语keep/lose your cool) (informal) the state of being calm and in control of your feelings or behaviour, especially in difficult situations (尤指困难情况下的)镇静,沉着He kept his cool on the convention floor when he was heckled by a young Republican.他在会议厅遭到一个年轻的共和党人诘问时很沉着。I lost my cool and shouted at them.我火冒三丈,对他们大吼了起来。 see also cool calm adj.




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