

单词 cooperative
cooperative adj.
common (a cooperative venture) helpful (They weren't very cooperative.)
cooperative noun


common ♦︎ public ♦︎ joint ♦︎ collective ♦︎ popular ♦︎ communal ♦︎ cooperativeThese words all describe sth that is shared by or involves a number of people. 这些词均表示共有的、共享的、公共的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配common / public / joint / collective / communal propertycommon / public / communal landcommon / joint / collective / communal ownership / responsibilitya common / joint / collective / communal / cooperative enterprisea joint / collective / communal / cooperative effortjoint / collective / communal / cooperative actiona joint / collective / communal decisioncommon / collective / popular opinion common [usually before noun] shared by or belonging to two or more people or by the people in a group 共有的;共享的;共同的They share a common interest in photography.他们在摄影方面兴趣相投。This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone).作出这个决定是为了共同的利益。It is, by common consent, Scotland's prettiest coast (= everyone agrees that it is).这是苏格兰公认的最美的海岸。Some basic features are common to all human languages.有些基本特征是所有人类语言共有的。 public [only before noun] provided, especially by the government, for the use of people in general 公共的;公立的 (BrE) There is a desperate need to improve public transport in the city.这座城市亟须改进公共交通。 (NAmE) public transportation公共交通The information is available in any public library.该信息可以在任何公共图书馆查到。He was charged with destroying public property.他被指控破坏公共财产。OPP private own joint [only before noun] involving or shared by two or more people together 联合的;共同的They were joint owners of the house.他们共同拥有这栋房子。We opened a joint account when we got married.我们结婚时开了一个联合账户。They divorced two years ago, but he has joint custody of the children (= he shares care of the children with his ex-wife).他们两年前离婚了,但是他对孩子有共同监护权。They finished in joint first place.他们获得并列第一。OPP separate particular jointly


The event was organized jointly by students and staff.这个活动是师生共同组织的。
collective / /kəˈlektɪv/ / [usually before noun] done or shared by all members of a group of people; involving a whole group or society; used to refer to all members of a group 集体的;共同的;全体成员的;总称的MPs heaved a collective sigh of relief when the news was announced last night.昨晚消息发布时,下院议员一起如释重负地松了口气。The austerities of wartime Europe were still fresh in the collective memory (= memories shared by the whole of society).战时欧洲的艰苦生活在公众的集体记忆中仍然鲜活。The collective name for mast, boom and sails on a boat is the 'rig'.船的桅杆、帆桁和帆统称为“索具”。OPP individual particular collectively


We have had a successful year, both collectively and individually.我们这一年很成功,无论是对集体还是对个人而言。
popular [only before noun](of ideas, beliefs and opinions) shared by a large number of people (观念、信仰、意见)普遍的,大众的,流行的By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks.应大家要求,这次旅行延长了两周。Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.与普遍的看法相左,女性交通肇事比男性少。 popularly


a popularly held belief多数人持有的看法
communal /kəˈmjuːnl, ˈkɒmjənl; NAmE ˈkɑːmjənl/ shared by, or for the use of, a number of people, especially people who live together (尤指居住在一起的人)共享的,共有的,共用的As a student I tried communal living for a few years.当学生时我尝试过几年集体生活。He led me down the corridor to the communal kitchen.他带我走过通往共用厨房的过道。OPP individual own , separate particular communally


The property was owned communally.该财产属集体所有。
cooperative (BrE also co-operative) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv; NAmE koʊˈɑːpərətɪv/ [usually before noun] involving people or groups doing sth together or working together towards a shared aim 合作的;协作的;同心协力的Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.要把社区工作做好,协作活动是必不可少的。This is a cooperative venture with the University of Copenhagen.这是与哥本哈根大学的一个合作项目。


helpful ♦︎ cooperative ♦︎ willing ♦︎ obliging ♦︎ accommodating ♦︎ neighbourlyThese words all describe sb who is friendly and willing to help other people. 这些词均表示愿意帮忙的、乐于助人的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配helpful / obliging / accommodating to sbto find sb helpful / cooperative / willingfriendly and helpful / cooperative / obliging / accommodating helpful willing to help sb 愿意帮忙的I called the police but they weren't very helpful.我报了警,但警方不太肯帮忙。The staff couldn't have been more helpful.职员都十分乐意帮忙。She's one of the most helpful people I know.她是我认识的最乐于助人的人之一。 OPP unhelpful perverse helpfully


She helpfully suggested that I try the local library.她热心地建议我试试本地的图书馆。
cooperative (BrE also co-operative) / /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv; NAmE koʊˈɑːpərətɪv/ helpful by doing what you are asked to do 协助的;配合的Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。 OPP uncooperative perverse willing [usually before noun] ready or pleased to help and not needing to be persuaded; done or given in an enthusiastic way 自愿的;乐于相助的;热心积极的willing helpers / volunteers主动帮忙的人;志愿者willing support / consent自愿的支持/同意She's very willing.她非常积极肯干。 OPP unwilling reluctant willingly


People would willingly pay more for better services.人们愿意多花钱以得到更好的服务。
obliging /əˈblaɪdʒɪŋ/ / (formal) very willing to do sth for sb 乐于助人的;热情的They were very obliging and offered to wait for us.他们很热情,主动提出等我们。 obligingly


'I'll go for you,' she said, obligingly.“我替你去吧。”她热情地说。
accommodating /əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ; NAmE əˈkɑːmədeɪtɪŋ/ (rather formal) willing to change your plans in order to do things for other people 乐于成全他人的;与人方便的They are very accommodating to people with special needs.他们对有特殊需求的人特别关照。 neighbourly (BrE) (NAmE neighborly) /ˈneɪbəli; NAmE ˈneɪbərli/ friendly and helpful 友好的;乐于助人的It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs.这是他们友好的表示。


a group of people/houses 一群人;一片房子a peer/support/drama group 同龄群体;互助/戏剧小组a newspaper/an investment group 报业/投资集团 See also the entry for company 另见company条group ♦︎ partnership ♦︎ conglomerate ♦︎ consortium ♦︎ outfit ♦︎ syndicate ♦︎ cooperativeThese are all words for a number of people or companies working together in business. 这些词均表示商业集团、合作企业。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a large group / partnership / conglomerate / consortium / outfit / syndicatean international group / partnership / conglomerate / consortium / syndicatea multinational group / conglomerate / consortiuma small group / partnership / outfit / syndicate / cooperativea local partnership / consortium / outfit / cooperativea business / financial group / partnership / conglomerate / consortiuma media group / partnership / conglomerate / consortium / outfitto form a group / a partnership / a conglomerate / a consortium / an outfit / a syndicate / a cooperativeto set up a partnership / a consortium / an outfit / a syndicate / a cooperativeto join a group / a partnership / a consortium / an outfit / a syndicate / a cooperativeto run a group / a conglomerate / a consortium / an outfit / a syndicate / a cooperative group [countable + singular or plural verb] (business 商业) a number of companies that are owned by the same person or organization 集团This acquisition will make them the largest newspaper group in the world.这次收购将使他们成为世界上最大的报业集团。Our group sales director attended the conference in Munich this year.我们的集团销售总监参加了今年在慕尼黑召开的会议。 partnership [countable] a business owned by two or more people who share the profits 合伙企业a junior member of the partnership企业的次要合伙人 see also partner partner noun 1 conglomerate / /kənˈglɒmərət; NAmE kənˈglɑːmərət/ [countable] (business 商业) a large company formed by joining together different firms 联合大公司;企业集团He turned the business into a huge media conglomerate.他令公司成为一个庞大的大众传媒联合集团。NOTE 辨析 Group or conglomerate? Conglomerate gives an impression of extremely large size. Typical collocations relate to industrial areas of business. * conglomerate给人以规模极其庞大的感觉,典型的搭配词与工业领域有关a / an chemical / industrial / engineering / mining conglomerate化学/工业/工程/矿业联合集团Other common collocates are financial, media and publishing, as well as words relating to size and reach. 其他常见搭配词有financial、media和publishing,以及与规模和范围有关的词汇a / an huge / vast / international / multinational conglomerate庞大的/国际/跨国联合集团 Group has a wider range of meaning and can describe any collection of companies working together. * group的意思更宽泛,可指任何合作的公司集合。 consortium /kənˈsɔːtiəm; NAmE kənˈsɔːrtiəm/ (plural consortia or consortiums) [countable] (business 商业) a group of people, countries or companies who are working together on a particular project (合作进行某个项目的)财团,银团,联营企业He led the Anglo-French consortium that built the Channel Tunnel.他领导修建英吉利海峡隧道的英法财团。A consortium is usually a temporary arrangement with a particular aim. * consortium常指为实现某一目标而临时组建的联合企业。 See also the entry for union 另见union条 outfit [countable + singular or plural verb] (informal) a group of people working together as an organization, business or team 团队;小组;分队A London-based market research outfit has been appointed for the job.已委任了一个伦敦的市场调查组做此项工作。This was the fourth album by the top rock outfit.这是那支顶级摇滚乐队的第四张专辑。Outfit is used most often to talk about a sports team, rock band or business organization, especially a small independent one. * outfit最常指运动队、摇滚乐队或商业组织,尤其是独立的小组织。 syndicate /ˈsɪndɪkət/ / [countable] a group of people or companies who work together and help each other in order to achieve a particular aim 辛迪加;企业联合组织;财团;私人联合会It is the home of the largest crime syndicate in Japan.这是日本最大的犯罪集团的老巢。 Syndicate is used most often to talk about a group of criminals, a group of people who try to win money or a group of financial companies working together. * syndicate最常指犯罪集团、博彩集团或金融集团a drug(s) / crime syndicate贩毒/犯罪集团a lottery syndicate彩票集团a / an banking / insurance / investment syndicate财团;保险/投资集团  See also the entry for union 另见union条 cooperative (BrE also co-operative) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv; NAmE koʊˈɑːpərətɪv/ [countable] a business or other organization owned and run by the people involved, with the profits shared by them 合作企业;合作社组织The 'Daily Worker' was run as a cooperative.《每日工人报》当时按照合作企业运营。 Cooperative businesses are often local or community-based, and often connected with producing or selling food. * cooperative常指当地或社区企业,并常与制造和销售食品有关a / an local / community / farming / agricultural / food / dairy cooperative当地/社区/农场/农业/食品/乳制品合作企业




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