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courteous adj. ⇨ polite polite adjective polite ♦︎ civil ♦︎ gracious ♦︎ respectful ♦︎ courteous ♦︎ gentlemanly ♦︎ deferentialThese words all describe sb who behaves in a way that shows good manners and respect. 这些词均表示有礼貌的、恭敬的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆polite / civil / gracious / respectful / courteous / deferential to sb◆a polite / civil / respectful / courteous / gentlemanly manner◆a polite / gracious / respectful / gentlemanly way◆a polite / gracious / courteous / gentlemanly man◆a polite / gracious / courteous smile◆polite / courteous behaviour◆extremely / perfectly polite / civil / courteous■ polite (usually approving) having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others; socially correct but not always sincere 有礼貌的;客气的;客套的◆Please be polite to our guests.请礼貌待客。◆In Western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.在西方文化中,与人交谈时要一直注视对方,这样才礼貌。◆We all stood around making polite conversation.我们都站在那儿寒暄。◆The performance was greeted with polite applause.这场演出得到了礼节性的掌声。OPP rude , impolite ⇨ rude see also politeness ⇨ respect noun ▸ politely adverb ◆The receptionist smiled politely.接待员礼貌地微笑着。■ civil polite in a formal way, but possibly not friendly 有礼貌的;客气的◆The less time I have to spend being civil to him the better!我巴不得我必须跟他客套的时间越短越好!OPP uncivil ⓘ The opposite of civil is uncivil, but this is not very frequent. * civil的反义词是uncivil,但不常用。 see also civility ⇨ respect noun ▸ civilly adverb ◆She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.她礼貌地向他打招呼,但没有一丝爱意。■ gracious / /ˈgreɪʃəs/ / (rather formal, approving) kind, polite and generous, especially to sb of a lower social position (尤指对社会地位较低者)和蔼有礼的,宽厚的◆Lady Caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.卡罗琳夫人很赏脸,接受了我们的邀请。◆He has not yet learned how to be gracious in defeat.他还没有学会怎样豁达地面对失败。OPP ungracious ⓘ The opposite of gracious is ungracious, but this is not very frequent. * gracious的反义词是ungracious,但不常用。 see also grace ⇨ respect noun ▸ graciously adverb ◆She graciously accepted our invitation.她善意地接受了我们的邀请。■ respectful (rather formal, approving) showing or feeling respect 表示敬意的;尊敬的◆We were brought up to be respectful of authority.我们从小就学会了尊重权威。◆We all stood in respectful silence.我们都默默地站着,以示敬意。OPP disrespectful ⇨ rude see also respect ⇨ respect noun , respect ⇨ respect verb ▸ respectfully adverb ◆He listened respectfully.他恭敬地听着。■ courteous / /ˈkɜːtiəs; NAmE ˈkɜːrtiəs/ (approving) polite and showing respect, especially to people who you do not know (尤指对不熟悉的人)有礼貌的,恭敬的◆The hotel staff were friendly and courteous.旅馆服务人员友善又有礼。◆I wrote him a short letter and received a courteous reply.我给他写了封短信,然后收到了他客气的回信。OPP discourteous ⇨ rude see also courtesy ⇨ respect noun ▸ courteously adverb ◆'I don't think we have met,' said the chairman courteously.“我们好像没有见过面。”主席客气地说道。■ gentlemanly (approving) (of a man) behaving very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman (男人)彬彬有礼的,绅士风度的◆So far, the election campaign has been a very gentlemanly affair.到目前为止,竞选活动风气良好。■ deferential /ˌdefəˈrenʃl/ / (rather formal, especially written) behaving in a way that shows that you respect sb/sth, especially to sb you think is of a higher social position (尤指对社会地位较高者)尊重的,遵从的◆Older people tend to be more deferential to medical authorities.年长者往往对医学权威更尊重。▸ deference / /ˈdefərəns/ / noun [uncountable] ◆The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country.这些妇女遵从该国习俗戴着面纱。 |