

单词 crowd
crowd noun
crowd (crowds of people) the general public (stand out from/follow the crowd) group2 (get in with the wrong crowd)
crowd verb


crowd ♦︎ mob ♦︎ horde ♦︎ throng ♦︎ drove ♦︎ crush ♦︎ rabbleThese are all words for a lot of people together. 这些词均表示人群。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a crowd / hordes / a throng / droves / a crush of peoplea crowd / mob / horde / rabble of youthsa crowd / throng of journalists / photographerspeople do sth in hordes / drovesa / an angry / unruly / hostile crowd / moba disorderly crowd / rabbleto push / fight / force your way through the crowd / mob / hordes / throng / crushto break up / disperse a crowd / mobto join the crowd / thronga crowd / mob / throng gathers crowd [countable + singular or plural verb] a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game 人群;观众A small crowd had gathered outside the church.一小群人已经聚集在教堂外面了。Crowds of people poured into the street.人群涌上街头。I want to get there early to avoid the crowds.我想早点赶到那里,避开人潮。The game attracted a capacity crowd of 80 000.这场比赛爆满,吸引了8万名观众。Nearly 300 marshals will be involved in crowd control.将近300名法警将参与人群控制工作。A whole crowd of us (= a lot of us) are going to the ball.我们一大帮人要去参加舞会。 mob [countable + singular or plural verb] (often disapproving) a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble 人群;(尤指)暴民An angry mob of demonstrators came charging around the corner.一群愤怒的示威者从街角冲过来。mob rule (= a situation in which a mob has control, rather than people in authority) 暴民统治a lynch mob (= a group of people who capture and kill sb illegally because they consider them guilty of a crime) 施用私刑的暴民 horde /hɔːd; NAmE hɔːrd/ [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a large crowd of people 一大群人There are always hordes of tourists here in the summer.夏天这里总有成群结队的游客。Football fans turned up in hordes.来了大批大批的足球迷。 throng [countable] (written) a crowd of people 聚集的人群;一大群人We pushed our way through the throng.我们挤过人群。He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers.他遇上了一群记者和摄影师。NOTE 辨析 Crowd or throng? Crowd is a much more frequent and general word than throng. Throng is used especially in descriptive writing to suggest lots of people crowding together in a busy or excited way. A throng attracts people who want to join in or find out what is going on. You might want to avoid/get away from the crowds but you would not usually 'avoid/get away from the throng'. At a sports game you talk about the crowd, not the throng. * crowd远较throng常用、宽泛。throng尤用于描写性文字中,有热闹忙乱之意,会使人想加入进来或一睹究竟。可以说avoid/get away from the crowds,但一般不说avoid/get away from the throng。指观看体育比赛的观众用crowd,不用throng。 drove /drəʊv; NAmE droʊv/ [countable, usually plural] a large number of people or animals, often moving or doing sth as a group (移动的)人群,畜群People are leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities.一批一批的人离开农村到城里找工作。 crush [countable, usually singular] (sometimes disapproving) a crowd of people pressed close together in a small space (狭小空间中)拥挤的人群There's always a big crush in the bar during the interval.幕间休息时酒吧里总是人群拥挤。 rabble [singular, plural] (disapproving) a large group of noisy people who are or may become violent 乌合之众;聚众的暴民As he arrived he was met by a rabble of noisy youths.他到达时碰到了一群喧闹的年轻人。
the general public


the general public ♦︎ the masses ♦︎ the working class ♦︎ the proletariat ♦︎ the populace ♦︎ the crowd ♦︎ riff-raffThese are all words for the ordinary people in a society or country. 这些词均表示普通百姓、群众、公众。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the French / Russian, etc. masses / working class / proletariat / populacethe rural / urban masses / working class / proletariat the ˌgeneral ˈpublic [singular + singular or plural verb] ordinary people, especially when contrasted with members of a particular group or organization who have greater knowledge of or involvement in a particular situation 普通百姓;公众At that time, the general public was not aware of the health risks.当时,公众对各种危及健康的因素尚不了解。The exhibition is not open to the general public.这次展览不对公众开放。 see also the public community the masses [plural] (rather formal) ordinary people in society who are not leaders or who are not considered to be very well educated 群众;平民百姓The railways provided cheap transport for the masses.铁路为老百姓提供了便宜的交通方式。This is yet another bid to introduce opera to the masses.这是向群众介绍歌剧的又一努力。 the ˌworking ˈclass [singular + singular or plural verb] ( the working classes [plural]) the social class of people who do not have much money or power and are usually employed to do manual work (= physical work with their hands) 工人阶级;劳工阶层His films were the first to address the real issues of the working class.他的那些电影最先触及工人阶级的真实问题。Boxing was seen as a sport for the working classes.当时拳击被认为是劳工阶层的运动。 see also the middle class the middle class noun , the upper class elite noun , working class working class adj. , class class noun 4 the proletariat /ˌprəʊləˈteəriət; NAmE ˌproʊləˈteriət/ [singular + singular or plural verb] (technical 术语) (used especially when talking about the past) ordinary people who earn money by working, especially those who do not own any property (尤用于指过去的)无产阶级Marx wrote of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.马克思描写了资产阶级和无产阶级之间的阶级斗争。There was a rapid growth of the industrial proletariat.工业无产阶级迅速壮大。OPP the bourgeoisie the middle class noun see also proletarian working class the populace /ˈpɒpjələs; NAmE ˈpɑːpjələs/ [singular + singular or plural verb] (formal) all the ordinary people of a particular area or country (某地区或国家的)平民百姓,民众He recorded the effects of the war on the local populace.他记录了战争对当地民众的影响。 the crowd [singular] (sometimes disapproving) ordinary people who are not special or unusual in any way 群众;老百姓;凡夫俗子We all like to think we stand out from the crowd (= are different from other people).我们都喜欢自认为高人一等。He prefers to be one of the crowd (= not noticed as different or unusual).他宁愿做个凡夫俗子。She's quite happy to follow the crowd (= to do the same as other people).她挺愿意随大溜。 ˈriff-raff [uncountable + singular or plural verb] (disapproving, often humorous) an insulting way of referring to people of low social class or people who are not considered socially acceptable 贱民;草民;下等人We don't want to let all the riff-raff in.我们不想让下等人进来。


a group of people/houses 一群人;一片房子a peer/support/drama group 同龄群体;互助/戏剧小组a newspaper/an investment group 报业/投资集团 See also the entries for party 3 and team 1 另见party条第3义和team条第1义group ♦︎ circle ♦︎ bunch ♦︎ crowd ♦︎ gang ♦︎ set ♦︎ cliqueThese are all words for a number of people who have sth in common and often spend time together. 这些词均表示群体、小组、圈子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a group / circle / bunch / crowd / gang / clique of stha group / circle / bunch / crowd / gang / set of friendsin a group / circle / set / cliquea small group / circle / cliquea mixed / motley group / bunch / crowda social group / circle / set / cliqueto belong to a group / set / cliqueto join a group / circle / setpart of a group / circle / crowd / gang / cliquea member of a group / circle / clique group [countable + singular or plural verb] a number of people who are connected in some way, for example because they share interests, problems or experiences, or because they spend time together 群体,团体(兴趣、问题或经历相似,或经常聚在一起)She worked with groups of college students who had literacy problems.她的工作与几组有读写障碍的大学生有关。The college has a small but active women's group.那所学院有一个规模不大却很活跃的妇女团体。People in the younger age groups tended to vote less.低龄组的人往往较少去投票。Members of some ethnic groups say that the law is discriminatory.一些族群的成员认为该法律存在歧视。Minority groups are entitled to equal protection under the law.少数群体有权受到法律的同等保护。 circle [countable] a group of people who are connected because they have the same interests or jobs, or they spend time together socially 圈子,阶层,界(爱好或工作相同,或经常交际往来)He has a wide circle of friends.他交游广阔。Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle.在这个家庭范围内是禁止谈论宗教的。He maintained influence in the inner circle of the president's political advisers.他在总统政治顾问的核心集团中保持着影响力。Her ideas have caused controversy in scientific circles in recent years.近年来,她的观点在科学界引起了争论。My brother and I move in completely different circles (= we have very different friends).我和我哥的朋友圈子完全不同。 bunch [singular] (informal) a group of people, especially people who are friends or have the same interests or job 群体,帮,伙(尤指是朋友或有相同爱好或职业)The people that I work with are a great bunch.和我共事的那伙人很不错。He's been hanging out with a bunch of yobs and hooligans.他一直和一帮狐朋狗友鬼混。 crowd [countable + singular or plural verb] (informal) a group of people, especially people who are friends or have the same interests or job 群体,帮,伙(尤指是朋友或有相同爱好或职业)Do you ever see any of the old crowd (= people who used to be friends) from college?你见过大学里的老朋友吗?Bob introduced him to some of the usual crowd (= people who often meet each other).鲍勃把他介绍给常见面的几个朋友。He got in with the wrong crowd (= people you disapprove of).他和那帮不好的人混在一起。NOTE 辨析 Bunch or crowd?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用They are a great bunch / crowd of people to work with.和我共事的那伙人很不错。They were a bit of a motley bunch / crowd (= a strange mix of types of people).他们这群人好像三教九流的都有。However, crowd can suggest a larger group of people, and/or one that is slightly less united: you might talk about one/some of the usual crowd but not one/some of the usual bunch A bunch is more likely to be seen as a whole, single unit. 不过,crowd表示一大帮人,其团结程度可能稍差。可以说one/some of the usual crowd,但不说one/some of the usual bunch。bunch更可能被视为一个完整的、单一的群体。 gang [countable + singular or plural verb] (informal) a group of friends who meet regularly 一伙(经常聚在一起的朋友)There was a whole gang of us who went out together at weekends.过去我们老是一伙人在周末一起出去。Her friends made me feel welcome and treated me like one of the gang.她的朋友们让我感觉很受欢迎,把我当成自己人。 set [countable + singular or plural verb] (sometimes disapproving) a group of people who have the same interests and spend a lot of time together socially 阶层,圈子(爱好相同且经常交际来往)It's a favourite meeting place for Berlin's smart set (= rich, fashionable people).那是柏林上层社会最喜欢的聚会场所。Several members of Dublin's literary set turned up for her funeral.都柏林文学圈子的几个成员出席了她的葬礼。A set is often a group of people who are rich or educated. It is often connected with ideas about social class and is sometimes disapproving because the group is seen as privileged and separate from ordinary people. * set常指富有或有教养的一群人,常带有阶层分野的意味,有时为贬义,因这些群体被视为享有特权并与普通人格格不入。 clique / /kliːk/ / [countable + singular or plural verb] (often disapproving) a small group of people who have the same interests and spend time together, but do not like to include others 派系;小集团;小圈子The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.这个俱乐部由一小群知识分子把持。


 See also the entry for pack 另见pack条crowd ♦︎ cluster ♦︎ flock ♦︎ huddle ♦︎ throng ♦︎ herdThese words are all used to talk about people standing or moving together in a group. 这些词均表示人群聚集或拥向某处。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to crowd / cluster / flock / huddle / throng / herd togetherto crowd / cluster / flock / huddle / throng into somewhereto crowd / cluster / flock / huddle / throng round / around somewhereto flock / throng to somewhereto flock / throng to do sthto crowd / throng the streetspeople crowd / cluster / flock / huddle / throng somewhere crowd [intransitive, transitive] to form a group of people that fills a place so there is little room to move 挤满;塞满;使⋯拥挤We all crowded into her office to sing 'Happy Birthday'.我们都挤进她的办公室唱起《生日快乐》。Photographers were crowding around outside.外面挤满了摄影师。Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。When there is no object, crowd is always used with an adverb or preposition. 没有宾语时,crowd总是与副词或介词连用。 cluster [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to come together in a small group or groups (一小群人)群集,聚集Guests clustered at tables scattered around the hotel's bar.客人三三两两地聚集在饭店酒吧分散的几张桌子旁。 see also cluster group noun 1 flock [intransitive] (used with an adverb, preposition or to infinitive 与副词、介词或带to的不定式连用) (of people or birds) to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers (人或鸟)群集,聚集,蜂拥Thousands of people flocked to the beach this weekend.这个周末好几千人蜂拥到海滩上去。People flocked to hear him speak.人们成群结队地去听他演讲。 see also flock herd noun huddle [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of people or animals) to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear (人或动物通常因寒冷或害怕)挤在一起People huddled up close to each other.人们互相紧紧地挤在一起。 throng [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, written) to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers 群集;拥塞;拥向The children thronged into the hall.孩子们拥进了大厅。Crowds thronged the stores.商店都挤满了人。When there is no object, throng is always used with an adverb or preposition. 没有宾语时,throng总是与副词或介词连用。 herd [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move or make sb/sth move in a particular direction in a group (使)成群移动We all herded on to the bus.我们全都拥上了公共汽车。They were herded together into trucks and driven away.他们被一起赶上卡车拉走了。 see also herd herd noun




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