

单词 encounter
encounter verb
have3 (encounter difficulties) meet2 (encounter sb)
encounter noun


have a new car/coat/job 有一辆新车;有一件新外衣;有一份新工作have an ability/two children 有能力;有两个孩子have an accident 出事故have a meeting/party/conversation 举行会议/聚会;进行谈话have ♦︎ suffer ♦︎ experience ♦︎ receive ♦︎ feel ♦︎ undergo ♦︎ go through sth ♦︎ take ♦︎ encounter ♦︎ run into sth ♦︎ meetThese words all mean to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you. 这些词均表示经受、经历、遇到。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to have / experience / encounter / run into / meet problemsto have / experience / encounter / run into difficulties / troubleto experience / encounter / run into / meet resistanceto receive / encounter / run into / meet oppositionto have / suffer / experience / receive / encounter a setbackto have / suffer / experience / receive / feel a / the shockto suffer / experience / undergo / go through an ordealto have / experience / receive / undergo treatmentto have / suffer / experience / receive / encounter sth directly have (has, had, had) [transitive] to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you 经受;经历;遇到I went to a few parties and had a good time.我去了几次聚会,玩得挺高兴的。I was having difficulty in staying awake.我正困得睁不开眼。She'll have an accident one day.她总有一天会出事的。People typically have problems and difficulties, a shock, a fright, an accident and a good or bad time. * have的宾语常为problem、difficulty、shock、fright、accident、good time和bad time。 suffer [transitive] (rather formal) to have sth unpleasant happen to you, such as injury, defeat or loss 遭受,蒙受(伤害、失败或损失等)He suffered a massive heart attack.他的心脏病严重发作。The party suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election.该党在大选中惨败。The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year.公司在上一财政年度出现巨额亏损。 experience [transitive] (rather formal) to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you 经受;经历;遇到The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.该国经历了几个月的外汇短缺。He had not directly experienced the fighting in the city.他没有亲历那场市内巷战。 see also experience event noun 1 , experience life noun 3 receive [transitive] (rather formal) to get an injury or be given a particular type of treatment 受到(伤害或某种待遇)Several of the passengers received severe injuries.几名乘客受了重伤。Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately.急诊病人将立刻得到医疗诊治。We received a warm welcome from our hosts.我们受到了主人的热情欢迎。NOTE 辨析 Suffer or Receive?You can suffer or receive an injury. Receive suggests less emotional attachment to the situation; suffer places more emphasis on the bad effect or pain experienced by the person. * suffer和receive都可以后接injury。receive感情色彩较淡,suffer更强调不良后果或痛苦经历。 feel [transitive] to experience the effects or results of physical conditions or an event, often strongly 受⋯(强烈)影响;(深深)体验到He feels the cold a lot.他很怕冷。She felt her mother's death very deeply.她深感丧母之痛。The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere.经济衰退的影响无处不在。We all felt the force of his arguments.我们都体会到了他的论据的分量。 undergo /ˌʌndəˈgəʊ; NAmE ˌʌndərˈgoʊ/ (undergoes, underwent, undergone) [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to have sth happen to you, especially a change or sth unpleasant 经历,经受(尤指变化或不快的事)Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.有些儿童进入青少年期会完全变个样。My mother underwent major surgery last year.我母亲去年动了个大手术。The drug is currently undergoing trials in America.这种药目前正在美国进行试验。People and things typically undergo tests and trials, medical procedures such as operations and examinations, and changes, transformation or metamorphosis. * undergo的宾语常为test和trial,还有医疗方面的operation和examination,以及change、transformation或metamorphosis。 go through sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (rather informal) to suffer an unpleasant experience or difficult period of time 经历,遭受(苦楚或困难)She's been going through a bad patch recently.她最近很不走运。He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through.经历了这么多磨难,他还这么乐观,真了不起。I went through hell in my first year at the school.我上学的第一年吃尽了苦头。Go through sth is often used to talk about a difficult period of time such as a phase, a patch, a period or a stage. It is also used with words like hell, agony and ordeal to talk about people experiencing extremely unpleasant situations. * go through sth常指经历一个困难时期,搭配词有phase、patch、period或stage,还可与hell、agony和ordeal等词连用,指遭受很严重的艰难困苦。
take (took, taken) [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to have sth happen to you, especially sth that involves you being hit or hurt 遭受,经受,承受(尤指打击或伤害)She's taken a nasty fall and has her leg in plaster.她重重摔了一跤,腿上打了石膏。The team took a terrible beating.该队遭到惨败。The school took the full force of the explosion.这所学校在爆炸中毁坏最严重。 encounter [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to experience sth, especially sth unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do sth else 遭遇,遇到(尤指令人不快或困难的事)We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week.我们在第一周遇到了一些困难。I had never encountered such resistance before.我以前从未遇到过这样大的阻力。 ˈrun into sth

phrasal verb

(running, ran, run) (rather informal) to have difficulties 遇到(困难)Be careful not to run into debt.小心不要背上债务。We were worried that she may have run into trouble.我们担心她可能遇到了麻烦。Apart from debt and bad weather, people typically run into problems, difficulties or trouble. 除了debt和bad weather外,run into还可与problem、difficulty或trouble等词搭配。
meet (met, met) [transitive] to experience sth, often sth unpleasant 经历(常指不快的事)Others have met similar problems.其他人遇到过类似的问题。How she met her death will probably never be known.她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。People typically meet problems, resistance or their death or fate. * meet常与problem、resistance或sb's death/fate搭配。


meet for a drink/talks 相聚喝一杯;举行会谈meet by chance 偶遇meet sb for the first time 初识某人meet sb's needs/conditions 满足某人的需要/条件meet ♦︎ run into sb ♦︎ encounter ♦︎ bump into sbThese words all mean to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them. 这些词均表示相遇、相逢、遇见。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to meet / run into / bump into a friend meet (met, met) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them 相遇;相逢;遇见I hope we'll meet again soon.希望我们很快再见面。Did you meet anyone in town?你在城里碰见什么人了吗? ˌrun ˈinto sb

phrasal verb

(running, ran, run) (rather informal) to meet sb by chance, especially sb you know 偶然遇见,碰到(尤指认识的人)Guess who I ran into today!猜猜我今天碰见谁了!
encounter / /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/ / [transitive] (formal) to meet sb, or discover sth, especially sb/sth new, unusual or unexpected 偶然碰到;与⋯邂逅;意外地发现She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.她是他所遇见过的最出色的女性。Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until quite recently.不久之前在设得兰群岛还能经常见到海象。 see also come across sb/sth find 2 ˌbump ˈinto sb

phrasal verb

(informal) to meet sb by chance, especially sb you know 偶然遇见,碰到(尤指认识的人)I bumped into Tina this morning.我今天上午碰见蒂娜了。NOTE 辨析 Run into sb or bump into sb?There is very little difference in the meaning or range of these two verbs. Bump into sb is more informal and is used slightly less in American English. 这两个短语动词在意义和使用范围上的差别都很小。bump into sb较非正式,略少用于美式英语。


a business meeting 业务会议a chance meeting 偶然的会面meeting ♦︎ appointment ♦︎ encounter ♦︎ date ♦︎ engagement ♦︎ introductionThese are all words for an occasion when two or more people meet. 这些词均表示会面、约会、见面。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a meeting / an appointment / an encounter / a date / an engagement with sba meeting / an encounter between people(a) formal meeting / appointment / encounter / engagement / introductionan important meeting / appointment / date / engagement / introductiona casual meeting / encounter / introductiona dinner appointment / date / engagementto have a meeting / an appointment / an encounter / a date / an engagementto arrange a meeting / an appointment / a date / an introductionto keep an appointment / a date / an engagementto make an appointment / a date / introductionsto cancel a meeting / an appointment / a date / an engagement meeting [countable] a situation in which two or more people meet, because they have arranged it or by chance 会面;集会;集合At our first meeting I was nervous.我们第一次见面时我很紧张。It was a chance meeting that would change my life.那次偶然的会面改变了我的一生。 appointment [countable] a formal arrangement to meet or visit sb at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work 约会;预约;约定She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.她为儿子约了时间看医生。I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock.我约了3点钟看牙医。He had failed to keep the appointment.他爽约了。Viewing is by appointment only (= only at a time that has been arranged in advance).参观必须预约。 encounter [countable] a meeting, especially one that is sudden, unexpected or violent (尤指意外、突然或暴力的)相遇,遭遇,冲突Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police.他们中有三个人在随后与警察的冲突中身亡。I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers.我好几次都险些与技术不佳的司机相撞。It was his first sexual encounter (= his first experience of sex).那是他的第一次性经验。 date [countable] a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with sb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend (男女朋友间或为发展恋爱关系的)约会,幽会I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night.明天晚上我与露西有个约会。I can't believe you set me up on a blind date (= a date with sb you have not met before).我无法相信你竟安排让我去相亲。 see also date go out phrasal verb engagement [countable] an arrangement to do sth at a particular time, especially sth official or sth connected with your job (尤指正式的或与工作有关的)约定,约会,预约He has a number of social engagements next week.他下周有几场社交约会。It was her first official engagement.那是她第一次正式约会。I had to refuse because of a prior engagement.我因为已有预约只好拒绝了。 see also engaged busy 1 introduction [countable, uncountable] the act of making one person formally known to another, in which you tell each the other's name (正式的)介绍,引见Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.大家相互介绍后交谈就开始了。Our speaker today needs no introduction (= he is already well known).我们今天的发言人就不必介绍了。 see also introduce introduce 2




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