

单词 definite
definite adj.
certain (a definite answer) marked (a definite sign/feeling)


 See also the entry for conclusive 另见conclusive条certain ♦︎ bound ♦︎ sure ♦︎ definite ♦︎ destined ♦︎ guaranteed ♦︎ assuredThese words all describe sth that will definitely happen or is definitely true. 这些词均表示肯定的、确定的、一定会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配certain / sure / assured of sthcertain / bound / sure / destined / guaranteed to do sthcertain / definite that...I couldn't say for certain / sure / definite.to seem certain / bound to... / sure / definite / destined / guaranteed / assuredto look certain / sure / definite / destined / guaranteed / assuredby no means certain / sure / definite / guaranteed / assuredfairly / quite / absolutely certain / sure / definite certain that you can rely on to happen or be true 确实,确定,肯定(会发生或属实)It's certain that they will agree.他们肯定会同意。She looks certain to win an Oscar.看来奥斯卡金像奖她拿定了。If you want to be certain of getting into the concert, buy your ticket now.要想有把握听到音乐会,现在就买票吧。The climbers face certain death if the rescue attempt is unsuccessful.如果救援行动不成功,登山队员必死无疑。OPP uncertain uncertain certainly


This will certainly make them think again.这一定会让他们重新考虑的。She was certainly attractive but you couldn't call her beautiful.她当然有吸引力,但说不上漂亮。
bound / /baʊnd/ / [not before noun] certain to happen, or to do or be sth 一定会;肯定会There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.引进新系统后一定会发生变化。You've done so much work-you're bound to pass the exam.你下了这么大工夫,考试绝对没问题。It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have expected it).这事迟早要发生。Bound is only used in the phrase bound to do/be, etc. * bound只用于bound to do、bound to be等短语中。 sure certain to happen or be true; that can be trusted or relied on 一定(会发生);确切的;可靠的She's sure to be picked for the team.她一定会入选该队。There's only one sure way of knowing.获取知识的可靠方法只有一个。It's a sure sign of economic recovery.这是经济复苏的确切迹象。 (rather informal) He's a sure bet for the presidential nomination (= he is certain to get it).他是总统候选人提名的铁定人选。 definite (especially spoken) certain to happen; that is not going to change 肯定(会发生)的;确定的;不会改变的Is it definite that he's leaving?他肯定要离开吗?I've heard rumours, but nothing definite.我听到一些传言,但都不确定。Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?你最晚明天给我确切的答复行吗?Have they made you a definite offer of a job?他们确定给你一份工作了吗? definitely


I definitely remember sending the letter.我清楚地记得把信寄了。'Do you plan to have children?' 'Definitely not!'“你们打算要孩子吗?”“没这个打算!”The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change).搬家日期还没确定。Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not.请明确告知您是否会来。
destined / /ˈdestɪnd/ / (formal) having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier time, especially by fate (尤指命中)注定的He was destined for a military career, like his father before him.他命中注定要步父亲的后尘,过戎马生涯。We seem destined never to meet.我们似乎命中注定无缘相见。 see also destiny luck guaranteed / /ˌgærənˈtiːd/ / certain to have a particular result 肯定会;必定会If we try to keep it a secret, she's guaranteed to find out.如果我们试图保密,她一定会发现。That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry.那样的行为肯定会让他生气。 assured /əˈʃʊəd, əˈʃɔːd; NAmE əˈʃʊrd/ (written) certain to happen; certain to get sth 必将发生的;确定的;肯定得到的Victory seemed assured.胜利在望。The French team are now assured of a place in the final.法国队现在一定能进入决赛了。


 See also the entries for clear adj. 1, open and visible 另见clear形容词词条第1义、open条和visible条marked ♦︎ striking ♦︎ distinct ♦︎ conspicuous ♦︎ unmistakable ♦︎ sharp ♦︎ pronounced ♦︎ definite ♦︎ decidedThese words all describe sb/sth that is easy to see or notice, especially because they are unusual or different. 这些词均表示明显的、显著的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a marked / striking / distinct / sharp / pronounced / definite differencea marked / striking / distinct / sharp contrasta marked / striking / distinct resemblancea marked / striking / distinct / sharp / definite / decided improvementa marked / striking / sharp / pronounced / definite increasea marked / striking / pronounced / definite effecta marked / striking / conspicuous successa marked / striking / distinct / conspicuous / pronounced featurea distinct / an unmistakable / a pronounced flavourquite marked / striking / distinct / unmistakable / sharp / pronounced / definitevery marked / striking / distinct / conspicuous / sharp / pronounced / definitefairly distinct / sharp / pronounced / definite marked (especially written) easy to see or notice 显而易见的;明显的;显著的The recent advertising campaign has had a marked effect on sales.最近的广告宣传对提高销售额起到了显著作用。She is quiet and studious, in marked contrast to her sister.她沉静、勤奋,与她妹妹形成了鲜明的对照。 markedly


Her background is markedly different from her husband's.她的出身背景和她丈夫截然不同。This year's sales have risen markedly.今年的销售额明显提高了。
striking very likely to attract attention by being interesting and unusual 引人注目的;异乎寻常的;显著的She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.她酷似她姐姐。What is immediately striking is how resourceful the children are.最令人注目的是孩子们出色的应变能力。 see also striking beautiful 1 strikingly


The two polls produced strikingly different results.两次民意测验得出的结果截然不同。
distinct / /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ / easy to hear, see, feel, smell, taste or understand 清晰的,清楚的,明显的(指容易从感官上分辨出来或容易理解)There was a distinct smell of gas.明显有一股煤气味。His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.他说话声音不大,但字字清晰。 OPP indistinct vague distinctly


I distinctly heard someone calling my name.我清楚地听到有人在叫我的名字。
conspicuous / /kənˈspɪkjuəs/ / easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention by being unusual or different 显而易见的;明显的;惹人注意的I felt very conspicuous in my new car.开着新车,我觉得十分惹眼。Bay windows are a conspicuous feature of his architecture.凸窗是他的建筑设计的一个显著特征。OPP inconspicuous invisible conspicuously


Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.引人注意的是,规划委员会里没有一个女性委员。
unmistakable ( less frequent unmistakeable) that cannot be mistaken for sb/sth else 不会弄错的;确定无疑的;清楚明白的Her accent was unmistakable.她的口音很明显。The main symptom is a scarlet rash that's quite unmistakable.主要症状是非常明显的猩红色皮疹。the unmistakable sound of gunfire清清楚楚的枪炮声 unmistakably His accent was unmistakably British.他明显操英国口音。 sharp [usually before noun] clear and easy to see or understand 清楚明确的;清晰的;鲜明的The sky was dark, with only the outlines of dockside warehouses standing sharp on the skyline.天空一片阴霾,只有码头边货栈的轮廓清晰地映现在天际。She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.她将国内政治和国际政治截然分开。The issue must be brought into sharper focus.必须使这个问题更加突出。In this meaning sharp is used to describe the contrast between different ideas or issues, or between different things in a view or picture. 表达此义时,sharp用以描述不同观点或问题之间的对比,或描述风景或画面中不同事物之间的对比。 see also stark plain adj. 2 pronounced (especially written) easy to see or notice 显而易见的;明显的;显著的He walked with a pronounced limp.他走路明显跛足。She had a pronounced Scottish accent.她的苏格兰口音很明显。 definite [usually before noun] easy to see or notice 显而易见的;明显的;显著的The look on her face was a definite sign that something was wrong.一看她的神色就知道出事了。There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse.人们明显感到情况越来越糟。NOTE 辨析 Marked, pronounced or definite?In many cases you can use any of these words, especially when talking about changes or differences. Marked is used most often for these, especially in a business context. Pronounced is also more written than spoken, but is used more to talk about physical or personal characteristics. Definite is used to talk about things that you can see or feel. 在很多情况下,特别是指变化或差异明显时,这几个词可以通用。marked最常形容变化和差异,尤用于商务语境。pronounced用于书面语多于口语,多形容身体或个人特征。definite形容看得见或感觉得到的事物。 decided [only before noun] easy to notice; that there can be no disagreement about 明显的;明白无误的;一致认定的Her recent work has shown a decided improvement.她最近的工作已有了显著改进。His height was a decided advantage in the game.从事这项运动,他的身高是明显优势。 decidedly


Things were looking decidedly gloomy.局势看来显然不妙。




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