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exclusive adj. ⇨ exclusive (an exclusive school) ⇨ own (an exclusive interview) ⇨ mutually exclusive ⇨ inconsistentexclusive adjective exclusive ♦︎ elitist ♦︎ selectThese words all describe a group, society, place, etc. which is only available to a small group of people, especially those with money or a high social position. 这些词均表示某一群体独享的、专属的、高档豪华的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an exclusive / a select group / clientele◆an exclusive / elitist image◆very exclusive / select■ exclusive / /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ / (of a group or society) not willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class; (of a product or service) of a high quality and expensive and therefore not often bought or used by most people (团体或社团)排外的,不愿接收(较低阶层)新成员的;(产品或服务)高档的◆She had been sent to one of London's most exclusive girls' schools.她被送到伦敦一所最高级的女子贵族学校就读。◆His clientele was exclusive and wealthy.他的客户来自上层社会,很富有。◆an exclusive hotel豪华旅馆◆exclusive designer shops / clothes高档名牌商店/服装OPP inclusive ⓘ Inclusive describes sth that includes a wide range of people, things or ideas. * inclusive意为范围广泛的◆The party must adopt more inclusive strategies and a broader vision.该党必须采取更面向大众的策略,更有远见。 ■ elitist /eɪˈliːtɪst, ɪliːtɪst/ (especially of a system or society) organized in such a way that only a few people have power or influence (尤指体系或社团)精英主义的,精英统治的◆Teachers deny that the system is elitist.教师否认这是个精英统治的体系。◆Sailing is seen as an elitist sport.帆船运动被认为是一种精英运动。 see also elite ⇨ elite noun , elite ⇨ top adj. ▸ elitism /eɪˈliːtɪzəm, ɪˈliːtɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] ◆Many people believe that private education encourages elitism.许多人认为私立教育助长精英主义。■ select (of a society, club or place) used only by people who have a lot of money and/or a high social position (社团、俱乐部或地方)有钱有地位的人使用的◆They live in a very select area.他们住在一个高档住宅区。◆It is a select restaurant with fine Italian food.那是一家高级意大利美食餐馆。 own adjective own ♦︎ personal ♦︎ individual ♦︎ private ♦︎ subjective ♦︎ exclusiveThese words are all used to talk about sth that belongs to or is connected with one particular person. 这些词均表示自己的、本人的、个人的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sb's own / personal / individual / private / subjective experience◆sb's own / personal / private / subjective opinion◆sb's own / personal / private / exclusive property◆sb's own / personal / individual needs / requirements / objectives / freedom■ own belonging to or connected with a particular person; done or produced by and for yourself 自己的;本人的;自己做的;为自己的◆It was her own idea.那是她自己的主意。◆I saw it with my own eyes (= I didn't hear about it from sb else).我亲眼看见的。◆Our children are grown up and have children of their own.我们的子女都已长大成人,有了自己的孩子。◆For reasons of his own (= special reasons that perhaps only he knew about) he refused to join the club.出于个人的原因,他谢绝加入俱乐部。◆The accident happened through no fault of her own.这一事故的发生不是她本人的过错。◆He wants to come into the business on his own terms.他想依自己开出的条件加入这家公司。◆I need a room of my own.我需要有一个自己的房间。◆I have my very own room at last.我终于有了自己的房间。◆She makes all her own clothes.她的衣服都是自己做的。ⓘ Own cannot be used after an article. * own不能用在冠词之后◆I need my own room.我需要有自己的房间。◆I need an own room. ◆It's good to have your own room.有自己的房间真好。◆It's good to have a room of the own. ■ personal [only before noun] your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else 个人的;私人的◆They packed up their personal belongings and left.他们收拾好自己的个人物品离开了。◆The receptionist asked for my personal details (= my name, age, etc.).接待员询问了我的个人资料。◆Of course, this is just a personal opinion.当然了,这只是个人意见。◆The novel is written from personal experience.这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。◆All hire cars are for personal use (= not business use) only.所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。◆Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture.用模板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。◆He has run a personal best of just under four minutes.他跑出了刚好低于四分钟的个人最好成绩。▸ personally adverb ◆Personally, I prefer the second option.就我个人而言,我倾向第二种选择。■ individual [only before noun] connected with one person; designed for one person 一个人的;供一人用的◆Respect for individual freedom is a cornerstone of our culture.对个人自由的尊重是我们文化的基石。◆Try to measure in individual portions how much people will eat.根据每个人的食量,尽量估算出大伙儿要吃多少。OPP communal ⇨ common see also individual ⇨ particular adj. , individual ⇨ person noun ▸ individually adverb ◆The manager spoke to them all individually.经理和他们每个人逐一谈话。■ private [usually before noun] belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use 私有的;私用的;自用的◆The sign said, 'Private property. Keep out.'标牌上写着:“私人宅地,禁止入内。”◆Those are my father's private papers.那些都是我父亲的私人文件。◆The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.这家旅馆有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。 OPP public ⇨ common see also privacy ⇨ privacy NOTE 辨析 Personal or private? Personal things, details, etc. actually belong to a particular individual person and not any other individual person. Private things belong to a particular person or group, or are for them to use; they are not for people in general. Personal property usually consists of small items that belong to a particular person; private property is land that belongs to a particular person or group of people. * personal描述物品、资料等时指这些东西实际上归特定的某个人而非任何其他个人所有。private描述物品时指此物归特定的个人或集体所有,或归他们私用,而非公用。personal property通常指归特定的个人所有的小物件,private property指归特定的个人或群体所有的地产。■ subjective (sometimes disapproving) based on your own ideas and opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair 主观的;带个人偏见的◆a highly subjective point of view非常主观的看法◆Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.每个人的意见都必定是主观的。 OPP objective ⇨ objective ▸ subjectively adverb ◆People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.主观因素介入愈少,愈能作出恰当的判断。■ exclusive / /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ / only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group (个人或集体)专用的,专有的,独占的◆The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.这家旅馆有通向海滩的专用通道。◆exclusive rights to televise the World Cup世界杯赛的独家电视播放权◆His mother has told 'The Times' about his death in an exclusive interview (= not given to any other newspaper).他的母亲在接受《泰晤士报》的独家采访时谈到了他的死。 inconsistent adjective inconsistent ♦︎ incompatible ♦︎ contradictory ♦︎ at odds ♦︎ mutually exclusive ♦︎ irreconcilableThese words all describe things being of different types that cannot be mixed or put together. 这些词均表示不一致、不相容、相矛盾。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆inconsistent / incompatible / at odds / irreconcilable with sth◆totally inconsistent / incompatible / contradictory / at odds / irreconcilable◆somewhat inconsistent / incompatible / contradictory / at odds◆apparently inconsistent / incompatible / contradictory / irreconcilable◆clearly inconsistent / incompatible / at odds◆mutually inconsistent / incompatible / contradictory / exclusive■ inconsistent / /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ / [not usually before noun] (rather formal) if two statements, etc. are inconsistent, or one is inconsistent with the other, they cannot both be true because they give the facts in a different way 不一致;相矛盾◆The report is inconsistent with the financial statements.报告与财务报表内容不一致。◆The witnesses' statements were inconsistent.证人的证词相互抵触。ⓘ Actions can also be inconsistent with a set of standards or ideas. * inconsistent with sth亦可表示行为不符合某套标准或思想◆Her behaviour was clearly inconsistent with her beliefs.她的行为显然违背了她的信仰。 OPP consistent ⓘ Statements, etc. that are consistent agree with each other. * consistent表示陈述一致、相符、不矛盾◆The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.这些结果与我们先前的研究完全吻合。 ▸ inconsistency noun [uncountable, countable] ◆There is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements.证人的证词与他们先前的陈述有些出入。◆I noticed a few inconsistencies in her argument.我发现她的论证中有几处矛盾。■ incompatible / /ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl/ / (rather formal, especially written) (of two actions or ideas) not acceptable or possible together because of basic differences; (of two things) of different types so that they cannot be used or mixed together (两种做法或想法)不一致,不相配;(两种事物)不匹配,不兼容◆The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.这份工作的上班时间和家庭生活有冲突。◆New computer software is often incompatible with older computers.新的计算机软件往往和旧式计算机不兼容。◆Those two blood groups are incompatible.那两种血型不相容。OPP compatible ⓘ Actions, ideas or things that are compatible can exist or be used together. * compatible表示行为、想法或事物可共存、相兼容◆compatible software可兼容的软件◆Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?保护环境的措施与经济增长协调吗? ■ contradictory /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri; NAmE ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪktəri/ (rather formal, especially written) containing or showing a lack of agreement between facts or opinions 相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的◆We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.我们眼前的这两种说法显然是矛盾的。◆The advice I received was often contradictory.我所得到的建议常常是相互矛盾的。 see also contradict ⇨ conflict verb , contradiction ⇨ conflict noun ■ at ˈodds idiom different from sth, when the two things should be the same (本该相同的事物)有差异,不相符◆These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.这些调研结果与国内其他地区的实际情况并不相符。 see also be at odds ⇨ conflict verb ■ ˌmutually exˈclusive phrase (often used in negative statements 常用于否定陈述) (rather formal, especially written) not able to exist or be true at the same time as sth else 相互排斥的◆The two options are not mutually exclusive (= you can have them both).这两种选择并不相互排斥。ⓘ Not mutually exclusive is used to talk about things that people might think are different or unable to exist together, but in fact are the same, or quite able to exist together. Typical collocates include approaches, alternatives, options, assumptions, categories and possibilities. * not mutually exclusive用以描述有可能被视为不同或不能共存但事实上却是相同或可以共存的事物。常见搭配词有approach、alternative、option、assumption、category和possibility。■ irreconcilable /ɪˈrekənsaɪləbl, ɪˌrekənˈsaɪləbl/ (formal) (of disagreements) so great that it is not possible to settle them; (of two different ideas or opinions) so different that it is impossible for sb to believe them both (分歧)不能调和的,无法化解的;(两种不同的思想或观点)相对立的,矛盾的◆The break-up was due to 'irreconcilable differences'.关系破裂是由于“无法调和的分歧”。◆This view is irreconcilable with common sense.这个观点有悖于常识。 |